
學習啦 > 熱門句子 > 經典語錄 > 經典臺詞 > 《玩具總動員》經典臺詞(7)


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  你們現在是用化石燃料 還是結晶體熔解物Do you people still use fossil fuel, or have you discovered crystallic fusion?

  -我想想...我們有三號電池-Well, let's see. We got double-A's.

  小心 站住 什么人Watch yourself! Halt! Who goes there?

  別開槍 沒事 是朋友Don't shoot! It's okay. Friends.

  -你認識這些生物嗎 -是 他們是安弟的玩具-Do you know these life-forms? -Yes! They're Andy's toys.

  好了 你們可以上來了All right, everyone, you're clear to come up.

  我是巴斯光年 和平使者I am Buzz Lightyear. I come in peace.

  我好高興 你不是恐龍Oh, I'm so glad you're not a dinosaur!

  謝謝你們熱情的歡迎Now, thank you all for your kind welcome!

  -那個按鈕是干什么的 -我來示范-Say, what's that button do? -I'll show you.

  -巴斯光年拯救宇宙Buzz Lightyear to the rescue! -Oh!{

  胡迪也有那樣的東西 他的是拉線的Hey, Woody's got something like that. His is a pull string.

  -只是... -只是聽起來像被車子壓過-Only it's... -Only it sounds like a car ran over it.

  對 不像這個 這個是高品質聲音系統Oh, yeah, but not like this. This is a quality sound system.

  配線可能是銅線哦Probably all copper wiring, huh?

  對了 你從哪里來的 新加坡? 香港?\So, uh, where you from? Singapore? Hong Kong?

  不 事實上 我是駐扎在 第四區(qū)域的珈瑪象限Well, no. Actually, I-I'm stationed up in the Gamma Quadrant of Sector Four.

  我是宇宙保護小組 太空警備隊的隊員As a member of the elite Universe Protection Unit of the Space Ranger Corps,

  我保護我們的星際I protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion...

  -什么都沒有耶 -就在那下面 再找找-I don't see anything! -Oh, he's there! Just, just keep looking!

  -長什么樣子...-What kind of toy...

  他沒有摔在車道上耶I don't see him in the driveway.

  我猜他彈到阿薛的院子了 -巴斯-I think he bounced into Sid's yard! -Oh! Buzz!

  各位 遙控車好像有話要說 什么事 老弟Hey, everyone, R.C.'s trying to say something. What is it, boy?

  ,-他是說這件事情并不是意外 -什么意思-He's saying that this was no accident. -What do you mean?

  ,-巴斯是被推出去的 天哪 胡迪推的-I mean Humpty-Dumpty was pushed... by Woody! -No!

  -什么 -等一下-What? -Wait a minute.

  你...你不會以為我是故意把巴斯推出窗外的吧You...You don't think I meant to knock Buzz out the window,

  , 是吧 蛋頭 do you? Potato Head?

  -你該叫我蛋頭先生 你這暗箭傷人的兇手-That's Mr. Potato Head to you, you back-stabbing murderer!

  ,,那是個意外 各位 拜托你們..Now, it was an accident, guys. Come on.

  ,你們一定要相信我Now, you, you gotta believe me.

  ,我們相信你 胡迪We believe ya, Woody. Right, Rex?