【完美短語(yǔ)】GossipGirl: 1、borrow your muscles 幫忙干點(diǎn)體力活,Dan, can I borrow your muscles? PS:如果是borrow your shoulder就是借你肩膀用一下,2、off base 大錯(cuò)特錯(cuò),You're really off base right now. 3、clear the air 澄清事實(shí),消除誤會(huì),I wanted to clear the air.
【“悶熱”該怎么表達(dá)】1.muggy: a muggy July day(悶熱的七月天)2.hot and stuffy:這個(gè)用法是將“悶”和“熱”分開來說。“stuffy”表示“通風(fēng)不良的,悶人的” 3.Sweltering:這個(gè)形容詞是由“swelter”變過來的,表示“悶熱 / 熱得難受”等。比如:We were sweltering in our winter clothes.
【道路詞匯】國(guó)道:national highway 高速路:highway/expressway 收費(fèi)路:turnpike road 隧道:tunnel 公交線路:bus route 單行道:one-way street 雙行道:dual carriageway 內(nèi)環(huán)路:inner ring road 外環(huán)路:outer ring road 人行道:pavement/sidewalk 人行橫道:zebra crossing 地下通道:underpass
【關(guān)于水果的英語(yǔ)】pineapple菠蘿 watermelon西瓜 tomato西紅柿 banana香蕉 shaddock (pomelo)柚子orange橙子 apple蘋果 lemon檸檬 cherry櫻桃peach桃子 pear梨 Chinese date棗 coconut椰子 strawberry草莓 raspberry樹莓 blueberry藍(lán)莓 blackberry黑莓 grape葡萄sugar cane甘蔗mango芒果pawpaw木瓜
pitaya火龍果 persimmon柿子 pomegranate石榴 durian榴蓮 areca nut檳榔果 kiwi fruit or Chinese gooseberry獼猴桃litchi荔枝 greengage青梅 haw山楂果 honey peach水蜜桃 musk melon香瓜,甜瓜 plum李子 waxberry楊梅 longan桂圓 starfruit楊桃 loquat枇杷tangerine柑橘
【完美短語(yǔ)】GossipGirl第三季: 1、knockoff 假冒名牌,山寨產(chǎn)品,Why do you have a knockoff designer wallet? 山寨還有一個(gè)說法是copycat, 2、out of sight, out of mind. 眼不見,心不煩,I thought after the whole arrest scandal, out of sight, out of mind.
1、back off 讓步,I'm backing off. 2、cooped up 禁閉,And thank god you did, because I've been cooped up here all day long. 3、in a row 連著來,連續(xù)的,That's two nights in a row. 4、enough is enough 夠了,別鬧了,Serena, enough is enough.
【值得推薦的八部英語(yǔ)愛情電影】1、Love Actually 真愛至上2、The Notebook 戀戀筆記本 3、50 First Dates 初戀50次4、Definitely, Maybe 絕對(duì),也許 5、Bridget Jones's Diary BJ單身日記 6、A Walk in the Clouds 云中漫步7、Numb麻木8、The Holiday 戀愛假期
【老外愛吃什么中國(guó)菜】第一道:糖醋里脊 Sweet and Sour Pork。第二道:宮保雞丁Gong Bao Chicken。第三道:麻婆豆腐 Ma Po Bean Curd。第四道:餛飩 Wonton Soup。第五道:餃子 Dumplings。第六道:春卷 Spring Rolls。第七道:炒面 Chow Mein。第八道:烤鴨 Peking Duck
【調(diào)料類詞匯】醋 vinegar 醬油 soy sauce 鹽 salt 加碘鹽 iodized salt 糖 sugar 沙拉 salad 辣椒 hot pepper 胡椒 pepper 色拉油salad oil 冰糖 rock sugar 芝麻 sesame 枸杞medlar 面粉 flour 咖喱粉curry 番茄醬 catsup 蔥 shallot 姜 ginger 蒜 garlic 蠔油oyster sauce 香草精vanilla extract
【生活感悟】I'm doing okay, not great, not amazing, not horrible, just okay. And that is okay. 我過得還可以, 不好不壞,不驚不喜,一切只是還可以。這樣的生活我覺得也挺好。
【完美短語(yǔ)】GossipGirl第三季:1、strike out 創(chuàng)新,Where the old queen left off or strike out on her own? 2、keep an eye out for 留心,I'll make sure to keep an eye out for her. 3、wrap one's head around sth.努力去理解某事,I'm just trying to wrap my head around the fact.
1、turn a profit 賺到一筆盈利,取得一桶金My father turned his first profit by the time he was 22. 2、point being 重點(diǎn)是,Point being, I just got out of my first class.3、fill one's shoes 接過某人的責(zé)任,Still trying to fill your daddy's shoes?
I've had my best love before, but I didn't treasure her. When I lost her, I fell regretful. It's the most painful matter in the world.If God can give me another chance,I'll say 3 words to her: I love you. If you have to give a time limit to this love,I hope it's 10 thousand years
【名人名言】There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.任何值得去的地方,都沒有捷徑。
【生活感悟】Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present. 別讓你過去的悲哀,和對(duì)未來的恐懼,破壞了眼前的幸福。
【期刊雜志詞匯】期刊:periodical 雜志:journal/magazine 最新一期:latest issue 過刊:back number 內(nèi)部刊物:restricted publication 畫報(bào):pictorial 周刊:weekly 雙周刊:biweekly 月刊:monthly 半月刊:semi-monthly 合訂本:bound volume 發(fā)行:distribute 訂閱:subscribe 報(bào)攤:newsstand
【感悟】Change Your Words, Change Your World!改變文字(溝通方式),改變世界!Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life! 改變態(tài)度,改變?nèi)松?
【廚房】電飯鍋:electric cooker 高壓鍋:pressure cooker 煎鍋:frying pan 燉鍋:stewpot 榨汁機(jī):juicer 開水壺:kettle 面包機(jī):toaster 烤箱:oven 微波爐:microwave oven 抽油煙機(jī):range hood 洗碗機(jī):dishwasher切菜板:cutting board 開瓶器:opener 瓶塞鉆:corkscrew 打蛋器:eggbeater
【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】You meet thousands of people and none of them really touch you. And then you meet that one person and your life is changed. Forever.你遇見過千百個(gè)人,而他們只不過是匆匆過客;接著你就邂逅了那么一個(gè)人,改變了你的生命直到永遠(yuǎn)
【Kitchen Utensils】筷子:chopsticks 勺子:spoon 叉子:fork 吸管:straw 菜刀:kitchen knife 削皮刀:paring knife 長(zhǎng)柄湯勺:ladle 鍋鏟:slice 漏勺:skimmer 冰激凌勺:icecream scoop 搟面杖:rolling pin 水罐:jug/pitcher 研缽:mortar 漏斗:funnel 濾鍋:colander 保鮮膜:plastic wrap
【各種“會(huì)”】assembly集會(huì);convention會(huì)議; at-home party家庭宴會(huì);tea party茶會(huì);garden party游園會(huì);reading party讀書會(huì);wedding dinner / reception結(jié)婚宴會(huì);final sitting閉幕會(huì);seminar學(xué)術(shù)研討會(huì);box supper慈善餐會(huì);congress代表大會(huì)
【短語(yǔ)積累】1、soul searching 深思,Do some soul searching and find out what your life should be. 2、no love lost彼此厭惡,互不喜歡,There's no love lost between them. 3、for love or money無(wú)論如何,They'll not return for love or money
【natural disasters】地震:earthquake/tremor 海底地震:submarine earthquake 震級(jí):magnitude/Richter scale 余震:aftershock 海嘯:tsunami 山崩:landslide 泥石流:mud-rock flow 雪崩:avalanche 火山爆發(fā):volcanic eruption 龍卷風(fēng):tornado/cyclone 颶風(fēng):hurricane 沙塵暴:sandstorm
【完美短語(yǔ)】GossipGirl第三季: 1、hit it off 與某人處得來,Maybe now we'll hit it off. 2、jump to conclusion 妄下結(jié)論,You just jumped to conclusions. 3、go down the toilet 付諸東流,白費(fèi)功夫,It's no wonder that your marriage is going down the toilet.
1、loose term 不確切的表達(dá),"Friend" is a pretty loose term right now. 2、eat away 侵蝕,He'll always wonder, and it will eat away at him. 3、shut sb. out 排擠某人,He's shutting me out in his head all the time.