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時間: 韋彥867 分享





  "Google and Facebook are attacking,” came the cry from Madison Avenue. “Circle the wagons,” was the answer from France. And so two of the world’s biggest advertising companies, Omnicom and Publicis, announce they are merging. Now that advertisements are more algorithm than Mad Men , the television series depicting Madison Avenue in the 1960s, the merger is being interpreted as the end of the golden era of advertising. It has been seen by the news media as a move by these two ad agencies to shore up resources in order to compete with the giants of Silicon Valley.

  “谷歌和Facebook正在向我們發(fā)起攻擊,”麥迪遜大道(Madison Avenue,美國廣告業(yè)的代名詞——譯者注)發(fā)出了驚呼。“進(jìn)入防御模式,”這是法國做出的回答。于是,全球兩大廣告公司陽獅集團(tuán)(Publicis)和宏盟集團(tuán)(Omnicom,又稱奧姆尼康)宣布合并。鑒于現(xiàn)在的廣告相對于《廣告狂人》(Mad Men)描述的時代更加依賴于算法,這起合并案被解讀為廣告行業(yè)黃金時代的結(jié)束。《廣告狂人》是反映二十世紀(jì)六十年代美國廣告業(yè)風(fēng)貌的系列電視劇。新聞媒體認(rèn)為,這一舉措表明兩家廣告公司正在擴(kuò)充資源,以對抗硅谷巨頭。

  The problem with this view, however, is that it makes two flawed assumptions. On one hand, it imagines there is a data-enabled, predictive digital advertising machine that is the inevitable future. Search for tyres and you get an ad for Michelins on sale a mile from your current location. On the other hand, it overly romanticises Mad Men-style advertising virtuosity, in which three suave guys sit back with cocktails and kick around ideas on how to sell you anything from hair-replacement therapy to car insurance.


  Both caricatures have a kernel of truth to them. But if advertising is to thrive in this wired era, the efficiency of digitally targeted media must embrace the creativity of Mad Men, and vice versa. The organisations that can do this, whether they are conglomerates or boutiques, will usher in advertising’s second golden age. Indeed, in a short time we may be watching a hit TV series (or web series, for that matter) dramatising the moment when efficiency became hip.


  The fate of the newly formed Publicis Omnicom Group remains to be written, and Maurice Lévy and John Wren, who will serve as joint chief executives, may not make it through the 30 months that they have agreed to serve together. Yet, if this cross-Atlantic merger leads to a better understanding that good advertising manages the synergies between creativity and efficiency, it will have been a transformational moment for the business. There are three things we should look for.

  新成立的陽獅宏盟集團(tuán)(Publicis Omnicom Group)的命運(yùn)有待書寫。即將出任聯(lián)合首席執(zhí)行官的莫里斯•雷維(Maurice Lévy)和莊任(John Wren)或許撐不過他們協(xié)議共事的30個月。但如果這筆跨越大西洋的合并交易促使業(yè)界更深刻地理解到,優(yōu)秀的廣告公司應(yīng)當(dāng)管理好創(chuàng)意與效率之間的協(xié)同效應(yīng),那么該交易對于整個廣告行業(yè)來說將是一個變革性的時刻。我們應(yīng)關(guān)注如下三個問題。

  First, can digitally targeted advertising also be creative? It is now possible to target adverts to the right person at the right time in the right place. But that is not enough. It is not sufficient to claim that customer segmentation is dead and set up an automatically generated slew of ads based on input. If the adverts are not inspired, they are noise. And they will be ignored. In our quest to tweet, like and trend, we have forgotten that brands can be built through advertising. Ads can generate big ideas that can never be trumped by tactics. That is the magic of an ad, and that is what is missing from many ads today.


  Second, even creative adverts have to be efficiently produced and delivered so they meet the basic goal of selling products by advancing the brand image. Too often, the decision on the client side is left to people who have little experience and cannot judge a flashy ad from one that will sell. Money is being wasted on adverts that go right over a consumer’s head. They may win awards at Cannes, but they lose at the cash register.


  The way to fix this is to think about process improvement: how are critical decisions made? Not long ago, it was rare for businesses in the knowledge economy to think along these lines. Today, we are seeing a commitment to greater efficiency across a range of sectors, from manufacturing to professional services. It is time to bring this thinking to advertising.


  The Google model of targeted advertising is appealing because it claims to cut down on waste. We need to ask how that efficiency can be brought to creative process. Done right, it may even generate greater creativity. Mr Lévy and Mr Wren, along with the chief marketing officers managing our best global brands, should look to the example set by counterparts in manufacturing and supply management.


  Third, creative teams and assets need efficient management. Teams need to work together in real time so that additional resources are freed to enable the companies to innovate and grow. IBM and Accenture both illustrate the point. Both have highly sophisticated people and resource allocation, and both employ tracking systems to monitor and ensure efficiency. This data-enabled monitoring has proved neither a threat nor an impediment to creativity. In fact, data have enabled a new set of tools leaders can use to nurture creativity among teams.


  The cross-Atlantic merger has captured our imaginations because it is a global business development rich with personality and sex appeal. Now, the likes of Apple, Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola are going to be handled by one big company. But the value of the merger will be tested by whether it ushers in the second golden age of advertising. It can do so only by merging the data and analytics of 21st century invention with the ideas and genius creativity of the first golden age of advertising, enabling efficiency and creativity to thrive side by side.

  這起跨大西洋合并案激發(fā)了我們的想象力,因為它是全球商業(yè)領(lǐng)域發(fā)生的一件彰顯個性與魅力的重大事件。從現(xiàn)在開始,蘋果(Apple)、寶潔(Procter & Gamble)和可口可樂(Coca-Cola)等公司將成為同一家大型廣告公司的客戶。但該合并案的價值將體現(xiàn)為新巨頭能否催生廣告行業(yè)第二個黃金時代。而新巨頭若想實現(xiàn)這一目標(biāo),唯有把數(shù)據(jù)、二十一世紀(jì)新出現(xiàn)的分析方法與廣告業(yè)第一個黃金時代的構(gòu)想以及天才創(chuàng)意融合到一起,使工作效率和創(chuàng)意能力同時得到提升。


  At the end of every year in recent memory, it seems, high-tech optimists have predicted the next year as the one when robots will finally lift from our shoulders the burden of dreary domestic tasks.


  Think washing floors, scrubbing the grill, cutting the lawn, watering plants, changing cat litter, vacuuming the carpet — and, for good measure, pacifying the baby and entertaining the older children.


  That was certainly the case at the close of 2013, said Dan Kara, a robotics analyst with ABI Research. “This was supposed to be the year where everything was going to be different,” Mr. Kara said. “Again.”

  這確實就是2013年結(jié)束前的情況,一家市場調(diào)研公司ABI Rearch的機(jī)器人科技分析師丹·卡拉(Dan Kara)說。“應(yīng)該就在今年,會發(fā)生翻天覆地的變化,”卡拉說,“再一次。”

  And while that home-robotics revolution didn’t exactly come to fruition this year, Mr. Kara said a handful of interesting robotic debuts in 2014 brought consumers one step closer to the chore-free home of the future.


  That sentiment was echoed by two others who closely follow the consumer robotics industry: Erico Guizzo, editor of the Automaton blog of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Andra Keay, managing director of Silicon Valley Robotics, an industry group. Based on recommendations from these specialists, as well as some firsthand tests, here are 10 notable robots that made their debut this year.

  這種想法還得到了另外兩個人的回應(yīng),他們都是消費(fèi)型機(jī)器人行業(yè)的密切追蹤者:一位是電子與電氣工程師協(xié)會(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)“機(jī)器人”(Automaton)博客的編輯埃里克·圭佐(Erico Guizzo),另一位是該行業(yè)中一個名為“硅谷機(jī)器人(Silicon Valley Robotics)”的商業(yè)團(tuán)體的主管安德拉·凱伊(Andra Keay)。根據(jù)這幾位專家的推薦和某些一手測評,這里給大家介紹十款今年首次亮相的超棒機(jī)器人。

  Neato Botvac Vacuums constitute the biggest and most competitive consumer-robotics category in the marketplace, and they’re getting better. The earliest models were criticized for their over-reliance on humans to maintain them. (“I had to constantly clean my cleaning robot,” Mr. Guizzo said.) Owners also had to drag the bots to their charging stations when the batteries died, and move furniture that the robots couldn’t squeeze beneath. The Neato Botvac (0 to 0) requires less cleaning than the earliest robotic vacuums, and it features good pickup power and a low profile that helps it sneak under couches. My favorite feature: When the battery is low, the Botvac returns to its charging station. When Dyson’s much-anticipated robot appears next year, watch for similar features.

  吸塵機(jī)器人(Neato Botvac) 真空吸塵器是市場上規(guī)模最大、也最有競爭力的一類消費(fèi)型機(jī)器人,而且設(shè)計得越來越好。這類機(jī)器人最早的型號,因為過度依賴人類的維護(hù)而受到了一些指責(zé)(“我得常常清理我的清潔機(jī)器人。”圭佐說)。主人還得把它在電池耗盡后搬到充電器旁,或者把它無法鉆下去清掃的那些家具挪開。而這臺售價在480美元(約合人民幣2979元)至600美元(約合人民幣3724元)的Neato Botvac機(jī)器人所需的維護(hù)工作,則比早期的機(jī)器人吸塵器少得多。這款機(jī)器人的特點(diǎn)是吸附能力強(qiáng),且扁平的外形有助于它鉆入沙發(fā)下面。我最喜歡的一個特點(diǎn)是:一旦進(jìn)入低電量狀態(tài),Botvac機(jī)器人就會回到自己的充電站。等明年戴森公司(Dyson)那款眾望所歸的機(jī)器人上市時,我們再來看看它的類似功能吧。

  Grillbot It’s a small, nasty job that’s too often forgotten until the food is ready to throw on the barbecue, but cleaning a grill can be a pleasure — as long as someone else is doing it. The 0 Grillbot works like a miniature Roomba, but with more fearsome metal bristles. On a hot or cold grill, start the bot, close the lid and 10 to 30 minutes later, the grate is clean enough to cook on. Some users have noted the bot’s tendency to shed bristles, but Ethan Woods, the company’s chief executive, said a new design has addressed the issue. Forgetful types will appreciate the device’s alarm, which sounds when the bot is left in a hot grill for too long.

  烤架機(jī)器人(Grillbot) 清潔烤架是項細(xì)碎繁瑣的工作,通常人們直到食物已經(jīng)要上架烤了,才會想起架子還沒擦。但清洗烤架也可以是一種樂趣,只要干活的人不是自己。這臺售價130美元(約合人民幣807元)的烤架機(jī)器人,工作起來就像一臺迷你的Roomba吸塵器,只是多了些嚇人的金屬鬃毛。在一臺灼熱或冰冷的烤架上啟動這臺機(jī)器人,并合上蓋子,經(jīng)過10至30分鐘,格柵就潔凈一新,可以開始燒烤了。有些用戶已經(jīng)注意到,這款機(jī)器人有脫落鬃毛的趨勢,但該公司的首席執(zhí)行官伊桑·伍茲(Ethan Woods)說,目前新設(shè)計的機(jī)器人已經(jīng)解決了這一問題。有健忘癥的人還會喜歡該設(shè)備的鬧鐘設(shè)計,如果機(jī)器人被忘在一個受熱的烤架上,時間一長就會鈴聲大作。

  Soloshot2 Filming oneself, for fun or work, is easy enough if you stand still. But for less-static pursuits — like sports, dance or just even romping in the yard with your toddler — filming and doing are mutually exclusive. The Soloshot2 is a 0 system made up of a robotic camera harness and a separate sensor that attaches to whatever you want to film. The harness points the camera in the direction of the sensor. With a range of 2,000 feet and a battery life of eight hours for the base and four hours for the sensor, the Soloshot2 can be used to videotape any activity, even your next synchronized swimming session (the sensor is waterproof). The only thing you need worry about is someone stealing your camera while you’re playing in the pool.

  自拍機(jī)器人(Soloshot2) 不管是拍著玩還是從事攝影工作,站著不動的自拍容易得很。但要拍攝不那么靜態(tài)的畫面——比如運(yùn)動、跳舞,或者只是在院子里和你蹣跚學(xué)步的孩子嬉鬧,這時候拍攝和被拍就總難以兼顧了。這臺Soloshot2是一套價值400美元(約合人民幣2482元)的系統(tǒng),由機(jī)器人攝像架與一個附著在拍攝對象上的獨(dú)立感應(yīng)器組成。該設(shè)備的拍攝距離為2000英尺(約610米),基座電池壽命8小時,感應(yīng)器4小時,因而可以用來錄制任何活動,甚至是你的下一次花樣游泳表演(感應(yīng)器是防水的)。你唯一需要擔(dān)心的是在泳池里玩耍時,有人偷走你的攝影機(jī)。

  Litter-Robot Changing cat litter is the most dreaded entry on my children’s list of chores. The Litter-Robot may change that. It’s built with a sensor that knows when your cat has visited, and afterward the unit rotates like a giant cement mixer, to sift and deposit clumps into a waste tray. There are downsides: The Litter-Robot is fairly big — about 29 inches high and roughly 25 inches from front to back — so it may not fit easily in smaller apartments. At 9, it’s not cheap. And you need to keep it stocked with carbon filters and waste-tray liners.

  貓廁機(jī)器人(Litter-Robot) 在我家孩子們的家務(wù)清單上,換貓砂是最無趣的一件事。現(xiàn)在,這臺貓廁機(jī)器人可能會帶來些改變。該設(shè)備裝了一個感應(yīng)器,可以知道你的貓何時來過,然后這臺機(jī)器就會旋轉(zhuǎn)起來,像一臺巨大的水泥攪拌機(jī),把塊狀物都過濾下來,倒進(jìn)一個垃圾盤里。但它也有些缺點(diǎn):這臺機(jī)器人太大了——高約29英寸(約74厘米),前后長約25英寸(約64厘米)。所以,面積較小的公寓可能不太合適。而且389美元(約合人民幣2414元)的售價也不便宜。你還得為它裝好活性炭過濾器及廢物盤內(nèi)的襯墊。

  rockaRoo A company based in Pittsburgh, 4moms, built the rockaRoo to track a baby’s weight and seat position hundreds of times per second, and replicate the rocking motion with a seat that pivots at the bottom. The motion includes “falling at the speed of gravity,” the company said, and the motor is quiet enough to allow napping or for the baby to hear whatever music parents wish to play over the device’s internal speakers. For parents of colicky or otherwise sleepless babies, this particular bot may be worth the 0 price. For this parent of older kids, it arrived around 12 years too late.

  搖搖機(jī)器人(rockaRoo) 總部設(shè)于匹茲堡(Pittsburgh)的公司4moms建造了搖搖機(jī)器人rockaRoo,該設(shè)備可以感應(yīng)嬰兒的體重,每秒鐘數(shù)百次地追蹤嬰兒的坐姿,并可通過一個底部活動的座椅反復(fù)搖擺。該公司稱,這個搖擺的動作包括“以重力的速度下落”;而且座椅的馬達(dá)安靜得足以讓嬰兒入睡,還能讓寶寶聽到座椅內(nèi)置音箱中的音樂,父母想通過它播放什么都可以。對于家中寶寶不睡覺或愛哭鬧的父母而言,這臺售價180美元(約合人民幣117元)的獨(dú)特機(jī)器人也許物有所值。而對孩子年齡更大一些的父母來說,這臺機(jī)器人大概發(fā)明玩了12年吧。

  Scooba 450 No company has done more to popularize home robotics than iRobot, the maker of the Roomba vacuum, the Looj gutter cleaner, the Mirra pool cleaner and, this year, the Scooba 450 floor scrubber. The 0 device soaks the floor, spreads cleaner and scrubs and vacuums the dirty water before a final pass with a squeegee. One hiccup we had during our otherwise successful testing: The “Virtual Wall” accessory, which creates an infrared barrier to keep the Scooba out of specific areas, cast so much infrared light that in smaller spaces the robot was hesitant to scrub anywhere.

  洗地機(jī)器人(Scooba 450) 論及家用機(jī)器人的普及化,哪家公司都比不過iRobot。這家制造商生產(chǎn)了除塵者Romba、清溝者Looj、清池者M(jìn)irra,以及今年(2014年——譯注)推出的洗地機(jī)器人Scooba450。這臺售價600美元(約合人民幣3724元)的設(shè)備可以把地板打濕、噴灑清潔劑,擦拭后再吸去臟水,最后用一把橡膠掃帚清潔一遍。這款產(chǎn)品本可以通過我們的測評,但中途出了個小岔子:為了讓Scooba繞過某些特定的區(qū)域,我們用“虛擬墻壁”設(shè)備釋放出一些紅外線作為屏障,但它釋放的紅外線太多了,以至于在面積較小的地方,這臺機(jī)器人竟無所適從,不知該去哪兒打掃。

  Robomow RS Most household tasks can be blown off with few consequences. Drag your feet on lawn-mowing duties, though, and you pay dearly. Robomow’s RS ( class="main">


時間: 韋彥867 分享




  "Google and Facebook are attacking,” came the cry from Madison Avenue. “Circle the wagons,” was the answer from France. And so two of the world’s biggest advertising companies, Omnicom and Publicis, announce they are merging. Now that advertisements are more algorithm than Mad Men , the television series depicting Madison Avenue in the 1960s, the merger is being interpreted as the end of the golden era of advertising. It has been seen by the news media as a move by these two ad agencies to shore up resources in order to compete with the giants of Silicon Valley.

  “谷歌和Facebook正在向我們發(fā)起攻擊,”麥迪遜大道(Madison Avenue,美國廣告業(yè)的代名詞——譯者注)發(fā)出了驚呼。“進(jìn)入防御模式,”這是法國做出的回答。于是,全球兩大廣告公司陽獅集團(tuán)(Publicis)和宏盟集團(tuán)(Omnicom,又稱奧姆尼康)宣布合并。鑒于現(xiàn)在的廣告相對于《廣告狂人》(Mad Men)描述的時代更加依賴于算法,這起合并案被解讀為廣告行業(yè)黃金時代的結(jié)束?!稄V告狂人》是反映二十世紀(jì)六十年代美國廣告業(yè)風(fēng)貌的系列電視劇。新聞媒體認(rèn)為,這一舉措表明兩家廣告公司正在擴(kuò)充資源,以對抗硅谷巨頭。

  The problem with this view, however, is that it makes two flawed assumptions. On one hand, it imagines there is a data-enabled, predictive digital advertising machine that is the inevitable future. Search for tyres and you get an ad for Michelins on sale a mile from your current location. On the other hand, it overly romanticises Mad Men-style advertising virtuosity, in which three suave guys sit back with cocktails and kick around ideas on how to sell you anything from hair-replacement therapy to car insurance.


  Both caricatures have a kernel of truth to them. But if advertising is to thrive in this wired era, the efficiency of digitally targeted media must embrace the creativity of Mad Men, and vice versa. The organisations that can do this, whether they are conglomerates or boutiques, will usher in advertising’s second golden age. Indeed, in a short time we may be watching a hit TV series (or web series, for that matter) dramatising the moment when efficiency became hip.


  The fate of the newly formed Publicis Omnicom Group remains to be written, and Maurice Lévy and John Wren, who will serve as joint chief executives, may not make it through the 30 months that they have agreed to serve together. Yet, if this cross-Atlantic merger leads to a better understanding that good advertising manages the synergies between creativity and efficiency, it will have been a transformational moment for the business. There are three things we should look for.

  新成立的陽獅宏盟集團(tuán)(Publicis Omnicom Group)的命運(yùn)有待書寫。即將出任聯(lián)合首席執(zhí)行官的莫里斯•雷維(Maurice Lévy)和莊任(John Wren)或許撐不過他們協(xié)議共事的30個月。但如果這筆跨越大西洋的合并交易促使業(yè)界更深刻地理解到,優(yōu)秀的廣告公司應(yīng)當(dāng)管理好創(chuàng)意與效率之間的協(xié)同效應(yīng),那么該交易對于整個廣告行業(yè)來說將是一個變革性的時刻。我們應(yīng)關(guān)注如下三個問題。

  First, can digitally targeted advertising also be creative? It is now possible to target adverts to the right person at the right time in the right place. But that is not enough. It is not sufficient to claim that customer segmentation is dead and set up an automatically generated slew of ads based on input. If the adverts are not inspired, they are noise. And they will be ignored. In our quest to tweet, like and trend, we have forgotten that brands can be built through advertising. Ads can generate big ideas that can never be trumped by tactics. That is the magic of an ad, and that is what is missing from many ads today.


  Second, even creative adverts have to be efficiently produced and delivered so they meet the basic goal of selling products by advancing the brand image. Too often, the decision on the client side is left to people who have little experience and cannot judge a flashy ad from one that will sell. Money is being wasted on adverts that go right over a consumer’s head. They may win awards at Cannes, but they lose at the cash register.


  The way to fix this is to think about process improvement: how are critical decisions made? Not long ago, it was rare for businesses in the knowledge economy to think along these lines. Today, we are seeing a commitment to greater efficiency across a range of sectors, from manufacturing to professional services. It is time to bring this thinking to advertising.


  The Google model of targeted advertising is appealing because it claims to cut down on waste. We need to ask how that efficiency can be brought to creative process. Done right, it may even generate greater creativity. Mr Lévy and Mr Wren, along with the chief marketing officers managing our best global brands, should look to the example set by counterparts in manufacturing and supply management.


  Third, creative teams and assets need efficient management. Teams need to work together in real time so that additional resources are freed to enable the companies to innovate and grow. IBM and Accenture both illustrate the point. Both have highly sophisticated people and resource allocation, and both employ tracking systems to monitor and ensure efficiency. This data-enabled monitoring has proved neither a threat nor an impediment to creativity. In fact, data have enabled a new set of tools leaders can use to nurture creativity among teams.


  The cross-Atlantic merger has captured our imaginations because it is a global business development rich with personality and sex appeal. Now, the likes of Apple, Procter & Gamble and Coca-Cola are going to be handled by one big company. But the value of the merger will be tested by whether it ushers in the second golden age of advertising. It can do so only by merging the data and analytics of 21st century invention with the ideas and genius creativity of the first golden age of advertising, enabling efficiency and creativity to thrive side by side.

  這起跨大西洋合并案激發(fā)了我們的想象力,因為它是全球商業(yè)領(lǐng)域發(fā)生的一件彰顯個性與魅力的重大事件。從現(xiàn)在開始,蘋果(Apple)、寶潔(Procter & Gamble)和可口可樂(Coca-Cola)等公司將成為同一家大型廣告公司的客戶。但該合并案的價值將體現(xiàn)為新巨頭能否催生廣告行業(yè)第二個黃金時代。而新巨頭若想實現(xiàn)這一目標(biāo),唯有把數(shù)據(jù)、二十一世紀(jì)新出現(xiàn)的分析方法與廣告業(yè)第一個黃金時代的構(gòu)想以及天才創(chuàng)意融合到一起,使工作效率和創(chuàng)意能力同時得到提升。


  At the end of every year in recent memory, it seems, high-tech optimists have predicted the next year as the one when robots will finally lift from our shoulders the burden of dreary domestic tasks.


  Think washing floors, scrubbing the grill, cutting the lawn, watering plants, changing cat litter, vacuuming the carpet — and, for good measure, pacifying the baby and entertaining the older children.


  That was certainly the case at the close of 2013, said Dan Kara, a robotics analyst with ABI Research. “This was supposed to be the year where everything was going to be different,” Mr. Kara said. “Again.”

  這確實就是2013年結(jié)束前的情況,一家市場調(diào)研公司ABI Rearch的機(jī)器人科技分析師丹·卡拉(Dan Kara)說。“應(yīng)該就在今年,會發(fā)生翻天覆地的變化,”卡拉說,“再一次。”

  And while that home-robotics revolution didn’t exactly come to fruition this year, Mr. Kara said a handful of interesting robotic debuts in 2014 brought consumers one step closer to the chore-free home of the future.


  That sentiment was echoed by two others who closely follow the consumer robotics industry: Erico Guizzo, editor of the Automaton blog of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and Andra Keay, managing director of Silicon Valley Robotics, an industry group. Based on recommendations from these specialists, as well as some firsthand tests, here are 10 notable robots that made their debut this year.

  這種想法還得到了另外兩個人的回應(yīng),他們都是消費(fèi)型機(jī)器人行業(yè)的密切追蹤者:一位是電子與電氣工程師協(xié)會(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)“機(jī)器人”(Automaton)博客的編輯埃里克·圭佐(Erico Guizzo),另一位是該行業(yè)中一個名為“硅谷機(jī)器人(Silicon Valley Robotics)”的商業(yè)團(tuán)體的主管安德拉·凱伊(Andra Keay)。根據(jù)這幾位專家的推薦和某些一手測評,這里給大家介紹十款今年首次亮相的超棒機(jī)器人。

  Neato Botvac Vacuums constitute the biggest and most competitive consumer-robotics category in the marketplace, and they’re getting better. The earliest models were criticized for their over-reliance on humans to maintain them. (“I had to constantly clean my cleaning robot,” Mr. Guizzo said.) Owners also had to drag the bots to their charging stations when the batteries died, and move furniture that the robots couldn’t squeeze beneath. The Neato Botvac ($480 to $600) requires less cleaning than the earliest robotic vacuums, and it features good pickup power and a low profile that helps it sneak under couches. My favorite feature: When the battery is low, the Botvac returns to its charging station. When Dyson’s much-anticipated robot appears next year, watch for similar features.

  吸塵機(jī)器人(Neato Botvac) 真空吸塵器是市場上規(guī)模最大、也最有競爭力的一類消費(fèi)型機(jī)器人,而且設(shè)計得越來越好。這類機(jī)器人最早的型號,因為過度依賴人類的維護(hù)而受到了一些指責(zé)(“我得常常清理我的清潔機(jī)器人。”圭佐說)。主人還得把它在電池耗盡后搬到充電器旁,或者把它無法鉆下去清掃的那些家具挪開。而這臺售價在480美元(約合人民幣2979元)至600美元(約合人民幣3724元)的Neato Botvac機(jī)器人所需的維護(hù)工作,則比早期的機(jī)器人吸塵器少得多。這款機(jī)器人的特點(diǎn)是吸附能力強(qiáng),且扁平的外形有助于它鉆入沙發(fā)下面。我最喜歡的一個特點(diǎn)是:一旦進(jìn)入低電量狀態(tài),Botvac機(jī)器人就會回到自己的充電站。等明年戴森公司(Dyson)那款眾望所歸的機(jī)器人上市時,我們再來看看它的類似功能吧。

  Grillbot It’s a small, nasty job that’s too often forgotten until the food is ready to throw on the barbecue, but cleaning a grill can be a pleasure — as long as someone else is doing it. The $130 Grillbot works like a miniature Roomba, but with more fearsome metal bristles. On a hot or cold grill, start the bot, close the lid and 10 to 30 minutes later, the grate is clean enough to cook on. Some users have noted the bot’s tendency to shed bristles, but Ethan Woods, the company’s chief executive, said a new design has addressed the issue. Forgetful types will appreciate the device’s alarm, which sounds when the bot is left in a hot grill for too long.

  烤架機(jī)器人(Grillbot) 清潔烤架是項細(xì)碎繁瑣的工作,通常人們直到食物已經(jīng)要上架烤了,才會想起架子還沒擦。但清洗烤架也可以是一種樂趣,只要干活的人不是自己。這臺售價130美元(約合人民幣807元)的烤架機(jī)器人,工作起來就像一臺迷你的Roomba吸塵器,只是多了些嚇人的金屬鬃毛。在一臺灼熱或冰冷的烤架上啟動這臺機(jī)器人,并合上蓋子,經(jīng)過10至30分鐘,格柵就潔凈一新,可以開始燒烤了。有些用戶已經(jīng)注意到,這款機(jī)器人有脫落鬃毛的趨勢,但該公司的首席執(zhí)行官伊桑·伍茲(Ethan Woods)說,目前新設(shè)計的機(jī)器人已經(jīng)解決了這一問題。有健忘癥的人還會喜歡該設(shè)備的鬧鐘設(shè)計,如果機(jī)器人被忘在一個受熱的烤架上,時間一長就會鈴聲大作。

  Soloshot2 Filming oneself, for fun or work, is easy enough if you stand still. But for less-static pursuits — like sports, dance or just even romping in the yard with your toddler — filming and doing are mutually exclusive. The Soloshot2 is a $400 system made up of a robotic camera harness and a separate sensor that attaches to whatever you want to film. The harness points the camera in the direction of the sensor. With a range of 2,000 feet and a battery life of eight hours for the base and four hours for the sensor, the Soloshot2 can be used to videotape any activity, even your next synchronized swimming session (the sensor is waterproof). The only thing you need worry about is someone stealing your camera while you’re playing in the pool.

  自拍機(jī)器人(Soloshot2) 不管是拍著玩還是從事攝影工作,站著不動的自拍容易得很。但要拍攝不那么靜態(tài)的畫面——比如運(yùn)動、跳舞,或者只是在院子里和你蹣跚學(xué)步的孩子嬉鬧,這時候拍攝和被拍就總難以兼顧了。這臺Soloshot2是一套價值400美元(約合人民幣2482元)的系統(tǒng),由機(jī)器人攝像架與一個附著在拍攝對象上的獨(dú)立感應(yīng)器組成。該設(shè)備的拍攝距離為2000英尺(約610米),基座電池壽命8小時,感應(yīng)器4小時,因而可以用來錄制任何活動,甚至是你的下一次花樣游泳表演(感應(yīng)器是防水的)。你唯一需要擔(dān)心的是在泳池里玩耍時,有人偷走你的攝影機(jī)。

  Litter-Robot Changing cat litter is the most dreaded entry on my children’s list of chores. The Litter-Robot may change that. It’s built with a sensor that knows when your cat has visited, and afterward the unit rotates like a giant cement mixer, to sift and deposit clumps into a waste tray. There are downsides: The Litter-Robot is fairly big — about 29 inches high and roughly 25 inches from front to back — so it may not fit easily in smaller apartments. At $389, it’s not cheap. And you need to keep it stocked with carbon filters and waste-tray liners.

  貓廁機(jī)器人(Litter-Robot) 在我家孩子們的家務(wù)清單上,換貓砂是最無趣的一件事?,F(xiàn)在,這臺貓廁機(jī)器人可能會帶來些改變。該設(shè)備裝了一個感應(yīng)器,可以知道你的貓何時來過,然后這臺機(jī)器就會旋轉(zhuǎn)起來,像一臺巨大的水泥攪拌機(jī),把塊狀物都過濾下來,倒進(jìn)一個垃圾盤里。但它也有些缺點(diǎn):這臺機(jī)器人太大了——高約29英寸(約74厘米),前后長約25英寸(約64厘米)。所以,面積較小的公寓可能不太合適。而且389美元(約合人民幣2414元)的售價也不便宜。你還得為它裝好活性炭過濾器及廢物盤內(nèi)的襯墊。

  rockaRoo A company based in Pittsburgh, 4moms, built the rockaRoo to track a baby’s weight and seat position hundreds of times per second, and replicate the rocking motion with a seat that pivots at the bottom. The motion includes “falling at the speed of gravity,” the company said, and the motor is quiet enough to allow napping or for the baby to hear whatever music parents wish to play over the device’s internal speakers. For parents of colicky or otherwise sleepless babies, this particular bot may be worth the $180 price. For this parent of older kids, it arrived around 12 years too late.

  搖搖機(jī)器人(rockaRoo) 總部設(shè)于匹茲堡(Pittsburgh)的公司4moms建造了搖搖機(jī)器人rockaRoo,該設(shè)備可以感應(yīng)嬰兒的體重,每秒鐘數(shù)百次地追蹤嬰兒的坐姿,并可通過一個底部活動的座椅反復(fù)搖擺。該公司稱,這個搖擺的動作包括“以重力的速度下落”;而且座椅的馬達(dá)安靜得足以讓嬰兒入睡,還能讓寶寶聽到座椅內(nèi)置音箱中的音樂,父母想通過它播放什么都可以。對于家中寶寶不睡覺或愛哭鬧的父母而言,這臺售價180美元(約合人民幣117元)的獨(dú)特機(jī)器人也許物有所值。而對孩子年齡更大一些的父母來說,這臺機(jī)器人大概發(fā)明玩了12年吧。

  Scooba 450 No company has done more to popularize home robotics than iRobot, the maker of the Roomba vacuum, the Looj gutter cleaner, the Mirra pool cleaner and, this year, the Scooba 450 floor scrubber. The $600 device soaks the floor, spreads cleaner and scrubs and vacuums the dirty water before a final pass with a squeegee. One hiccup we had during our otherwise successful testing: The “Virtual Wall” accessory, which creates an infrared barrier to keep the Scooba out of specific areas, cast so much infrared light that in smaller spaces the robot was hesitant to scrub anywhere.

  洗地機(jī)器人(Scooba 450) 論及家用機(jī)器人的普及化,哪家公司都比不過iRobot。這家制造商生產(chǎn)了除塵者Romba、清溝者Looj、清池者M(jìn)irra,以及今年(2014年——譯注)推出的洗地機(jī)器人Scooba450。這臺售價600美元(約合人民幣3724元)的設(shè)備可以把地板打濕、噴灑清潔劑,擦拭后再吸去臟水,最后用一把橡膠掃帚清潔一遍。這款產(chǎn)品本可以通過我們的測評,但中途出了個小岔子:為了讓Scooba繞過某些特定的區(qū)域,我們用“虛擬墻壁”設(shè)備釋放出一些紅外線作為屏障,但它釋放的紅外線太多了,以至于在面積較小的地方,這臺機(jī)器人竟無所適從,不知該去哪兒打掃。

  Robomow RS Most household tasks can be blown off with few consequences. Drag your feet on lawn-mowing duties, though, and you pay dearly. Robomow’s RS ($1,100 to $2,000) is among the latest entries in a category that’s attracting competition from established brands and start-ups. Setting up the mower can be a chore, as you must map out your yard with wires to define the Robomow’s boundaries. Once that’s done, though, the bot cuts as often as you like and returns to its charging dock when low on power. It’s electric, so noise is less of a problem than with conventional mowers. For American consumers, one big question for Robomow and its competitors is long-term reliability. But analysts give the latest generation of robotic mowers good marks for reliability, and electric mowers generally require none of the annual maintenance faced by owners of gas-powered mowers.

  剪草坪機(jī)器人(Robomow RS) 大多數(shù)家務(wù)活兒都可以拖上一拖,后果并不嚴(yán)重;但你如果拖拖拉拉地不剪草坪,那代價可就大了。Robomow公司的RS機(jī)器人(售價1100美元[約合人民幣6837元]至2000美元[約合人民幣12412元]),是剪草坪機(jī)器人中新推出的幾款產(chǎn)品之一,目前,這類產(chǎn)品正吸引著來自成熟品牌與新興公司的競爭。啟用這臺割草機(jī)的工作可能非常繁瑣,因為你得用鐵絲在草坪上劃分出Robomow機(jī)器人的工作范圍。不過,一旦這項工作完成,這款機(jī)器人便可讓你隨心所欲地剪草坪,想剪幾次就剪幾次了。用到電量低時,它就會自動返回充電平臺。由于這臺機(jī)器是電動的,所以比起傳統(tǒng)的割草機(jī),它的噪音基本不成問題。而對美國消費(fèi)者而言,Robomow剪草機(jī)及其市場競爭者都面臨著長期可靠性的問題。不過分析家們都給新一代機(jī)器人剪草機(jī)的可靠性評出了高分。此外,電動剪草機(jī)無需每年維護(hù),而燃?xì)飧畈輽C(jī)的用戶則要面對這一問題。

  Kibo The toy market is cluttered with robots that dance and make noise and then, if my children are any indication, collect dust once a child has grown bored with the toy’s schtick. Kibo is a different breed of bot, having emerged from a children’s technology lab at Tufts University. Designed for ages 4 to 7, it’s a learning tool disguised as a toy: Kids program the $230 robot using wooden blocks that form different commands. Kibo scans the sequence of the blocks and executes the commands, while also reacting to sounds, light and obstacles. Its components are so intuitively designed that a child (or adult) can operate it without reading directions. The idea isn’t so much to get kids to understand programming, but rather to use a self-programmed device to enhance playtime activities like storytelling and role playing.

  玩具機(jī)器人(Kibo) 玩具市場上充斥著許多機(jī)器人,它們可以跳舞、可以發(fā)出聲音,若以我家孩子的情況作參考,一旦他們的新鮮勁兒過了,這種機(jī)器人還可以收集灰塵。但Kibo是一種與眾不同的機(jī)器人,它由塔夫茨大學(xué)(Tufts University)的一間兒童應(yīng)用技術(shù)實驗室制造,專門為4至7歲的兒童設(shè)計,是一個偽裝成玩具的學(xué)習(xí)工具:孩子們利用可組成不同命令的木塊,來給這個售價230美元(約合人民幣1427元)的機(jī)器人設(shè)置程序。Kibo機(jī)器人先掃描這些木塊的順序,然后執(zhí)行這些命令,并對聲音、光線和障礙物做出反應(yīng)。該機(jī)器人的零部件設(shè)計得非常直觀,使得孩子(或成人)不用讀說明書也能操作。該產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計理念,并不是要讓孩子們理解編程;而是用這種可自行編程的設(shè)備,強(qiáng)化諸如講故事和角色扮演等游戲活動的樂趣。

  Robotis Mini Robotis generated much attention for its Robotis-OP humanoid robot, which was praised for its sophistication and versatility, but which carries a $12,000 price tag. This year the company released a miniature version of that device, which loses some of the versatility and durability of its bigger sibling but remains a technological wonder. Unlike the humanoid robot toys on the market, the $500 Mini is programmable and responds to touch, gesture and voice commands with fluidity and precision. Some owners have complained that putting the robot together is unduly difficult, and the company tacitly acknowledged as much with video tutorials intended to help users through the hourslong assembly process. Another significant drawback, for now, is that you need an Android mobile device running Android software version 4.0 to control the Mini. The cheapest of these are around $150. An Apple version is in the works, the company said.

  Robotis迷你機(jī)器人(Robotis Mini) Robotis公司由于生產(chǎn)出了Robotis-OP人形機(jī)器人而備受關(guān)注,這款機(jī)器人因設(shè)計精良、功能多樣而受到好評。但它貼著一個12000美元(約合人民幣74474元)的價簽。今年,該公司發(fā)布了這款機(jī)器人的迷你版。雖然在多功能與持久性方面,它比自家的原版兄弟稍遜一籌,但在技術(shù)上仍是個奇跡。與市場上的人形機(jī)器人玩具不同,這款售價500美元(約合人民幣3103元)的迷你機(jī)器人采用了程控設(shè)計,可以流暢精準(zhǔn)地對觸摸、手勢和聲音命令做出反應(yīng)。但一些買家曾抱怨,把這款機(jī)器人組裝起來實在太難了,該公司也坦然默認(rèn),推出了視屏教程,意在幫助用戶完成這個歷時數(shù)小時的組裝過程。從目前來看,該產(chǎn)品的另一個重大缺點(diǎn)是,你需要一個安卓(Android)系統(tǒng)的移動設(shè)備來運(yùn)行4.0版的安卓軟件,才能控制這臺迷你機(jī)器人。這樣一套配置,最便宜的價格約為150美元(約合人民幣931元)。據(jù)該公司說,該產(chǎn)品的蘋果版配置尚在開發(fā)中。

  Droplet Gardeners with day jobs and cluttered lives understand that watering plants is a classic problem. You want precise and regular watering; you’re more apt to deliver a massive dousing after work and before dinner, and only after the plants have begun tilting earthward for lack of moisture. At $300, Droplet is a pricey but reliable solution to the problem. Set the sprinkler in place, program the system on a computer or mobile device and connect it to your home’s Wi-Fi router, and the system takes over from there. Droplet checks weather data and points the sprinkler to specific pockets of your garden to deliver water where and when it’s needed. With a range of 30 feet in all directions, the units can manage bigger gardens and entire swaths of lawn with less wasted water.

  澆水機(jī)器人(Droplet) 那些白天要上班、生活一團(tuán)亂的養(yǎng)花人都知道,給植物澆水是個大問題。你總想按時按量地澆水;但在下班后、晚餐前,或只是在植物們因缺水萎蔫之后,你澆著澆著就澆多了。對于這個問題,這款售價300美元(約合人民幣1862元)的澆水機(jī)器人是個雖然昂貴卻切實可行的解決方案。請把灑水器安裝到位,然后在一臺計算機(jī)或移動設(shè)備上為該系統(tǒng)設(shè)定程序,再將系統(tǒng)連上你家的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)路由器,它就可以接管你家花園里的工作了。澆水機(jī)器人會首先檢查相關(guān)的天氣數(shù)據(jù),然后在合適的時間跟地點(diǎn),將灑水器對準(zhǔn)花園里的特定位置澆水。該設(shè)備可以在30英尺的范圍內(nèi)全方位地澆水,因而可以管理較大面積的花園與各處草坪,而且用水量也浪費(fèi)得更少。


  Long March 3 Launch Vehiclel


  Long March 3 (LM-3) is a three-stage launch vehicle, primarily intended for sending spacecraft into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with the GTO capacity of l. 5 metric tons and the length of 44. 56m. The diameters of the first and second stages of LM-3 are the same, 3. 35m and the third stage, 2.25m. The development of the first and second stages is based on the first and second stages of LM-2C. The first two stages burn UDMH/N204 as propellants, while the third stage of LM-3 is powered by a cryogenic engine, using liquid oxygen ( LOX) and liquid hydrogen( LH2 ) as propellants .The launch site is Xichang Space Launch Center. The C2-3 launch vehicle won a perfect success in April, 1984. The vehicle also marked the first use of a high technology upper stage. On April 7, 1990, LM-3 delivered the first foreign communication satellite, Asia Sat l, made by the U. S. Hughes Corporation, into a predetermined GTO. It was a total success and marked the real entrance of Long March launch vehicles for China into the international commercial launch service market.

  “長征三號”運(yùn)載火箭是三級火箭,主要用于發(fā)射地球同步軌道有效載荷,運(yùn)載能力為1.5噸。全長44. 56米,一、二子級直徑3.35米、三子級直徑2. 25米。其一、二級是在“長征二號丙”運(yùn)載火箭的一、二子級的基礎(chǔ)上研制的,使用偏二甲肼( UDMH)和四氧化二氮(N204)作為推進(jìn)劑,其三子級采用了低溫高能液氫( LH2)液氧(LOX)發(fā)動機(jī)。“長征三號”火箭在西昌衛(wèi)星發(fā)射中心(XSLC)進(jìn)行發(fā)射。“長征三號”運(yùn)載火箭在1984年4月進(jìn)行首次飛行,成功地將“東方紅二號”試驗通信衛(wèi)星送入預(yù)定地球同步轉(zhuǎn)移軌道,標(biāo)志著中國運(yùn)載火箭技術(shù)跨人世界先進(jìn)行列。該火箭曾于1990年4月7日成功地將美國休斯公司制造的“亞洲1號”衛(wèi)星送人地球同步轉(zhuǎn)移軌道,是中國運(yùn)載火箭發(fā)展上的一個重要里程碑。在此之后,“長征三號”運(yùn)載火箭成功地發(fā)射了包括“亞太一號衛(wèi)星”、“亞太一號甲衛(wèi)星”、“風(fēng)云二號衛(wèi)星”等在內(nèi)多顆國內(nèi)外衛(wèi)星。







,000) is among the latest entries in a category that’s attracting competition from established brands and start-ups. Setting up the mower can be a chore, as you must map out your yard with wires to define the Robomow’s boundaries. Once that’s done, though, the bot cuts as often as you like and returns to its charging dock when low on power. It’s electric, so noise is less of a problem than with conventional mowers. For American consumers, one big question for Robomow and its competitors is long-term reliability. But analysts give the latest generation of robotic mowers good marks for reliability, and electric mowers generally require none of the annual maintenance faced by owners of gas-powered mowers.

  剪草坪機(jī)器人(Robomow RS) 大多數(shù)家務(wù)活兒都可以拖上一拖,后果并不嚴(yán)重;但你如果拖拖拉拉地不剪草坪,那代價可就大了。Robomow公司的RS機(jī)器人(售價1100美元[約合人民幣6837元]至2000美元[約合人民幣12412元]),是剪草坪機(jī)器人中新推出的幾款產(chǎn)品之一,目前,這類產(chǎn)品正吸引著來自成熟品牌與新興公司的競爭。啟用這臺割草機(jī)的工作可能非常繁瑣,因為你得用鐵絲在草坪上劃分出Robomow機(jī)器人的工作范圍。不過,一旦這項工作完成,這款機(jī)器人便可讓你隨心所欲地剪草坪,想剪幾次就剪幾次了。用到電量低時,它就會自動返回充電平臺。由于這臺機(jī)器是電動的,所以比起傳統(tǒng)的割草機(jī),它的噪音基本不成問題。而對美國消費(fèi)者而言,Robomow剪草機(jī)及其市場競爭者都面臨著長期可靠性的問題。不過分析家們都給新一代機(jī)器人剪草機(jī)的可靠性評出了高分。此外,電動剪草機(jī)無需每年維護(hù),而燃?xì)飧畈輽C(jī)的用戶則要面對這一問題。

  Kibo The toy market is cluttered with robots that dance and make noise and then, if my children are any indication, collect dust once a child has grown bored with the toy’s schtick. Kibo is a different breed of bot, having emerged from a children’s technology lab at Tufts University. Designed for ages 4 to 7, it’s a learning tool disguised as a toy: Kids program the 0 robot using wooden blocks that form different commands. Kibo scans the sequence of the blocks and executes the commands, while also reacting to sounds, light and obstacles. Its components are so intuitively designed that a child (or adult) can operate it without reading directions. The idea isn’t so much to get kids to understand programming, but rather to use a self-programmed device to enhance playtime activities like storytelling and role playing.

  玩具機(jī)器人(Kibo) 玩具市場上充斥著許多機(jī)器人,它們可以跳舞、可以發(fā)出聲音,若以我家孩子的情況作參考,一旦他們的新鮮勁兒過了,這種機(jī)器人還可以收集灰塵。但Kibo是一種與眾不同的機(jī)器人,它由塔夫茨大學(xué)(Tufts University)的一間兒童應(yīng)用技術(shù)實驗室制造,專門為4至7歲的兒童設(shè)計,是一個偽裝成玩具的學(xué)習(xí)工具:孩子們利用可組成不同命令的木塊,來給這個售價230美元(約合人民幣1427元)的機(jī)器人設(shè)置程序。Kibo機(jī)器人先掃描這些木塊的順序,然后執(zhí)行這些命令,并對聲音、光線和障礙物做出反應(yīng)。該機(jī)器人的零部件設(shè)計得非常直觀,使得孩子(或成人)不用讀說明書也能操作。該產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計理念,并不是要讓孩子們理解編程;而是用這種可自行編程的設(shè)備,強(qiáng)化諸如講故事和角色扮演等游戲活動的樂趣。

  Robotis Mini Robotis generated much attention for its Robotis-OP humanoid robot, which was praised for its sophistication and versatility, but which carries a ,000 price tag. This year the company released a miniature version of that device, which loses some of the versatility and durability of its bigger sibling but remains a technological wonder. Unlike the humanoid robot toys on the market, the 0 Mini is programmable and responds to touch, gesture and voice commands with fluidity and precision. Some owners have complained that putting the robot together is unduly difficult, and the company tacitly acknowledged as much with video tutorials intended to help users through the hourslong assembly process. Another significant drawback, for now, is that you need an Android mobile device running Android software version 4.0 to control the Mini. The cheapest of these are around 0. An Apple version is in the works, the company said.

  Robotis迷你機(jī)器人(Robotis Mini) Robotis公司由于生產(chǎn)出了Robotis-OP人形機(jī)器人而備受關(guān)注,這款機(jī)器人因設(shè)計精良、功能多樣而受到好評。但它貼著一個12000美元(約合人民幣74474元)的價簽。今年,該公司發(fā)布了這款機(jī)器人的迷你版。雖然在多功能與持久性方面,它比自家的原版兄弟稍遜一籌,但在技術(shù)上仍是個奇跡。與市場上的人形機(jī)器人玩具不同,這款售價500美元(約合人民幣3103元)的迷你機(jī)器人采用了程控設(shè)計,可以流暢精準(zhǔn)地對觸摸、手勢和聲音命令做出反應(yīng)。但一些買家曾抱怨,把這款機(jī)器人組裝起來實在太難了,該公司也坦然默認(rèn),推出了視屏教程,意在幫助用戶完成這個歷時數(shù)小時的組裝過程。從目前來看,該產(chǎn)品的另一個重大缺點(diǎn)是,你需要一個安卓(Android)系統(tǒng)的移動設(shè)備來運(yùn)行4.0版的安卓軟件,才能控制這臺迷你機(jī)器人。這樣一套配置,最便宜的價格約為150美元(約合人民幣931元)。據(jù)該公司說,該產(chǎn)品的蘋果版配置尚在開發(fā)中。

  Droplet Gardeners with day jobs and cluttered lives understand that watering plants is a classic problem. You want precise and regular watering; you’re more apt to deliver a massive dousing after work and before dinner, and only after the plants have begun tilting earthward for lack of moisture. At 0, Droplet is a pricey but reliable solution to the problem. Set the sprinkler in place, program the system on a computer or mobile device and connect it to your home’s Wi-Fi router, and the system takes over from there. Droplet checks weather data and points the sprinkler to specific pockets of your garden to deliver water where and when it’s needed. With a range of 30 feet in all directions, the units can manage bigger gardens and entire swaths of lawn with less wasted water.

  澆水機(jī)器人(Droplet) 那些白天要上班、生活一團(tuán)亂的養(yǎng)花人都知道,給植物澆水是個大問題。你總想按時按量地澆水;但在下班后、晚餐前,或只是在植物們因缺水萎蔫之后,你澆著澆著就澆多了。對于這個問題,這款售價300美元(約合人民幣1862元)的澆水機(jī)器人是個雖然昂貴卻切實可行的解決方案。請把灑水器安裝到位,然后在一臺計算機(jī)或移動設(shè)備上為該系統(tǒng)設(shè)定程序,再將系統(tǒng)連上你家的無線網(wǎng)絡(luò)路由器,它就可以接管你家花園里的工作了。澆水機(jī)器人會首先檢查相關(guān)的天氣數(shù)據(jù),然后在合適的時間跟地點(diǎn),將灑水器對準(zhǔn)花園里的特定位置澆水。該設(shè)備可以在30英尺的范圍內(nèi)全方位地澆水,因而可以管理較大面積的花園與各處草坪,而且用水量也浪費(fèi)得更少。


  Long March 3 Launch Vehiclel


  Long March 3 (LM-3) is a three-stage launch vehicle, primarily intended for sending spacecraft into Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit with the GTO capacity of l. 5 metric tons and the length of 44. 56m. The diameters of the first and second stages of LM-3 are the same, 3. 35m and the third stage, 2.25m. The development of the first and second stages is based on the first and second stages of LM-2C. The first two stages burn UDMH/N204 as propellants, while the third stage of LM-3 is powered by a cryogenic engine, using liquid oxygen ( LOX) and liquid hydrogen( LH2 ) as propellants .The launch site is Xichang Space Launch Center. The C2-3 launch vehicle won a perfect success in April, 1984. The vehicle also marked the first use of a high technology upper stage. On April 7, 1990, LM-3 delivered the first foreign communication satellite, Asia Sat l, made by the U. S. Hughes Corporation, into a predetermined GTO. It was a total success and marked the real entrance of Long March launch vehicles for China into the international commercial launch service market.

  “長征三號”運(yùn)載火箭是三級火箭,主要用于發(fā)射地球同步軌道有效載荷,運(yùn)載能力為1.5噸。全長44. 56米,一、二子級直徑3.35米、三子級直徑2. 25米。其一、二級是在“長征二號丙”運(yùn)載火箭的一、二子級的基礎(chǔ)上研制的,使用偏二甲肼( UDMH)和四氧化二氮(N204)作為推進(jìn)劑,其三子級采用了低溫高能液氫( LH2)液氧(LOX)發(fā)動機(jī)。“長征三號”火箭在西昌衛(wèi)星發(fā)射中心(XSLC)進(jìn)行發(fā)射。“長征三號”運(yùn)載火箭在1984年4月進(jìn)行首次飛行,成功地將“東方紅二號”試驗通信衛(wèi)星送入預(yù)定地球同步轉(zhuǎn)移軌道,標(biāo)志著中國運(yùn)載火箭技術(shù)跨人世界先進(jìn)行列。該火箭曾于1990年4月7日成功地將美國休斯公司制造的“亞洲1號”衛(wèi)星送人地球同步轉(zhuǎn)移軌道,是中國運(yùn)載火箭發(fā)展上的一個重要里程碑。在此之后,“長征三號”運(yùn)載火箭成功地發(fā)射了包括“亞太一號衛(wèi)星”、“亞太一號甲衛(wèi)星”、“風(fēng)云二號衛(wèi)星”等在內(nèi)多顆國內(nèi)外衛(wèi)星。





