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  【威武】:①權(quán)勢(shì):富貴不能淫,貧賤不能移,威武不能屈。②軍威;武力:外張威武。③威風(fēng)勇?。和涞拇鬂h|神情威武?! ⊥?/p>


  威武[wēi wǔ ]








  1. 盾面上有一只金黃色、伸展兩翅的雙頭鷹,鷹的頭上裝飾著彼得大帝的一大兩小三頂皇冠;鷹右爪執(zhí)帝王權(quán)杖,左爪握象征王權(quán)和強(qiáng)國(guó)的金球;鷹的胸部飾有一只小紅盾,盾中是一位披著藍(lán)色披風(fēng)、騎著銀馬、向左行進(jìn)的威武騎士,銀槍刺中了一條向左仰面倒在地上、被馬踩在腳下的黑龍。

  The state eagle holds a golden scepter and a golden orb.

  2. 把我變得無比威武強(qiáng)太,不再老受欺負(fù),好嗎?

  Me become very powerful and too strong, and no longer subject to the old bully, okay?

  3. 他總是說,沒有任何靈丹妙藥可以包治百病,除了我們自己的內(nèi)部愈合的權(quán)力,免疫系統(tǒng)繼承自父親的愛我們的威武之神。

  He always says that no any wonder drug can cure any disease except our own internal healing power of the immune system inherited from our loved Father mighty God.

  4. 他的代表作油畫《田橫五百士》、《徯我后》、中國(guó)畫《九方皋》、《愚公移山》等巨幅作品,充滿了愛國(guó)主義情懷和對(duì)勞動(dòng)人民的同情,表現(xiàn)了人民群眾堅(jiān)韌不拔的毅力和威武不屈的精神,表達(dá)了對(duì)民族危亡的憂憤和對(duì)光明解放的向往。

  His oil paintings and sketching permeated the poetic tone of Chinese Painting. His works are widespread in theme, landscape, flower and birds, walking animals, figures, history and myth are all lifelike and with soul in starting

  5. 塞斯·汀高大威武,是共和國(guó)末期絕地評(píng)議會(huì)的成員。

  The imposing Saesee Tiin was a member of the Jedi Council during the final years of the Republic.

  6. 詩(shī)人寫道:虎門,這祖國(guó)南方的海上門戶,大小二虎,東西對(duì)峙,雄踞兩旁,何等威武、尊嚴(yán)啊!

  In his poem, Kang said the two tigers(referring to the Big and Small Tiger Hills )guarding the gateway to south China were magninficent and powerful.

  7. 馬戲游樂園:建筑面積20000平方米,來自內(nèi)蒙古大草原十六匹威武驃悍的駿馬在一望無際的馬場(chǎng)上奔馳,時(shí)而馬上倒立,時(shí)而馬上大站、獨(dú)站雙馬、倒騎摘花,一個(gè)個(gè)驚險(xiǎn)的動(dòng)作讓您目不暇接,同時(shí)還可翻身上馬,親自試騎,體驗(yàn)一回做草原英雄的感覺。

  Circus, amusement park: construction area of 20, 000 square meters, from the steppes of Inner Mongolia Puma defended by the powerful 16 horse field in the endless horse Mercedes-Benz, sometimes upside down right away, sometimes at once the major stations independent station pairs of horses, riding defloration down, one by one action adventure allows you to dazzle, but can also be launched stand up and personally test ride and experience a return to doing grassland hero.

  8. 湘繡之所繡的虎,剛勁而堅(jiān)硬,充分表現(xiàn)了虎的雄健和百獸之王的威武。

  The tigers appear strong and bold, reveal ing their power and menace as a king of animals.

  9. 湘繡之所繡的虎,剛勁而堅(jiān)硬,充分表現(xiàn)了虎的雄健和百獸之王的威武。

  The tigers appear strong and bold, revealing their power and menace as a king of animals.

  10. 湘繡之所繡的虎,剛勁而堅(jiān)硬,充分表現(xiàn)了虎的雄健和百獸之王的威武。

  The tiger s appear strong and bold, revealing their power and menace as a king of animals.

  11. 夫范老師,以一介書生,貧賤不能移,富貴不能淫,威武不能屈,真天下之士也。

  Fufan teacher to student Jie, poverty can not be changed and wealth can not be sex, powerful enemy can not really have people in the world.  12. 豪邁步伐、威武雄壯、鐵流滾滾,氣吞山河。

  Bold paces, full of power and grandeur, the flowing molten iron billow, full of daring.

  13. 雖然拉著他的不過是三匹可憐的瘦馬,但他還是有一種雄豪的、威武的神氣。

  Although, he just drove three poor emaciated horses, but he still had a proud and martial expression.

  14. 這是一支威武之師,這是一支文明之師,這是一支常勝之師,這是一支人民之師,這是中國(guó)五千年來涌現(xiàn)的最強(qiáng)大的一支部隊(duì)。

  This is a mighty army, which is a civilized army, which is an invincible army, this is a people's army, which is five thousand years to the emergence of China's most powerful a force.

  15. 但可惜無比,在那之后的幾年中我們弗拉格絲塔特小姐的聲音竟有點(diǎn)日漸陰黯化并逐漸失去了一些先前她所具有的光輝熠熠,且傲視群雄之顯赫威武的天才音域。

  In later years Flagstad`s voice darkened and she lost some of her previously brilliant upper register.

  16. 這些鐵制品的商標(biāo)是一個(gè)威武的雄獅,它是公司所在地弗南修·昆蒂省的標(biāo)志,有不可征服的喻意。

  These iron trademark is a terrible lions, it is the company is located in south Florida, repair, have the province of the unconquerable metaphor.

  17. 這些鐵制品的商標(biāo)是一個(gè)威武的雄獅,它是公司所在地弗南修·昆蒂省的標(biāo)志,有不可征服的喻意。

  The trademark of these made of iron articles is a dominant male lion, it be the south of the location Fu of the company to fix Kun Di province of marking, there isn t conquerable Yu idea.

  18. 豪氏,豪氏威武之師,福建豪氏威馬愿與您一起共創(chuàng)美好的明天

  Huisman, Huisman the martial team, Fujian Huisman is willing to develop a bright future together with all of you.

  19. 豪氏,豪氏威武之師,福建豪氏威馬愿與您一起共創(chuàng)美好的明天

  Huisman, Huisman the martial team, Fujian Huisman is willing to develop a bright future together with

  20. 第三類磚壁畫描繪了墓主人中年時(shí)平步青云、身為達(dá)官顯貴時(shí)奢侈豪華的享樂生活,那些樂師奏樂圖、舞女獻(xiàn)舞圖展現(xiàn)了墓主人歌舞生平的享樂生活;而威武壯觀的出巡圖更顯示了墓主人先天下之憂而憂的豪邁氣概。

  The third type of brick tomb murals depicting skyrocket when middle-aged people, as when the extravagant luxury Xianguida guan pleasures of life, musicians who play music chart dance chart dancers offer the owner of the tomb to show the life of people singing and dancing pleasures of life; and mighty spectacular tour of inspection plans owner who also shows the first and worry about the world of the heroic spirit.





