


時(shí)間: 慧媛1041 分享



  My summer vacation, because it's rich and colorful, so I feel very happy. Travel, learn to swim, and small partners to play ... ... those happy fragments, and now in retrospect, I can not help laughing out loud.

  Let me remember or my mother took me to Xiangxi Phoenix play. Phoenix is an ancient city, beautiful scenery, especially the characteristics of its Diaojiaolou Diaojiao upstairs covered with a string of red lanterns, to the evening exceptionally red, illuminated the entire city, very beautiful. There are a variety of ancient city of the characteristics of the store, shopping all day shopping endless. And my favorite is that piece of Tuojiang, Tuojiang slowly flowing from the Phoenix, you can boo Tuojiang, enjoy the beauty of the Phoenix. Whether it is early morning or evening, Tuojiang side is always crowded, surrounded by people, playing the water, watching the scenery, the camera ... ... I and my little partner also like to go to the Tuo River playing water, foot in the water , Cold and cold, in the heat of the summer, really comfortable, especially in the hands still holding a sprinkler, unscrupulous water sprinkled on the water, so long, never played so much fun. And the adults seem to have been infected with us, always by us, with us to play, laugh together ... ... the kind of happy feeling, I think a lifetime will stay in my memory.


  Saturday, the cultural center of the teacher asked us to dance interest in the class of children to Shandong Rizhao play, I was excited to jump three feet high.

  One to the sunshine, an endless ocean, as if like a face, I picked up a lot of colored shells on the beach, really beautiful. Yu teacher took us to the ice palace. Ice Palace is so cold! Not in, I felt a chill out from the ice palace. To the hole, the staff gave us each made a thick jacket, we played a 20-meter-long slide, only play for a while, the teachers were all shivering cold. There are ice in the ice palace into the Buddha, there are ice into the lion, there are ice into the cylinder.

  Home time to go, I reluctantly left the Shandong photo.

  Rizhao trip to see the scenery may be a lot, but the little author only wrote in the ice palace to see and feel, written very detailed, specific, people feel like they have to play the same.


  This summer, my sister and sister and my father came to the famous tourist destination Beidaihe beach, fortunate enough to see the sea in the sunrise and sunset beautiful scenery. In the morning, the sun rises high, giving the sky, the waves, the rocks plated with orange-red Phnom Penh, and then getting brighter and rising to the sky. Sunshine sprinkled on the sea, everywhere golden, Huang Chengcheng, as gold coins from the sky sprinkled down. At noon, the weather is particularly hot, to the sea swimming people in particular, people wear swimsuit sample variety, we can not wait to put into the arms of the sea, enjoy the sea to give people cool and happy joy. I put the air cushion with his mouth blowing enough gas, put in the sea, I and my sister lying on top, let it drift in the sea, suddenly, I was young girl squeezed from the air cushion, Oh! Fortunately, I will swim, or else you will be buried here!

  Hey! The spirit of food should also be sponsored drops, 12 o'clock noon, I and the young girl to enjoy the sea bath, of course, want lunch! Me point is the sea fish rice, little sister point is a big cake, she also steal - mouth my fish, sad reminder ah! Ha ha ha! But her share of the juice was swept away by me. After dinner, even the sister had to go back to the hotel to take a nap, may be too tired because of the original solid, Oumen only 5 o'clock wake up At this point, the evening has come, the people on the beach have to leave, the beautiful sunset like a knocked up the paint, put a beautiful color to the sky. We had to reluctantly pack up to go home. Beautiful Beidaihe, next time, I will come to play drops!

  今年暑假,我和大伯 妹妹 爸爸媽媽 來到了遠(yuǎn)近聞名的旅游圣區(qū) 北戴河海濱,有幸看到了大海在日出和日落的美麗景色。 早上,太陽(yáng)高高升起,給天空、海浪、巖石鍍上了桔紅色的金邊,然后越來越亮,升上天空。陽(yáng)光灑在海面上,處處金燦燦、黃澄澄的,如同金幣從天上灑落下來。 中午,天氣特別熱,來大海游泳的人特別多,人們穿的泳衣樣試五花八門,大家都迫不及待的要投入大海的懷抱,享受大海送給人們涼爽舒服的歡樂。我把氣墊用嘴巴吹足氣,在放到海面上,我和小妹躺在上面,任它在海上漂流,突然,我被小妹從氣墊上擠了下去,哎呀呀!幸好我會(huì)游泳,否則就要葬身于此嘍!

  哎!精神也要食物贊助滴,中午十二點(diǎn),我和小妹享受完 海上浴, 當(dāng)然就要吃午飯哩!me點(diǎn)的是海魚飯,小妹點(diǎn)的則是大蛋糕,她還偷吃了—口我的海魚,悲催呀!哈哈哈!不過她的那份果汁被我掃蕩光了。 吃完飯后,偶和妹妹不得不回酒店睡午覺,可能因?yàn)樘鄣脑?,偶們?點(diǎn)鐘才醒。此時(shí),黃昏已經(jīng)降臨,海灘上的人們己經(jīng)離去,美麗的晚霞像打翻了的顏料,把一個(gè)個(gè)美麗的顏色撒向天空。我們也只好依依不舍的收拾行李回家。 美麗的北戴河,下回,我還會(huì)來玩滴!






