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  on one of her regular visits to new york from virginia, christine breighner told rebecca damon, a longtime friend, that she didn't want to visit the tourist sites she'd seen before. she wanted to extend her horizons beyond the latest broadway show or exhibit at the met. not too long before, damon had received a brochure advertising a call-and-response chanting session called kirtan after a yoga class. now she passed it along

  "i read the brochure and said, 'oh, that might challenge my comfort zone, so we should do it,' " said breighner.

  recently, breighner and damon attended a friday night kirtan at the integral yoga institute. the two friends, along with about 60 participants, sat on cushions facing a group of musicians who wore traditional indian kurtas — collarless cotton tunics — and played a variety of instruments, including bongos, a wooden flute and harmonium, an accordion-like organ.

  for about two hours, the musicians played and chanted in sanskrit while the audience responded when moved. some clapped and swayed as they repeated the words; others simply listened with closed eyes and beatific smiles. the mood became more festive as the evening wore on, with many participants jumping up to dance: springing straight up and down, making chorus-line kicks and even walking on their hands.

  it was a definite scene — a mix of a religious revival meeting, a grateful dead concert, and summer camp. and it could certainly challenge many comfort zones. but if you can adjust your comfort level to include white people in dreadlocks and saris, if you can roll with belting out several rounds of "hare krishna" and "om nama shivaya," then you might just enjoy yourself.

  and with the average kirtan in new york requesting a donation of $10 to $15, it's a relatively inexpensive route to bliss in difficult times.

  as with meditation, the intent of chanting is to calm and focus the mind, relieving it from its usual chatter — grocery lists, money worries, petty arguments. "chanting works well because it engages the mind and because it's musical," said mitra somerville, 49, who leads integral's community kirtan. "the melody and the vibration of the words are very soothing and uplifting so people can really connect with it."

  and an increasing number of americans seem to be connecting with kirtan. at the omega center in rhinebeck, new york, attendance to its ecstatic chant festival has doubled over the last five years. the numbers are also up at integral. jo sgammato, 57, the center's general manager, said the friday-night kirtan would have about 25 participants 10 years ago; now the center will sometimes host 400 in a single weekend when kirtan stars like krishna das, jai uttal and wah! perform. at the jivamukti yoga school in manhattan, 700 people came last september to see krishna das, setting a record for kirtan at the center.

  if you've ever taken a yoga class where a rich, sonorous voice chanted on cd, chances are it was krishna das, who has become so popular over the last five years that he now performs at mainstream venues like the wadsworth theater in los angeles, the berklee performance center in boston and last month at town hall in manhattan.


  full disclosure: this is an opinionated rant. why do i have to go to linkedin, facebook, and twitter to send messages? why do people insist on using these non-standard messaging systems? if people said, "don't call me on the telephone -- i prefer the delephone," you would think they were crazy. for a while, this was a minor inconvenience, but now it is starting to get out of control.

  do what you gotta do some people won't respond to email (or take a while to respond) but reply immediately when you contact them with twitter direct messages. other people do the same in facebook or friendfeed. and yet other people send messages that pile up in yooh, and then i get the skype pings.

  and gmail chat requests.

  oops, almost forgot friendfeed.

  this is getting out of hand. do what you gotta do. if one of these is the only way to reach somebody i need to reach, then i'll use it. but these are too many messaging systems, and they are becoming a productivity drain.

  open standards always win lots of people say that email sucks, that it's broken. this "e-fail" mantra is really about the inadequacy of email systems, something that many entrepreneurs recognize and are aiming to fix. the reason why email will always be with us is that it is an open standard, and this mantra is always worth repeating:

  * open standards always win

  * open standards always win

  * open standards always win

  winners and losers from a standards shakeout twitter has possibly gotten this right once again. because it is open, anybody can build an interface for its direct messages.

  linkedin totally fails on this count. linkedin is a great and very useful research tool. when i don't know how to contact somebody, finding out which of my contacts knows them is invaluable. i use it frequently. but then, i want to be able to contact that person by email (or telephone, or twitter if that is their preference). linkedin's messaging system is simply an irrelevant chore.

  methinks facebook messaging may go the same way. not being a big facebook user, i may miss the point. but i have noticed that the sort of person who in the past preferred to be contacted via facebook now prefers communication via twitter.

  the integration opportunity

  this pain point is, of course, an opportunity. this integration has been referred to in the past as "unified messaging," but many of those solutions were too complex. you needed to buy into everything to use it at all.

  some great solutions are probably already out there. i am not talking about something like tweetdeck, which is perfect for somebody who lives in twitter. rather, the interesting thing is integrating twitter direct messages into existing messaging and email systems.


  people in the us have a special camp to go to this summer.


  those who are tired of the social media treadmill and want to unplug for a couple of days can consider going to a fast-growing summer camp three hours outside of san francisco, reported reuters.


  checking into the camp involves handing over your personal electronics to volunteers in white lab coats.


  camp grounded, now in its second year, offers hyper-connected attendees a break from the incessant noise of social media relentlessly battling for their attention.

  這個(gè)名為camp grounded的夏令營,開營已有兩年。那些隨時(shí)活在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的人們可以通過參加這個(gè)夏令營與吵雜的社交媒體短暫告別,不再為怎么出風(fēng)頭而苦惱。

  the rules of this “digital detox” camp are clear: no shop talk, no alcohol, and most importantly, no phones, computers, tablets or watches.


  co-founder levi felix has stressed it is not just an experience for tech workers, although current and former silicon valley employees make up a big part of the clientele. this year, campers ranged from college grads to recent retirees, felix said in an interview with reuters.


  in recent years, the “unplugging movement” has been gathering steam, although it has been criticized by the press for stirring “postmodern techno-anxiety” and failing to recognize the positive impacts of technology. each march, thousands of people unplug from their devices for 24 hours, as part of an event organized by the nonprofit organization reboot.


  tech-free getaway options like camp grounded are growing in the us, reported npr. hotels like the lake placid lodge in new york and hotel monaco chicago are offering digital detox or “black-out” services. the “check-in to check-out” package at the lake placid lodge invites guests to leave their electronic devices at the front desk to enjoy the peace and serenity of their environment.

  據(jù)npr的報(bào)道,像camp grounded這種逃離科技、回歸原始的生活方式在美國正為越來越多的人接受。一些酒店,如紐約的普萊西德湖酒店、摩納哥芝加哥酒店,都推出了“數(shù)碼排毒”與“熄燈”服務(wù)。普萊西德湖酒店更是推出“入住即獲解放”服務(wù),其顧客可以將自己的電子產(chǎn)品全部寄放在前臺(tái),盡情享受自然的寧靜與內(nèi)心的平和。

  time to take control


  david stewart, founder of socialstudio, a company making social media applications, said he was not surprised that the digital detox camp was teeming with techies. “people designing addictive products are the most aware of the occasional human need to be free from them,” he said, admitting it can be a challenge for developers to strike a balance between engaging users and spamming them with notifications.


  with no iphones or computers to distract them, campers at camp grounded participate in “playshops” featuring yoga, laughing contests and writing sessions, the npr reported.

  另據(jù)npr報(bào)道,沒有了iphone和電腦的干擾,camp grounded的營員會(huì)參加各種有趣的活動(dòng),包括瑜伽、大笑比賽、以及寫作課程。

  but for many of the participants, the most exciting activity is conversation. campers adopt nicknames and are barred from talking about work or disclosing their age. npr quoted one participant as saying that not being able to discuss work or even reveal their actual names allows everyone to quickly understand each other on a more personal level.


  felix says that life off the grid is not the end goal of the retreat. “it’s not about not using [technology]. it’s about being in control of using it,” he told the npr. “it’s all about what you do when the devices are gone.”










各種生活方式、健康生活,歡迎點(diǎn)擊 ☆★美國人的現(xiàn)代生活方式★☆ 現(xiàn)代人的生活方式英語閱讀:刮起瑜伽風(fēng) 健康生活方式英文閱讀:懶人有理,不疊被