


時間: 韋彥867 分享



  A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead are stranded in the desert because their car broke down. The redhead grabs some water, the brunette grabs some food, and the blonde grabs the car door. They began walking, when the redhead turns to the brunette and says," Why did you bring the food?" She replies, " Well in case i get hungry, i can eat it. Why did you bring water?" The redhead replies, " Well in case i get thirsty, i can drink it." Then they both turn to the blonde and say, " Why did you bring the car door?" She replies, " Well in case i get hot, i can roll down the window."

  關于簡短的英文笑話:Electronics Shop

  There's this blonde who goes into an electronics shop, and asks the bloke in there if she can buy this TV. But the bloke says Sorry, we dont serve blondes.

  So she goes away, dyes her hair brown, and goes back. Sorry, we dont serve blondes, the bloke says.

  So she goes back and dyes her hair ginger, but he still tells her they dont serve blondes.

  Sooooo, she goes back yet again, but dyes her hair black. Again, she asks if she can buy the TV, but yet again, she cant get served.

  Look, she says, how can you tell i'm a blonde, even tho i've dyed my hair???

  Soory lady, thats a microwave!!!!

  關于簡短的英文笑話:once a blonde always a blonde

  A blonde dyed her hair to red one day, then she takes a walk down the road and comes upon a farm. She walks up to the fenced yard where the farmer is counting his sheeps. The farmer said hello and that if she guessed how many he had, then she can keep one. The blonde thought it was a great idea, so she starts counting in her head. She finally guessed 26, which was RIGHT!!! The farmer was amazed, but he kept his word. She climbed over the fence and back with the animal in her arms. The farmer takes one look at her and the animal and says, " If I guess what natural hair color you have, can i have my dog back?"


  A blonde, a brunette, and a red-head all go hunting together. Then they decide to all go their separate ways. When they all come back, the brunette had shot a rabbit.

  The other 2 ask "How'd you do that?"

  She says: "Well, I followed some tracks,and BOOM, I got a rabbit."

  The red-head had came back with a deer. The blond & brunette ask "How'd you do that?" She says:"Well, I follwed some tracks and BOOM, I got a deer."

  The blonde comes back all beat up and bloody, without any game. They ask "HOW'D YOU DO THAT?!?" And she says: "Well I followed some tracks, and BOOM, I got hit by a train"


  關于簡短的英文笑話:Breathe Blonde

  A blonde wearing headphones walks into a store and on the window it said 'No Headphones' so the clerk says, "I'm afraid I'll have to make you take off those headphones." The blonde paid no attention to the clerk, so he said louder "If you don't take off those headphones I will!". The blonde still paid no attention, so the clerk yanked the headphones off of her.Then she fainted all of a sudden. The clerk put on the headphones to see what she was listening to.All he heard was "Breathe! Breathe! Breathe!"





