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  1、Only if the first sign of life, you said I was a piece of pure time, I accompany you to see人生若只如初見,你銜我一片純白歲月,我陪你看細水長流。

  2、Some things, you hide it in my heart, perhaps better, wait for a long time, becomes a story... 有些事,你把它藏在心里,也許還更好,等時間長了,也就變成了故事....

  3、Make the person mature is not the time, but the experience. Subway tasted, through the nature; Through the world, see light the world. — 使人成熟的不是歲月,而是經歷。百味嘗遍,自然看透;看透世態(tài),看淡世事。

  4、Many people like to do two things: leave a visible wounds, such as an invisible man 很多人喜歡做兩件事:留一個看得見的傷口,等一個看不見的人。

  5、True happiness, not ecstasy, nor pain, it is long, blue sea without waves. 真正的快樂,不是狂喜,亦不是苦痛,它是細水長流,碧海無波。

  6、The road of life, whether through many ups and downs, know the day, will have flowers, butterfly, the sun.人生路,無論走過多少坎坷,有懂得的日子,便會有花,有蝶,有陽光。

  7、Life is change, sometimes painful, sometimes, but most of the time both,生活就是改變,有時候痛苦,有時候精彩,但大多時候兩者兼有。

  8、Only when our eyes have been washed by tears, can we have a broader view of life.只有淚水洗過的眼睛,才會有更開闊的人生視野。

  9、Life, happy to share the joy, share the pain, the pain halved.人生,分享快樂,快樂加倍;分擔痛苦,痛苦減半。

  10、Life is a box of missing, every effort you put in is not in vain.生活就是一只看不見的儲蓄罐,你投入的每一份努力都不會白費。

  11、The one who really love you not say many words of love you, but it will do a lot of things you love.真正愛你的人不會說許多愛你的話,卻會做許多愛你的事。

  12、Scenery is beautiful, depending on whether the man who looks at it with you.風景是否美麗,取決于陪你一起看風景的人是否稱心如意。

  13、Learn with your pain of peaceful coexistence, this is the life significance.學會與自己的傷痛和平共處,這便是人生成長的意義。

  14、don't forget to allow yourself to go, no matter how hard it is, how far. Please do not forget the original dream.別忘了答應自己要做的事情,別忘了答應自己要去的地方,人生無論有多難,有多遠。 請勿忘最初的夢想。

  15、The world is very big, the scenery is very beautiful, the feeling in the heart, the heart in the world, everything will be easier.世界很大,風景很美,情在心中,心在世外,一切就會簡單得多。

  16、To believe, everything will become good. If is not good, it is not the end.要相信,每件事最后都會變成好事。如果不是好事,說明還沒到最后。

  17、If a relationship, doesn't make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one.如果一段感情,沒有把你變成更好的人,那么很遺憾你跟錯了人。

  18、flowers and leaves are wrong, no promise, but in the end is the fate.千年花開,千年花落,曾經滄海,花與葉的相錯,無需承諾,卻終是宿命。

  19、Learn to be your own, and elegant to let go of all things that do not belong to you.學著做你自己,并優(yōu)雅地放手所有不屬于你的東西。

  20、The most difficult to get in the world, and the most easy to get, is happy.世界上最難得到,和最容易得到的東西,都是快樂。


  1、The so-called growth, is forced to you a person, stumbling injury, stumbling strong. 所謂成長,就是逼著你一個人,踉踉蹌蹌的受傷,跌跌撞撞的堅強。

  2、In a year, but the two objects are the most beautiful, is a spring flower, is a harvest moon.- 一年之中,惟有兩樣景物是最為美麗的,一個是春花,一個是秋月。

  3、The flower seeds in the ground, one season fragrant; Fragrance of flower seeds in the heart. -把花種在地上,得一季芬芳;把花種在心上,得一世芬芳。

  4、Wherever you are, you are not trapped in situ, because you may be one person, not a tree! -無論你身在何處,你都不是被困在原地的,因為你是一個人,而不是一棵樹!

  5、Each walk to life, are required to pay the price. Get what you want, but lost you don't want to lose. 人生每一步行來,都需付出代價。得到了你想要的,卻失去了你不想失去的。

  6、Want to know what a man needs, depending on what he pursuit; Want to know what love a person, just look at what he make public. 想知道一個人需求什么,就看他追求什么;想知道一個人愛慕什么,就看他張揚什么。

  7、Get to know each other, is always so beautiful; Parting, always can't afford to grace...相識,總是那么美麗;離別,總是優(yōu)雅不起....

  8、Become one of the most simple person and walk a the happiest way. The other, to fate. -做一個最單純的人,走一段最幸福的路。其他的,交給命運。

  9、Cool, like a flower, plain and elegant; Calm, like a tree, thick and green. .-淡然,如一朵花,清雅而素凈;從容,如一棵樹,茂密而青蔥。

  10、Life true peace, not avoid horses and chariots blatant, but in the heart to caress a bloom. 人生真正的平靜,不是避開車馬喧囂,而是在心中呵護一朵花開。

  11、Smile and silence are two effective weapon: a smile can solve a lot of problems, silence can avoid many problems. 微笑和沉默是兩個有效的武器:微笑能解決很多問題,沉默能避免許多的問題。

  12、The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved. -Victor Hugo. 生活中最大的幸福,就是堅信有人愛我們。雨果

  13、Childhood is muddy, rainy days the most but is one of the cleanest memory once. 童年的雨天最是泥濘,卻又是記憶里最干凈的曾經。

  14、In the tree. In the mountains. In the earth. At the time. I'm in. How do you want a better world? 樹在。山在。大地在。歲月在。我在。你還要怎樣更好的世界呢?

  15、If you laugh, the world will accompany you laugh, you are a ray of sunshine to the world, the world still you a spring. 如果你笑,全世界都會陪著你笑,你給世界一縷陽光,世界還你一個春天。

  16、Dandelion is countless travel hope in the sun. My silence, is often to wait for a warm sunshine. 風中的蒲公英是朵朵出行的希望。我的沉默,常常是為了邂逅一次溫暖的陽光。

  17、To believe that dreams can reach, one day, pace also can arrive.要相信:夢里能到達的地方,總有一天,腳步也能到達。

  18、Because the incapable of action, so let it be. Because the heart is not dependable, so reconcile oneself to one's situation.因為無能為力,所以順其自然。因為心無所恃,所以隨遇而安。

  19、The life needs to precipitation, must have the enough time to reflect, can let oneself become more perfect.人生需要沉淀,要有足夠的時間去反思,才能讓自己變得更完美。








哲理人生,是關于人生的根本的原理和智慧。讓人了解宇宙人生的根本原理和道理,對人們的生活起到指引作用。下面學習啦小編為大家?guī)碚芾砦烙⒄Z句子,歡迎大家閱讀! 哲理唯美英語句子1: 1、Only if the first sign of life, you said