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  Westhusin’s experience with cloning animals leaves him upset by all this talk of human cloning. In three years of work on the Missy project, using hundreds upon hundreds of dog’s eggs, the A&M team has produced only a dozen or so embryos (胚胎) carrying Missy’s DNA. None have survived the transfer to a surrogate mother. The wastage of eggs and the many spontaneously aborted fetuses (胎) may be acceptable when you’re dealing with cats or bulls, he argues, but not with humans. "Cloning is incredibly inefficient, and also dangerous," he says.

  Even so, dog cloning is a commercial opportunity, with a nice research payoff. Ever since Dolly the sheep was cloned in 1997, Westhusin’s phone has been ringing with people calling in hopes of duplicating their cats and dogs, cattle and horses. "A lot of people want to clone pets, especially if the price is right," says Westhusin. Cost is no obstacle for Missy’s mysterious billionaire owner; he’s put up .7 million so far to fund A&M’s research.

  Contrary to some media reports, Missy is not dead. The owner wants a twin to carry on Missy’s fine qualities after she does die. The prototype is, by all accounts, athletic, good-natured and supersmart. Missy’s master does not expect an exact copy of her. He knows her clone may not have her temperament. In a statement of purpose, Missy’s owner and the A&M team say they are "both looking forward to studying the ways that her clones differ from Missy."

  Besides cloning a great dog, the project may contribute insight into the old question of nature vs. nurture. It could also lead to the cloning of special rescue dogs and many endangered animals.

  However, Westhusin is cautious about his work. He knows that even if he gets a dog pregnant, the offspring, should they survive, will face the problems shown at birth by other cloned animals: abnormalities like immature lungs and heart and weight problems~ "Why would you ever want to clone humans," Westhusin asks, "when we’re not even close to getting it worked out in animals yet?

  關于克隆的英語作文2: My View on Clone

  With the repid development of technology, clone comes to the world. It can duplicate creature, which means it can make contribution to the production. People can pay a little and get a lot in the end. However, it also has disavantages. I think as the development of the high-tech, people can use clone to copy humen beings. It’s so horrible for me to know that there is someone the same with me. But in general, clone has more advantages than disadvantages.



  You can read the word "cloning" quite often in the newspaper. I find it very interesting. It seems like a fairy story.With cloning you will be copied. Today, scientists can clone some large animals. Doctors are in the process of cloning humans though it is not allowed in most of the countries.

  Cloning brings a lot of questions. If someone can come to the world with only one parent, will he or she be happy? My grandmother died a few years ago. I miss her very much. If she can be cloned into a new one, I'll be very happy but confused.What shall I call her after she comes into the world? Because"she -- my grandmother" is younger than I.


  To clone or not to clone, is that the question?

  Advanced technology has already pushed human being to edges,such as the production of weapons of mass destruction,the destruction of Ozone by Freon ,and the application of clone.The heated deabte over whether cloning technique should be used in human reproduction must be considered as a serious issue.

  Clone, to a certain degree, is beneficial to mankind.Such disease as Parkinsons will possiblly be cured in the future in the hope of further applying of clone.However,the abuse of this technology will bring human being unthinkable destruction.

  Since the declaration of the death of Dolly,we are more conscious of the inefficient procedure of clone.Acorrding to "Dolly's false legacy",the incidence of death among fetuses and offspring produced by cloning is much higher than it is through natural reproduction--roughly 10 times as high as normal before birth and 3 times as high after birth.And even you may argue that this technology will be perfected in the future, i don't see there is any point in whole--being cloning.

  Many people consider this technology a promising one as to bring all human being to a new era in which all human reproduction will be accomplished by cloning.Thus scientists in some countries have already started their great plan to clone human.But let's think, what is the practical value in doing so?You may tell me that it can bring hope for those couples unable to have children because they might choose to have a copy of one of them rather than accept the gene intrusion from a doner.But imagine,if you have a child owning the same apperance as yours or your husband's, will you accept it without any uncomfort?

  Don't you think it is embarrassing?Or if this kind of human reproduction is allowed,terrorists may get hold of it and reproduce lots of "American Presidents".Don't you agree that these presidents might bring the world much more chaoes?Besides these terrible aspects,the cloning of whole--being may destroy the diversity of people of the globe.

  Of course, there still remains much more disadvantages of the application of cloning reproduction of human being and animals. We should be extremely cautious of what we do and thus remember we will sure be respondible for all the results created by ourselves!!!

  So how do u think about it?


  Today’s technology develops so quickly that many impossible things become true; the cloning technology is the example. What is cloning? Cloning is a process used to create an exact copy of a mammal by using the complete genetic material of a regular body cell. Different from the common propagate, cloning need only one cell and without sex. In 1997, the great news shocked the whole world that the British scientists created a lamp named Dolly from a single cell, miraculously; the cell had been taken from the udder of adult sheep, which show the first cloning experiment was successful.

  When the cloning technology improves so quickly, many scientists and doctors have different opinions, someone think it is good but someone think it is bad. Cloning can bring many benefits to the human, such as rejuvenation, helpful for Defective genes, Liver failure, Kidney failure and Leukemia. These disease are very different to cure, if we use the cloning technology we can change the Gene’s DNA order, so we can save lots of people. But cloning still has some problems. The scientists found that the cloning animal’s Gene has a little different from the original animal. So the life will shorter than the real life. The fact proved that, the cloning sheep Dolly has died. It only has the half life of the common sheep.In my own opinion I agree to clone the endangered animal and disagree with cloning human. Because I think the cloning technology should be respected. It really can bring us many benefits; further more it can develop the science of human. If clone the human, there will, however, be many problems, the population is the biggest problem. May be some people will use the cloning people to start the war. So I am against cloning human.

  Also many countries disagree to clone people. The government makes the laws about cloning. There are laws against human cloning in Canada, Denmark, England, Norway, Spain, and the UK. Even in the USA, the government doesn’t allow to clone human. (Because in USA, the human right is higher than everything)

  In the end, I think cloning is new technology, it should be accepted, how to look upon this technique, first we should know the advantages and disadvantages, then we should know the effect of cloning for human and the animal, third we will take the action: To advocate the animal cloning but be against with the human cloning.






