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  We start the programme today with the story of a relationship between a Canadian woman and an Iranian man which broke custom and the law, and put both of them at risk. Jennifer Klinec was 31 and running a cookery school in London. She went to Iran in search of new recipes, and there she met a younger, inexperienced man called Vahid. And they started an affair. This is a country where marriages are usually arranged by the family and there is meant to be no physical contact before marriage. Even holding hands can get you arrested. Jennifer has just written a book about the experience called The Temporary Bride and she's here in the Outlook studio. Thank you for coming in.

  Thank you.

  Your first date at a camel slaughterhouse. Okay. So, what a place to start a romance! What exactly was going on in there?

  Yeah. It actually arose as a result of a misunderstanding. Basically Vahid said: "I'm going to take you on a sort of a food adventure. What kind of things do you want to do?" And I said: "I've, you know I've never had camel meat. Can we go to the butcher where they sell it?" And he misunderstood butcher to mean slaughterhouse. So when he told me: "This is where we're going next. We have to get a taxi. It's quite far out of the city coz it's messy." I thought: Oh my God. We are going to a slaughterhouse.

  And you didn't think of saying: "You know what? Maybe not."

  I kind of thought about it. But you know, I grew up in a family where it wasn't unusual my parents would go to a farm and say: "We want that pig" and it would be cut, and you know, we would take it home and roast it on our front lawn. So it wasn't a huge stretch but I'd never actually been to a slaughterhouse before.


  In a healthy relationship, partners support one another but are perfectly capable of leading their own lives. In a codependent relationship, an enabler constantly comes to the rescue of his or her partner and consequently encourages negative or unhealthy behavior. Below, marriage therapists share six signs you’re the enabler in a relationship ― and how to put an end to unhealthy behavioral patterns.


  1. You consistently put your partner’s needs before your own.


  In a codependent relationship, the enabler focuses on the feelings and needs of the other partner, usually at the expense of their own, said Andrea Wachter, a marriage and family therapist in Northern California. While it may make them feel good about themselves ― saintly, even ― it’s not healthy. “In solid relationships, each person factors in their own truth and their own needs,” she said. “But people can only do this if they feel worthy of having needs.”To change this dynamic, Wachter recommends enablers get in the habit of saying “no” ― or at least waiting to make a decision.

  來自南加州的婚姻家庭治療專家Andrea Wachter 認(rèn)為,在相互依賴的關(guān)系中,往往犧牲自己的利益,有一方把對方的感受和需求放在首位。讓對方自我感覺良好,甚至把自己當(dāng)成大爺,這是病態(tài)的。穩(wěn)固的關(guān)系意味著其中的每個(gè)人,有著自己的信條(處事原則)和需求,除非你確實(shí)有需要你才可以這么做。要改變這種情況,你要學(xué)會(huì)拒絕,或者至少不要急著做決定。

  2. You apologize too much.


  Enablers hate conflict, which is why they often find themselves over-apologizing, said Amanda Deverich, a marriage and family therapist in Williamsburg, Virginia.“They’ll do anything to maintain that connection and that includes soothing the other person by apologizing, even for stuff that is not their fault,” she said.To break this bad habit, enablers should get comfortable with a little discord in relationships. Not every argument needs to be resolved that very moment, Deverich said.“When you can’t let a problem remain unresolved, it leads to concessions you wouldn’t otherwise make,” she said. “A more productive step would be to channel all that energy into self-care and boundary setting.”


  3. You think no one can handle issues better than you.


  Enablers often assume that if they don’t get things done, no one will. That thought is not only a little egotistical, it’s unhealthy, said Linda Lipshutz, a marriage and family therapist in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.“Ultimately, the belief that no one else can handle the situations as well as we can is misguided,” she said.If this is a problem for you, Lipshutz recommends ceding some control and not allowing your “ego and identity get so tied up in other’s successes or failures.”


  4. The relationship never seems to get better.


  No matter what enablers do, problems continue to crop up and reoccur in their relationships. That’s usually because the other spouse is putting in little to no effort of their own, Deverich said. “The privileged partner is allowing the enabler to absorb the difficulties in the relationship,” she said. “No amount of accommodating, soothing or solving can change anything if your partner is not changing.” `Remember: You can’t do it all. To make inroads in changing this pattern, Deverich said to give your partner an opportunity to fix problems as they come.


  5. Your life revolves around your partner.


  You share a life together but you should have passions and interests outside of your marriage. Enablers often put their own hobbies and personal goals on the back burner, Wachter said. “Your life shouldn’t orbit around the people closest to you,” she said. “Start asking yourself what you truly love to do. Aside from the family and friends you care about, what other interests do you have?”Dig deep to uncover new and old passions, Wachter said, and make a real effort to explore those interests on your own.


  6. To some extent, you see your spouse as helpless.


  Enablers look at their partner and see someone who needs help: Help getting ahead in work, help getting their personal finances in order, help just getting by day-to-day. But in all likelihood, the person was capable of handling things before the enabler came along, and they’ll be just as capable if their partner backs away a bit, Lipshutz said. “It may be important to continually ask ourselves: ‘Is the other person truly capable of handling these matters on their own?’” she said.Sometimes, partners may truly need help and support, but other times, it’s more effective to let them do it and learn on their own, Lipshutz said.“At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that not all helpful gestures are truly helpful.”



  Barack and Michelle Obama have appeared on the cover of a black women's lifestyle magazine in the US, with intimate photos of the loving couple setting the internet abuzz.


  It was the photos in which people were most interested, with many commenting on their evident love for each other and praising the First Lady's physique.


  The one and absolute only thing I like about the Obamas is their love for each other," Twitter user Jaimee Turner commented.

  推特用戶Jaimee Turner發(fā)表評論說:“我對奧巴馬夫婦唯一可以確定的就是,他們對彼此的愛意,這也是我所欣賞的一點(diǎn)。”

  Nichole, added: "Yes, black love. Yes, Obama love, with all respect."





  For starters




  At first, Michelle said she expected her advisee, then a Harvard Law student, to be "nerdy, strange, off-putting." But he surprised her.


  "I was charmed," she told Chicago Magazine. "I was pleasantly surprised by who he turned out to be."


  "He was cuter than I thought he'd be," she told CNN.





  Their first date



  "He showed all the sides," she said in a video. "He was hip. Cultural. Sensitive. The fountain, nice touch. The walk, sensitive."


  "Take tips, gentlemen," he added.“





  Robinson told PEOPLE in 2007. "And, you know, it just seemed like a good match. I just think he's a nice person and I just think she felt like he was a nice intelligent young man and she said he had a good sense of humor."


  "He was able to articulate a vision that resonated with people, that was real," she said. "And right then and there, I decided this guy was special. The authenticity you see is real, and that's why I fell in love with him."






  "Michelle is a tremendously strong person, and has a very strong sense of herself and who she is and where she comes from," he said. "But I also think in her eyes you can see a trace of vulnerability that most people don't know, because when she's walking through the world she is this tall, beautiful, confident woman."



  Michelle knew a political career could be on the horizon for her husband, but was worried about how he'd handle it.


  "There is a little tension with that," she said. "I'm very wary of politics. I think he's too much of a good guy for the kind of brutality, the skepticism."


  "Barack has helped me loosen up and feel comfortable with taking risks, not doing things the traditional way and sort of testing it out, because that is how he grew up," she said. “
