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  【怎樣回答How are you?】1. I feel terrible. 感覺糟透了 2. Fair to middling. 還過得去 3. Right as rain. 一切順利 4. I feel like a million bucks! 感覺棒極了!5. Better than ever. 好得不能再好了 6. So-so. 一般般 7. Can't complain. 沒啥好抱怨的 8. I am hanging on. 還活著

  【護(hù)膚英文詞匯】1、各種皮膚:Dry 干性皮膚 Oily 油性皮膚 Normal 中性皮膚 Combination 混合性皮膚 2、化妝品各種用途:Firm 緊膚 Nutritious 滋養(yǎng) Oilcontrol 控油 Repair 修護(hù) Remover 去除、卸妝Hydra 保濕 Anti-wrinkle 抗老防皺 Clean/Purify 清潔。

  【各種“錢”的英文表達(dá) 】1.cash 現(xiàn)金 2.coin 硬幣 3.note 紙幣 4.cheque 支票 5.change 零錢 6.fund 資金 7.tuition 學(xué)費(fèi) 8.cost 成本 9.tip 小費(fèi) 10. postage 郵資 11.admission 入場費(fèi) 12.rent 租金 13.freight 運(yùn)費(fèi) 14.fare 票價(jià) 15.dough 金錢 16.banknote 紙幣

  【Heart】1、I hope to win her heart and make her my bride.我希望能贏得她的芳心,娶她做新娘。2、He returned with a heavy heart. 他心情沉重地回來了。3、I just don't have the heart to tell him the bad news. 我實(shí)在不忍心告訴他那個(gè)壞消息。

  【諺語精選】1、Nothing seek, nothing find. 沒有追求就沒有收獲。2、No cross, no crown. 吃得苦中苦,方為人上人。3、Lost time is never found again. 歲月既往,一去不回。4、Every minute counts. 分秒必爭。

  【實(shí)用口語】 1、Why are you yelling at me?你干嘛朝我大喊大叫? 2、Don't give me that! 少來這套! 3、Don't over do it! 別做過頭了! 4、What's so weird about that? 那有什么好奇怪的? 5、That is disgusting. 太惡心了. 6、I would love to hear your thoughts. 我很想聽聽你的想法

  【一年樹谷,十年樹木,百年樹人】If you want 1 year of prosperity, grow grain. If you want 10 years of prosperity, grow trees. If you want 100 years of prosperity, grow people.

  【實(shí)用口語】1、I feel the same way.我也有同感 2、It's easier said than done.說起來容易做起來難啊. 3、Why torture yourself? 你這是何苦呢? 4、Leave it up to me. 這事就交給我吧。 5、Just wait and see. 走著瞧。6、I don't really have a choice. 我沒得選。

  【各種天氣】1、sunny weather 陽光明媚的天氣 2、unsettled weather 變化無常的天氣 3、broken weather 陰晴不定的天氣 4、lazy weather 使人倦懶的天氣 5、severe weather 惡劣的天氣 6、foggy weather 霧茫茫的天氣 7、moist weather 微濕的天氣 8、rainy weather雨天 9、hot weather大熱天

  【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】I can read every mind in this room. Apart from yours.我能讀懂這房間里所有人的心,卻讀不懂你的

  【這些英語表達(dá)你都知道嗎】English disease 軟骨病(不是英國病);Have a fit 勃然大怒(不是試穿);Horse sense 常識(shí)(不是馬的感覺);Black art (妖術(shù));White man 忠實(shí)可靠的人(不是皮膚白色的人);Green hand(新手);Eleventh hour 最后時(shí)刻(不是十一點(diǎn));Sweet water 淡水(不是糖水或者甜水);Dead president 美鈔(不是死了的總統(tǒng));Lover 情人(不是愛人);Sporting house 妓院(不是體育室);Busboy 餐館勤雜工(不是公汽售票員);Busybody 愛管閑事的人(不是大忙人)Dry goods 【美】紡織品,【英】谷物(不是干貨)

  【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】I miss you more than you can imagine You are all that is clean and cool and pure I close my eyes and fix my thoughts on you.我比你想像中的更思念你,你是那么清純恬靜,我閉上眼便想起你

  【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】I don't understand, the God would let us met if there's no way we make it together. 我不懂,上帝既然讓我們相遇了,為什么不能讓我們在一起。——《City of Angels》

  【實(shí)用口語】1、You're the same as always. 你還是老樣子。 2、You'll be sorry. 你會(huì)后悔的。 3、How come?怎么回事/怎么搞的? 4、Let's just get down to business! 讓我們切入正題吧! 5、That's an exaggeration! 夸張了吧! 6、What a disappointment. 真是失望透頂。

  【名人名言】If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things. 如果你想過得快樂,那就把生活和目標(biāo)結(jié)合在一起,而不是來自他人或物質(zhì)。

  【各種版本的“我再也不相信愛情了”】正常版:I will never ever believe in love. 四六級(jí)作文高分版:Never will I believe in love any more. 托福版:I'd rather die than believe in love. 谷歌機(jī)翻版:I do not believe love is the. 莎翁版:Oh love, never shall I believe in thee!

  【美劇口語】1、That's life.這就是人生。 2、The rest is history. 眾所皆知。 3、That's really something.真了不起。4、I dare you. 我量你們也不敢。 5、You look very serious about something.你似乎有很嚴(yán)重的事。

  【實(shí)用口語】1、What the hell!搞什么呀! 2、Off base! 太離譜了吧! 3、What kind of talk is that? 你這是說什么話? 4、I didn’t do it on purpose. 我不是故意的。 5 、I feel the same way. 我也這么想。 6、You haven’t changed a bit! 你一點(diǎn)都沒變!

  【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】It wasn't so hard to cross that street after all; it all depends on who’s waiting for you on the other side. 其實(shí)穿過那條街道并不難,關(guān)鍵要看街對(duì)面是誰在等你。

  【給力英語短句】1、Look away! 別看!2、Right on! 說/干得好!3、I quit!我不干了! 4、Damn it!該死!5、Let go! 放手!6、Watch out! 小心!7、Hang on!等一下!8、No need to discuss! 免談!9、So annoying! 討厭!10、What a coincidence! 真巧!

  【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】Sometimes you have to be apart from people you love, but that doesn't make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more. 有時(shí),你不得不離開你所愛的人,但分開不會(huì)令愛磨滅,反而愛得更深。

  【實(shí)用口語】1、You are good with words. 你真會(huì)說話。 2、I'm gonna be direct. 我就不拐彎抹角了。 3、There's still hope. 還是有希望的。4、You're full of crap.你廢話連篇! 5、Far from it! 還差得遠(yuǎn)呢! 6、What is your problem? 你怎么了?


  【最優(yōu)美的英文單詞】Ripple=A very small wave.微波;漣漪Mellifluous=Sweet sounding.聲音甜美的;悅耳動(dòng)聽的。Opulent=Lush, luxuriant. 富裕的;奢華的。Penumbra= A half-shadow.半明半暗。Redolent= Fragrant.芬芳的;香氣馥郁的。Quintessence= The most essential features.精華;精髓;本質(zhì)。

  【實(shí)用口語】 1、Wake up and smell the coffee! 面對(duì)現(xiàn)實(shí)吧! 2、Let's go Dutch! 各付各的/分?jǐn)偘? 3、What a rip-off! 真是敲竹杠啊! 4、That's not the point. 這不是重點(diǎn)。 5 、It's not gonna work. 行不通的!6、What a mess! 亂七八糟。 7、Long time no see. 好久不見。

  【名人名言】Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.奇跡有時(shí)候是會(huì)發(fā)生的,但是你得為之拼命地努力

  【美劇常用臺(tái)詞】1、Do it yourself, then. 既然如此,你自己來吧。2、That's more like it. 這才像話。3、That's going too far. 太過分了! 4、See. / I told you (so). 我老早告訴過你。5、I'm counting on you. / You're my only hope. 就指望你了 6、Do something (about it) ! 想想辦法吧!

  【名人名言】1.There are no shortcuts to success.成功沒有捷徑。2.Great relationships are the most important thing.良好的人際關(guān)系很重要。3.Do what you love.做你喜歡做的事

  【稱贊女性的詞匯】part1、winning-贏得眾人目光 sensuous-眼花繚亂的美 delectable-可口 desirable-令人向往, enticing-誘人 lovely-可愛可人 covetable-眾人渴望 irresistible-無法抗拒 dreamy-夢幻般 adorable-可愛 engaging-有魅力 teasing-撩撥人 magnetic-有磁性 fetching-引人迷戀

  part2、breathtaking-令人贊嘆 dazzling-耀眼 classy-品味高 graceful-優(yōu)雅得體 ravishing-令人陶醉 angelic-如天使般 radiant-光彩奪目 alluring-迷人誘惑 refined-優(yōu)雅 enchanting-迷人 seductive-美麗誘惑 stunning-極漂亮 tempting-誘惑人 gorgeous-美艷燦爛的

  part3、dreamy-夢幻般taking-迷人的 adorable-可愛dainty-小巧精致 scrumptious-極漂亮 celestial-仙女下凡 bewitching-迷人的, superb-極美麗的beauteous-如詩般地美麗 devilish-魔鬼般的亮艷 rapturous-令人狂喜 otherworldly-超脫塵世的 elegant-優(yōu)雅 well-formed-儀態(tài)優(yōu)雅 divine-神仙般美麗

  【實(shí)用口語】 1、Will it never end? 沒完沒了。2、That's too much!/You've gone too far! 太過分了!3、Make a long story short. 長話短說。4、How did it come to this? 豈有此理!5 、What's the rush? 你急什么?6、Who said that? 誰說的?

  1、I'm numb. 我已經(jīng)麻木了。 2、Don't be a stranger! 別這么見外!3、How should I say this? 這該怎么說呢?4、Don't blow it out of proportion. 別小題大做了。5、Where were we? 我們剛說到哪?6、Who do you think you are? 你算什么東西?

  【各種"別鬧了"的英語表達(dá)】1、Cut it out. 2、Knock it off! 3、Enough! 4、Stop it. 5、Give me a break. 6、Drop it! 7、You'd better save your slaver. 8、Come off it. 9、Come on. 10、Are you done? 11、Shut up. 12、Save it. 你一般會(huì)怎么說?

  【久別重復(fù)時(shí)該怎么表達(dá)】1、It's been a long time./Long time no see. 好久不見;2、How have you been(doing)?最近怎么樣? 3、What have you been doing?忙什么呢?4、You haven't changed at all.你沒怎么變。or:You've really changed.你變了。5、You look great.你看上去不錯(cuò)。

  【名人名言】I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.我不以一個(gè)人爬得多高來衡量他的成功,而是看他跌到谷底時(shí)能反彈多高。

  【光】陽光:sunshine 眩光/強(qiáng)光:flare/glare/glow 火光:blaze 光線:ray of light 光束:beam 曙光:light of dawn 朝霞:rosy dawn 晚霞:evening glow 暮色:twilight 微光:glimmer 暗光:dim light 昏暗:gloom 光波:light wave 光譜:spectrum 光環(huán):halo 極光:aurora

  【love】1、I love you with all my heart.我全心全意愛你。2、My love for you is as deep as the sea.對(duì)你的愛似海深。3、We're a right match.我們是天生一對(duì)。4、I'll love you as long as I live.愛你一輩子(愛你千萬年)。 5、I love you more than I can say.我對(duì)你的愛無法用言語表達(dá)。

  【經(jīng)典臺(tái)詞】Maybe the happy ending is this: knowing that through all the unreturned phone calls, and broken hearts, through all the blunders and misread signals, through all of the pain and embarrassment, you never, ever gave up hope. —— 《He's just not that into you》

  【實(shí)用口語】 1、Happens all the time. 常有的事。 2、No wonder. 難怪。 3、Cut the crap! 少說廢話! 4、Don't even think about it! 想都別想! 5 、I'll take a rain check. 改天吧! 6、Just go with the flow. 順其自然。 7、So that‘s how it is! 原來如此。

  【你是哪類性格?】purposeful 意志堅(jiān)強(qiáng)的;generous-寬宏大量的;genteel-有教養(yǎng)的; gentle-有禮貌的; impartial公正的;independent-獨(dú)立的; industrious勤奮的;temperate 穩(wěn)健的;tireless 孜孜不倦的;sensible 明白事理的、敏感的;steady 踏實(shí)的、沉著的;liverish 暴躁的、易怒的