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時間: 焯杰674 分享




  1) length of life, if you want to count the starting end, that is when we can begin to identify and remember the first thing to start it.生命的長度,如果要算起始端,那應該是當我們能開始分辨并記得第一件事開始吧。

  2) find a right person, is to give oneself after one of the best gift in my life. ------找到一個對的人,是給自己以后的生命里最好的一份禮物。

  3) maybe one person, to go a lot of road, experienced countless sudden prosperity and loneliness in life, to become mature. ——也許一個人,要走很多的路,經(jīng)歷過生命中無數(shù)突如其來的繁華和落寞,才能變得成熟理性。

  4) the happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.------世界上最幸福的人并不一定擁有最好的東西,他們只是最充分利用、珍惜了他們生命中的一切。

  5) the wind can blow up a big piece of white paper, but can't blow away a butterfly, because life force is disobedience. -----風,可以吹起一大張白紙,卻無法吹走一只蝴蝶,因為生命的力量在于不順從。

  6) life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.————生命就像一盒巧克力,打開后結果往往出人意料。

  7) the protagonist in the life you have to do, rather than in someone else's life. ————做自己生命中的主角,而不是別人生命中的看客。

  8) the road of life there are two: one is advocating let nature take its course, the other is the struggle to forge ahead.————生命之路有兩條:一條是崇尚順其自然,另一條是拼搏奮進。

  9) be thankful for hard times in your life. try not to look at them as bad things, but as opportunities to grow and learn. 感激生命中那些艱難的歲月,別把它們當成壞事,而應當看成是學習、成長的機會。

  10) be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives. ——做自己生命的主角,而不是別人生命中的看客。

  11) there is a time in life that is full of uneasiness.we have no other choice but to face it——生命中總有那么一段時光,充滿不安,可是除了勇敢面對,我們別無選擇。

  12) everyone has someone in their life that keeps them looking forward to another day——每個人的生命中都會有這樣一個人,因為他我們滿懷希望地期待明天。

  13) someday, someone might come into your life and love you the way you've always wanted.總有一天,總有一個人會來到你的生命,并像你一直夢想的那樣來愛你。

  14) the best things in life are unseen, that’s why we close our eyes when we kiss, cry and dream. 生命中最美好的都是看不見的,這就是為什么我們會在接吻,哭泣,許愿的時候閉上眼睛。

  15) i figure life is a gift and i don't intend on wasting it. you don’t know what hand you're going to get dealt next. you learn to take life as it comes at you. 我覺得生命是一份禮物,我不想浪費它。你不會知道下一手牌會是什么,要學會接受生活。——

  16) youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.青春不是生命的一瞬,它是一種自然的心境。

  17) in life, then boring time, also are limited edition. 生命中,再無聊的時光,也都是限量版。

  18) there is a strong call simple, powerful to who can damage the heart pure.生命有一種強大叫簡單,強大到誰都無法破壞內(nèi)心的純粹。

  19) there are plenty of things in life that you don't want to do but you have to,this is responsibility.for the things that you want to do but you can't,this is fate.生命中有許多你不想做卻必須的事,這就是責任。生命中有許多你想做卻不能做的事,這就是命運。

  20) do the dancer of life, as long as the heart is still,the show did not end.做生命的舞者,只要心跳還在,演出就沒有落幕。

  21) the purpose of life is to live it,to taste experience to the utmost,to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.生命的意義在于盡情生活,勇往直前、無所畏懼地去追求更新更豐富的人生經(jīng)歷。

  22) the butterfly is be my letting go of a dream,later i will use all my life to redeem.蝴蝶是被我放手的一場夢,往后我要用全部的生命去贖回。

  23) whether good or bad, whether rich or poor,in sickness and in health,all love each other,mutually cherish to,until the life to end.無論好與壞,無論富有或貧窮,無論疾病或健康,都要相愛,相惜,直到生命走向盡頭。


  1) life is not the amount of breaths you take, it's the moments that take your breath away.生命的真諦不在于你呼吸的次數(shù),而在于那些令你無法呼吸的時刻。

  2) life only comes around once.so make sure you're spending it the right way, with the right ones.生命只有一次,我們要以正確的方式,和正確的人一起度過。

  3) one day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.當那個人和你的生命在某天交匯,你一定會恍然,真愛就是如此值得期待。

  4) life always has many things to bring you down.but,what can really bring you down is when you don’t manage your attitude.生命中有很多事情足以把你打倒,但真正能把你打倒的是你的心態(tài)。

  5) time goes by so fast,people go in and out of your life.you must never miss the opportunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.時間在流逝,生命中人來人往。不要錯失機會告訴他們在你生命中的意義?。

  6) you are a part and puzzle of someone's life.you may never know where you fit,but always remember that someone's life may not be complete without you!你是某個人生命拼圖中的一小塊,也許你永遠都不知道自己的位置在哪里,但請記?。簺]有你,他們的生命是不完整的。

  7) there is gain and loss in your life,so you may catch sight of those unseen,and remember those forgotten.nevertheless,doesn't the unseen exist for sure?生命中,不斷地有得到和失落。于是看不見的,看見了;遺忘的,記住了.然而看不見的,是不是就等于不存在?

  8) life is not a race, but a journey. game care about the end of travel care about the scenery along the way.生命不是一場賽跑,而是一次旅行。比賽在乎終點,而旅行在乎沿途風景。

  9) shed hot tears; burning is rare life. to spend your life in gratitude sway shining in the dark. candles, it is how adorable it!流下的,是滾燙的淚;燃燒的,是稀有的生命。在感激中度過自己的一生,在黑暗中揮灑光輝。蠟燭,它是多么可敬可愛呀!

  10) the fluttering snowflakes, like the sky dandelion, like countless young indescribable life fibrillation in the vast night sky, the ups and downs, waves.那飛舞的雪花,像是漫天的蒲公英,又像無數(shù)幼小而不可名狀的生命在茫茫的夜空中顫動、沉浮、蕩漾。

  11) life is a lonely circus, we wear masks to deceive oneself.生命是一場寂寥的馬戲,我們帶著面具欺騙自己。

  12) life from their own tears, tears of others, the middle of this process is called happiness.生命是從自己的眼淚中開始,在別人的眼淚中結束,這中間的過程叫做幸福。

  13) a lonely person, you always feel his lonely, he just appeared in your life is very simple, very simple disappear.一個寂寞的人,你永遠都感覺不到他有多寂寞,他只是很簡單的在你的生命中出現(xiàn)過,又很簡單的消失。

  14) the courage to face the dilemma of life therefore strong; dare to challenge adversity, life is therefore robust.敢于面對困境的人,生命因此堅強;敢于挑戰(zhàn)逆境的人,生命因此茁壯。

  15) long song when the cry, for those who are unable to fulfill the promise of the deepest love in life, and finally scattered clouds.長歌當哭,為那些無法兌現(xiàn)的諾言,為生命中最深的愛戀,終散作云煙。

  16) life, there are many set number of unexpected had arranged the bureau.生命里有很多定數(shù),在未曾預料的時候就已擺好了局。

  17) life movement wonderful life fun and fulfilling learning because of thinking and profound personals sincere and lasting!生命因運動而精彩,生活因樂趣而充實,學習因思考而深刻,交友因真誠而持久!

  18) if your childhood is not pleasure, the juvenile bad school, young people do not aspire to, not entrepreneurial middle-aged, then your life will be with the old and the dead.如果你的童年不游樂,少年不好學,青年不立志,中年不創(chuàng)業(yè),那么,你的生命就將隨著年老而逝去。





