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  【wedding】求婚:proposal 媒人:matchmaker 訂婚:engagement 未婚夫:fiance 未婚妻:fiancee 婚宴:wedding feast 婚紗:wedding gown 新郎:groom 新娘:bride 男儐相:bestman 女儐相:bridesmaid 證婚人:witness of wedding 婚誓:wedding vows 花童:flower girl 嫁妝:dowry 蜜月:honeymoon

  Marriage——合法婚姻:legal marriage 再婚:remarry 重婚:bigamy 試婚:trial marriage 包辦婚姻:arranged marriage 近親結(jié)婚:intermarriage 老少配:May and December marriage 如意郎君:Mr.Right 閃婚:flash marriage 婚前檢查:premarital check-ups 一夫一妻:monogamy 離婚:divorce

  【實(shí)用口語】 1、No use asking you. 問你也是白問。 2、You've got some nerve. 你好大的膽子。 3、What do you want? 你到底想怎樣? 4、You're not worth my time. 我才懶得理你。5、Why didn't you say so? 為什么不早說?6、 Is that so? 是這樣子的嗎?

  【生活感悟】Sometimes, you just need to stop for a while and look around at all the beautiful things in your life. 有時候,你得停一下腳步,看一看自己生活中所有美好的東西。

  【給力英語短語】1、Keep it down! 別鬧了! 2、Enough! 夠了! 3、Get out! 滾開! 4、No way! 沒門! 5、You dare? 你敢? 6、What for?何必呢? 7、Don't bother me. 別煩我! 8、Over my dead body! 休想!9、Get it?懂了嗎? 10、It's up to you! 隨便你!

  【古典小說英文名】《三國演義》Romance of Three Kingdoms 《水滸傳》The Outlaws of the Marsh《西游記》 Pilgrimage to the West 《紅樓夢》A Dream of Red Mansions《聊齋志異》Strange Tales from a Scholar's Studio 《金瓶梅》The Golden Lotus 《封神演義》The Legend of Deification

  【實(shí)用口語】 1、Have a heart! 行行好嘛! 2、Stop pretending! 別裝了! 3、Piss me off! 氣死我了! 4、That's an exaggeration! 太夸張了! 5 、You are dreaming! 你做夢! 6、What for? 何必呢?為什么呢?7、Behave! 安分點(diǎn)!

  【給力英語短句】1、Who cares!誰在乎! 2、Watch me! 看我的! 3、It depends!看情況了!4、Shit happens! 人生不如意時常八九! 5、Hell, no! 我死都不要! 6、Case closed! 好,別再提了!7、Move along! 快一點(diǎn)!8、Why me? 為什么是我? 9、Think twice! 三思而后行!10、Screw you!去你的!

  【heavy】heavy traffic:交通擁堵 heavy smoker/drinker:煙鬼/酒鬼 heavy rain/snow:大雨/大雪 heavy sleep:沉睡 heavy sky:天色陰沉 heavy schedule:日程緊張 heavy food:難消化的食物 heavy casulties:大量傷亡 heavy police guard:警戒森嚴(yán) heavy makeup:濃妝


  【各種“怒”】angry—mad—vexed—moody—cross—furious—wrathful—sulky—pissed off—annoyed—irritated—displeased—offended—provoked—enraged—indignant—exasperated—outraged—lose temper—have a fit—burst into anger—fly into a rage—blow one's top—hit the ceiling

  【各種小吃】藍(lán)莓蛋撻:blueberry tart 爆米花:popcorn 酒釀圓子:glutinous rice balls in fermented rice wine 蒸餃:steamed dumplings 蝦片:prawn crackers 牛肉腸粉:steamed rice rolls with beef 羊肉串:shish kebab 雞蛋餅:omelettes 脆皮春卷:crispy Spring rolls 鹵蛋:marinated egg 歡迎補(bǔ)充!

  【那些人】1. doormat:忍氣吞聲的人 2.wet blanket:掃興的人 3.cold fish:冷漠的人 4.oyster:沉默寡言的人 5.wall flower:舞會上沒有舞伴的女性 6.lazy bone:懶漢 7.baby-kisser:為競選而籠絡(luò)人心的政客 8.lame duck:即將下臺或落選的官員 9.backseat driver:多管閑事的人10. bench warmer:候補(bǔ)球員


  【英語問工作】1、What's your job?/ What do you do?/ What do you do for a living? 你是做什么工作的?2、What line of work are you in? 你做哪一行?3、What's your position?你的職位是什么?4、What's your title?你的頭銜是什么?5、What's your occupation?你的職業(yè)是什么?

  【關(guān)于success】box-office success非常賣座;overnight success一夜成名;instant success馬到成功;approach success接近成功;guarantee success保證成功; success rate成功率; eager for instant success and quick profits急功近利; achieve/win/attain/get/gain/enjoy/score/secure success取得成功

  【dance】街舞:street dance 民族舞:folk dance 芭蕾:ballet 踢踏舞:tap dance 爵士舞:jazz 脫衣舞:striptease 肚皮舞:belly dance 交誼舞:ballroom dance 拉丁舞:latin dance 草裙舞:hula 倫巴:rumba 探戈:tango 桑巴:samba 華爾茲:waltz 狐步:foxtrot 弗拉門戈:flamenco 迪斯科:disco

  【完美短語】1、take a hard look at sth 密切注意,認(rèn)真審視,It's time you took a hard look at your life. 2、come up against sth遭遇,We come up against all kinds of fires in our lives. 3、be entitled to sth有…權(quán)利,Everyone's entitled to their secrets,

  【諺語精選】1、Faith moves mountains. 精誠所至,金石為開;2、Fact is stranger than fiction. 大千世界,無奇不有; 3、Fire proves gold, adversity proves man. 烈火識真金,逆境識英雄。

  1、Good(or Great) wits jump. 英雄所見略同;2、Give everyone his due. 一視同仁;3、Good wine needs no bush. 酒香不怕巷子深; 4、Go to the sea, if you would fish well. 不入虎穴焉得虎子

  【完美短語】GossipGirl第三季:1、labor of love 心甘情愿做的工作,Looks like your work troubles have just turned into a labor of love. 2、come to one's senses 想明白了,覺悟了,I knew he would come to his senses. 3、rat out 出賣,He ratted me out to our parents.1、outdo 超越,勝過,Well, you've outdone yourself. 2、run an errand 跑腿兒,I was running errands, and k.C. Asked me to drop off your jimmy fallon interview. 3、on the outs 鬧翻了,不和,I'm kind of on the outs with the Vander bilts right now

  【結(jié)婚誓言】For better, for worse; for richer, for poorer; in sickness and in health; to love and to cherish, till death us do part !無論甘苦,無論貧富,無論病痛健康,我們彼此相愛相惜,至死不渝!

  【給力英語短句】1、Let go!放手!2、Forget it!休想!3、No way!不行;4、My treat!我請客!5、Bottoms up!干杯!6、Cheer up!高興點(diǎn)/振作起來!7、I promise!我保證!8、After you!你先請!9、Try again!再試試看!10、Not yet!還沒!11、Why not?為何不呢?

  【游樂場,你玩過哪些?】摩天輪:Ferris wheel 激流勇進(jìn):flume ride 旋轉(zhuǎn)木馬:merry-go-round/carousel 過山車:roller coaster 碰碰車:bumper cars 打靶場:shooting gallery 突降滑道:helter-skelter/slide 幸運(yùn)輪盤:wheel of fortune 木偶表演:puppet show 海盜船:pirate ship 卡丁車:Kart Rider

  【醫(yī)生】:主治醫(yī)生:physician in charge 住院醫(yī)生:resident doctor 實(shí)習(xí)醫(yī)生:intern 私人開業(yè)醫(yī)生:private practitioner 內(nèi)科醫(yī)生:physician 外科醫(yī)生:surgeon 中醫(yī):doctor of traditional Chinese medicine 江湖醫(yī)生:quack/charlatan 護(hù)士長:head nurse 中草藥醫(yī)生:herb doctor 牙醫(yī):dentist 眼科醫(yī)生:oculist 婦科醫(yī)生:gynaecologist 產(chǎn)科醫(yī)生:obstetrician 兒科醫(yī)生:paediatrician 神經(jīng)外科醫(yī)生:neurosurgeon 精神病醫(yī)生:psychiatrist 腫瘤科醫(yī)生:oncologist 皮膚科醫(yī)生:dermatologist 泌尿科醫(yī)生:urologist 整形外科醫(yī)生:plastic surgeon

  【完美短語】Nikita第一季: 1、get out 泄露,When word gets out, your life's not gonna be worth squat. 2、turn in 告發(fā),I'm not going to turn you in. 3、set sb. out 出賣某人,You set me out. 4、Round trip or one way? 往返還是單程?

  【給力英語短句】1、Dream on! 做夢! 2、Wise up! 別傻了! 3、No wonder! 這也難怪! 4、Hands off! 不許碰! 5、Give in! 認(rèn)輸吧! 6、Help yourself. 請便! 7、Another time! 改天吧! 8、What for? 何必呢? 9、It sucks! 好爛! 10、You’re hopeless! 你真是沒救了!

  【雪】snowfall降雪 blizzard暴風(fēng)雪 tempest暴風(fēng)雨 precipitation 降雨 shower陣雨 downpour瓢潑大雨 sleet雨夾雪 snowdrift雪堆 snowball雪球 snowman雪人 snowflake雪花 hail冰雹 snow blindness雪盲癥 snowstorm is raging風(fēng)雪交加 a mantle of snow一層雪 snow lay knee-deep雪深及膝

  【住房相關(guān)詞匯】房地產(chǎn):real estate 樓市:real estate market 物業(yè)管理:property management 水電費(fèi):utilities 按揭:mortgage loan 首付:down payment 分期付款:installments 開發(fā)商:property developer 高層公寓樓:high-rise apartment buildings 別墅:villa 露臺terrace 公寓apartment 陽臺:balcony

  住房公基金:housing fund 組合貸款:loan portfolio 兩居室:two-bedroom apartment 二手房交易:second-hand housing transaction 印花稅:stamp duty 裝修:decoration 裝飾(配家具):furnish 室內(nèi)設(shè)計:interior design 炒房:property speculation 房屋中介:housing intermediary agency