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  英語幽默笑話小短文:Change Your Business 換個工作

  The doctor looked at his patient's tongue, felt his pulse, knocked on his chest, and began: "Same old story, my friend. Too much confinement. Do not deny it. What you need is plenty of outdoor exercise. Walk, Walk."

  "But, doctor..."

  "Don't argue with me. I am the doctor. Take my advice. Walk ten times as much as you do now. That's the only thing that will cure you."

  "But my business..."

  "That is just the trouble. Your business! Well, change your business, so that you can get a chance to walk more. What is your business?"

  "I'm a letter-carrier."

  醫(yī)生看了看病人的舌頭,號了號脈。 敲了敲他地胸部,說道:“還是老問題,朋友, 運動量太小,不要否認這個事實。 你需要大量的戶外運動。 走路。 走路。 ”


  “不要同我爭辯,我是醫(yī)生。遵照我的囑咐,走10倍于你現(xiàn)在所走的路,這是治愈你的疾病地唯一方法。 ”


  “這正是問題所在。 你的工作!好吧,換一個工作。 這樣一來,你就有機會多走動了。 你是干什么的?”

  “我是一名郵遞員。 ”

  英語幽默笑話小短文:It's Good to Admit a Fault

  John is not a "good" student. He always sleeps in the class. Today he sleeps again.

  "John!" Teacher says angrily.

  "What? What's wrong?" John is awaken.

  "Why do you make a face? It's classroom. Look! Everyone is laughing." Teacher says.

  "No one is laughing." Teacher says.

  "No, it's not me. I was not making a face. I was sleeping." John fells upset.

  "Um. Not bad. You can admit your fault. You are still a good boy." Teacher is satisfied with it.








  英語幽默笑話小短文:That's the Office You Have Now

  When I started my current job, I was assigned to a cubicle with a five-foot-high partition. Promoted in three monks, I asked for a private office in line with my new title. My boss reluctantly told me that there were three possibilities. The first was a room that housed file cabinets and printers. Another was an office that was empty except when one of the company'sfounders visited. The third was a conference room.

  After we had discussed each of the alternatives, he told me to make a choice. Deciding to play it safe, I replied, "I want the one that will make the least amount of trouble and affect the fewest people." A smile shot across his face, and he leaned backward in his chair. "That's the office you have now." He said.

  我剛開始做我現(xiàn)在這份工作時,被安排在一個有著5英尺高隔板地隔間里。 3個月之后。 我得到了晉升。 于是我提出了一個請求,想要擁有一個和我的新職位相符的私人辦公室。 老板不情愿地告訴我,我有3個選擇:第一個是放文件柜和打印機的房間,第二個是一間空辦公室,可是有的時候,公司的一個創(chuàng)辦人會過來看看,最后一個便是會議室。

  在我們商討了每一種選擇方案后。 他讓我做出選擇。 為了使做出的選擇更為保險,我回答:“我想要一個將會帶來最少麻煩、影響最少人的那個房間。”一絲微笑從他的臉上掠過。 接著他往椅背上一靠,說道:“那就是您現(xiàn)在地辦公室。 ”他說。

  英語幽默笑話小短文:They are directly from America 它們是從美國直接帶來的

  Not long after an old Chinese woman came back to China from her visit to her daughter in the States, she went to a city bank to deposit the US dollars her daughter gave her. At the bank counter, the clerk checked each note carefully to see if the money was real. It made the old lady out of patience.

  At last she could not hold any more, uttering. "Trust me, Sir, and trust the money. They are real US dollars. They are directly from America."



  英語幽默笑話小短文:Watermelon 粉紅色西瓜

  A fruit vendor in Philippines sold a watermelon to a woman and assured her that it was very sweet because it was red inside.

  As she rode home on a bicycle, the vehicle skidded and the watermelon fell to the street and broke open, the woman was surprised to see that the fruit was pale pink but not red. So she returned with it to the vendor and complained loudly. "Madam," replied the vendor, "when one falls out of a vehicle to the street, one can expect to turn pale. How about a watermelon?"

  在菲律賓, 一個女人從一個水果商那里買了一個西瓜,水果商向她保證這個西瓜非常甜,因為是紅瓤的。

  當這個女人騎車回家時,西瓜在剎車時掉在地上摔裂了,女人吃驚地發(fā)現(xiàn)這個西瓜不是紅瓤的,而是淺粉色的。 于是她返回去找水果商理論。 “夫人。 ”水果商回答,“如果一個人從車子上摔倒在地上,也會嚇得臉色發(fā)白。 更何況是西瓜呢?”








笑話是口頭或者書面的幽默語言。一方面,笑話可以使人輕松愉悅,忘記憂愁困擾;另一方面,一些笑話不僅搞笑,還能揭示發(fā)人深省的至理箴言。學習啦小編分享英語幽默笑話小短文,希望可以幫助大家! 英語幽默笑話小短文:Change Your Busine