
學(xué)習(xí)啦 > 作文 > 英語作文 > 初中英語作文 >


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I am a girl of ten, and I live in a small mountain village far from Taiyuan. The only person that lives with me is my mother, because my father is away for eight years, working in a city.

During the Spring Festival, my father came back home. He looked thin and tired. He gave my mother two thousand yuan, and told her that he would work even harder, earn more money, and then he could take us to the city He stayed at home for only ten days.We are living a poor life now. But what I want most is not money, but my father. I miss him very much!


When memory began for me, my grandfather was past sixty-a great tall man with thick hair becoming gray. He had black eyes and a straight nose which ended in a slightly flattened tip. Once he explained seriously to me that he got that flattened tip as a small child when he fell down and stepped on his nose.

The little marks of laughter at the corners of his eyes were the prodnct of a kindly and humorous nature. The years of work which had bent his shoulders had never dulled his humour nor his love of a joke.

Everywhere he went, "Gramp" made friends easily. At the end of half an hour you felt you had known him all your life. I soon learned that he hated to give orders , but that when he had to, he tried to make his orders sound like suggestions.

One July morning, as he was leaving to go to the cornfield, he said : "Edwin, you can pick up the potatoes in the field today if you want to do that. " Then he drove away with his horses.

The day passed, and I did not have any desire to pick up potatoes. Evening came and the potatoes were still in the field. Gramp, dusty and tired, led the horses to get their drink.

"How many bags of potatoes were there?" Gramp inquired. "I don't know. "

"How many potatoes did you pick up?"

"I didn't pick any. " "Not any! Why not?"

"You said I could pick, them up if I wanted to. You didn't say I had to. "

In the next few minutes I learned a lesson I would not forget: when Gramp said I could if I wanted to, he meant that I should want to.

Gram hated cruelty and injustice. The injustices of history, even those of a thousand years before, angered her as much as the injustices of her own day.

She also had a deep love of beauty. When she was almost seventy-five, and had gone to live with one of her daughters, she spent a delightful morning washing dishes because, as she said, the beautiful patterns on the dishes gave her pleasure. The bird, the flowers, the clouds-all that was beautiful around her- pleased her. She was like the father of the French painter, Millet, who used to gather grass and show it to his son , saying , "See how beautif ul this is ! "

In a pioneer society it is the harder qualities of mind and character that are of value. The softer virtues are considered unnecessary. Men and women struggling daily to earn a living are unable, even for a moment, to forget the business of preserving their lives. Only unusual people, like my grandparents, manage to keep the softer qualities in a world of daily struggle.

Such were the two people with whom I spent the months from June to September in the wonderful days of summer and youth.


He always rose early to enjoy at least two hours of solitude in the house and garden before the rest of the family came down In winter he spent most of the time reading and writing. In sum mer he liked to get out of doors to work in the kitchen garden or to take the dog for a walk in the neighbouring woods and fields Whatever the weather, there was plenty to occupy him.

Although he was a creature of habit, there seemed to be an infinite variety in his pursuits. He wrote book reviews regularly for two of the national weeklies. He worked conscientiously his special subject, Indian History, and was thus one of the world authorities on it;

he collected modern abstract paintings and so had a circle of friends amongst artists and sculptors; there was hardly anything he did not know about traditional jazz and he often entertained both British and America n jazz musicians He was a superb cook and knew a lot about French and German food.

His family adored him and in a sense he was spoiled by them. At first glance you would have taken him for a retired army officer-his bearing was erect, his hair was cut short, he was fussy about his clothes, which were always neat, clean and conventional. He liked to keep fit, and this was reflected in his clear, steady blue eyes and healthy suntanned complexion. He hardly ever watched TV, but enjoyed a good film and an occasional evening at the theatre.


At the memory of my childhood, apart from outside the Chinese New Year Dragon Boat Festival on a number of the most lively, and because parents are busy job, a child usually with my grandmother to stay in the countryside together. Dragon Boat Festival at that time to make me unforgettable.

With the usual, like the Chinese Lunar New Year, Dragon Boat Festival the day before at night, so my grandmother will always obediently sat bedside, give me some holiday rules, such as talking nonsense not to not allowed to eat cold tzu not allowed with small partnership roughnot allowed to play in the water ... ... I have always been granted to his head. Grandma let me early, so that tomorrow can have a good spirit.

Good morning, I got up early, get dressed on the first toward the kitchen, when the grandmother has the kitchen to manage everything well, cooking up a few bundles tied and Gui Gui leaf rope, the nothing glutinous rice lying quietly filled a small bucket of water, like a pearl Jingying, cooking benches placed on some of the small dishes, which containing various materials: there is peanuts, there is red bean paste, there is meat, red pond.

So I sat eating breakfast table and watched busy grandmother.

The countryside are on both sides of the cooking, while used to boil water while cooking to cooking and grandmother had already cleaned the duck Add big pot, wooden ladle scoop from another pot of hot water a few dipper Add cauldron of water, and then also carefully Add 1 tsp salt, and then Tim foci in a few branches, it has been sitting next to me started to give my son a series network.

Grandmother‘s hand because of the long-term labor has rough bark like a general, but without losing dexterity, an envelope with red string woven into the sub on.

At this point, the eggs are cooked, the grandmother picked up one of the largest on the use of red paper red dye, and then do a clean cloth, into yard, hanging on my neck. Then, my grandmother pocket containing seeds, candy, peanuts, often very happy to me, because this way I can and small partners to look at a dragon boat race.

Grandmother always put me to the gate, asked the want me to come back as soon as possible to eat tzu. I always fell on the disappeared.

Small partners at this time are almost , and Sisters from the big head next door, led us to the river this group watch dragon-boat race. Because of the smaller rivers, so only two of the dragon boat, each boat has 13 individuals, 12 individuals paddle, one individual Ta and shouting slogans, One, Two, Hey Yo, one, two, as soon as possible, 12 dark young man moves neatly劃著, two dragon boat sailed forward catch.

However, the children will know what look? We are only just a bustling Fig. Girls in general saw a moment, we found that boring, and sat to one side from snacks to share, boys, it is not, of their total enjoy chasing the dragon boat race down the shore, because of the people paddling up the larger, almost every boys who have significant traces of water splashing.

, and are perhaps a boat to the end of the bar, just things finished, stood up, with partners go hand happily go home.

The sun is also slowly climbing the air, the kitchen has a bay leaf fragrance, and I quickly jumped on the kitchen, the has been the major tzu. In general, I would put that on the threshold sit tzu eat clean, and occasionally there will be a few rice grains to eat chicken and watch the greedy big cock-like, I was also amused ... ...

Today, even though over the Dragon Boat Festival, the mother every year package tzu, made give my son, even though the mother‘s skill is not less than the grandmother, but I always feel that what less.

I really miss the Dragon Boat Festival childhood ah!


The news that Mr Cai had passed away was known, and I fell into great sorrow. The sound of the rain knocking on the window was so mournful that it deepened my distress.

My memory brought me back to the class when I saw him for the last time.

That evening it was raining, too. We started our lesson as usual at a quarter past six. I sat in the first row, and I saw Mr Cai press his stomach with a hand from time to time, but I didn’t know the reason then. The two hours passed quickly. When the lesson came to an end,Mr Cai told us that he had possibly developed a stomach cancer, and would go to Beijing to see a doctor. If there was nothing serious, he would continue to teach us after he came back. He was very calm and his voice was steady. He still gave us some homework. He said that he would mark the papers as soon as he came back.

Then I started to wait for his return. I had not thought that I would not see him any more. The cancer had taken his life, even though he was still young.

Mr Cai’s words are still ringing in my ears,“I hope you will be one of the best students.” I think I should work hard at English and live up to his expectation .

I have lost a good teacher. Tears will dry up in time, but the memory will stay for ever.








my school day八年級的英語作文帶翻譯


