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  16 Unhealthy Habits You Should Get Rid Of By Turning 35 Years Old

  If you are reaching your mid-thirties it is time to take have a look at yourself and decide which habits are worthwhile keeping and which are weighing you down and ought to be shaken off. Let’s take a look at 16 habits that you should quickly be shedding.

  1. Comparing yourself to others.

  When you compare yourself to others you do damage to your sense of self. By undertaking the game of comparisons you are bound to end up feeling envious and low in confidence. Comparing yourself to others is also not very effective, as the front that others present in public may mask what they are really feeling or going through.

  2. Being a spendthrift

  It’s all very well having the latest accessories and the nicest car; but is it really necessary? At one point you need to ask yourself; If I keep spending will I have something to live off when I get older? The fact is the earlier you start saving the longer you have to accrue interest on your money, and this additional interest could prove to come in handy when you are in your senior years.

  3. Having irregular sleeping habits

  When you were young, you think you can sleep anytime. You think you can stay awake all the time. But all these will make you pay a price later in life. And your body will no longer be capable of such habit. Start going to sleep and waking up at regular times. This can do you a world of good. It will help you remain fresh through-out the days and lead to good sleeping habits for the future.

  4. Thinking you need to satisfy everyone.

  After you reach a certain age it is time to stop trying to please everyone around you and choose a couple of close friends and family to be good to. Invest your time and energy wisely and be selective when you choose to help others. Most importantly don’t skimp on your own needs.

  5. Abusing your feet

  Your feet are essential for life. Make sure you wear shoes that fit and are comfortable. Otherwise you may end up with infections, hammer toes, blisters, weird skin or bunions. And these ailments could prove to slow you down later in life.

  6. Avoiding spending time alone

  Spending time with yourself can be very beneficial and can help you ‘reboot’ your system. Quiet time alone will allow you to gather your thoughts and reflect on what you have. If you still can’t enjoy being alone, it’s hard for you to be really happy with others.

  7. Being inactive

  We have all know that keeping fit will help you get the most out of life. But did you know that in the later half of your 30s you start losing muscle mass. This makes exercising during these years all the more important. As if you want to remain strong in your later years you need to flex those muscles.

  8. Putting off your life dream

  Now is the time to pursue your life dreams. Don’t wait another minute because time is ticking by. You may wish to start a family, travel the world, or write a book. Whatever your ambition is make sure you take the first steps to fulfil it now.

  9. Being lazy with your dental hygiene

  Look after your teeth because you only get one set. Make sure you get your teeth cleaner regularly and do all the daily dental hygiene stuff that needs to be done. The longer you keep your own teeth the better your smile will be and the happier you will be eating.

  10. Getting a tan

  If you would rather not have wrinkles and thin skin from sun damage, then stop lying in the sun. Once more a great looking tan can prove to cause major health concerns later in life, though, for example, the development of melanomas.

  11. Dealing with all your stressful events in your head

  Keeping a journal can help you put your thoughts and feelings down on paper. This, in turn, can help you deal with stressful events. More than this a journal can be a great reminder of good times and struggles when you get older.

  12. Berating yourself for your mistakes

  Start learning how to forgive yourself for your mistakes. Try not to dwell on where you went wrong and instead look towards the future and see how you can steer things in the direction you want to go.

  13. Smoking

  If you are a smoker stop immediately. Research suggests that if you quit before you reach the age of 40 you have a 90% lower mortality rate than those who continue to smoke.

  14. Looking to change yourself and things around you.

  If you are content with what you have and who you are chances are you will be happier in life. Research suggests that true gratitude can increase happiness and decrease negative feelings.

  15. Trying to hide your inner-nature

  If people do not appreciate who you truly are deep down, then they are not worth the effort. Show the world your inner beauty and it’ll smile back.

  16. Closing off from those you love

  Be open to those who love you. Let them in and share your thoughts and experiences with them. The more you open up to the ones you love the more you will gain from having them close.



  5 Things to Do Today to Make This World a Happier Place

  Everyone wants to be happy and live a better life, but we are so focused on our own goals that we often forget about things we should do to make the world a happier place. Regardless of your age, sex and nationality, you can make our planet a better place to live. While you can’t do it alone, you can set a good example and inspire others to help you. Don’t think that your small attempts and efforts will do nothing. The truth is, many people think this way and that’s the major reason why we live in a cruel modern world full of selfish people and those who lack confidence to change something. Don’t be afraid to express yourself and don’t be afraid to follow your own rules. Help your children grow up in a happy society. Here are some of the best things you can do today to make this world a happier place.

  1. Be nice

  It’s so tempting to be rude to people you hate, but don’t let anger and hatred divide people into good and bad. You don’t know the whole story so you can’t judge anyone. You don’t know their thoughts and feelings. After all, there are people who may think that you are a bad person. Be nice to people and they will be nicer to you. Even if they are not nice to you, then let it be. You don’t need to be perfect and make everyone loves you. Get rid of the feelings of hatred and you will feel much happier.

  2. Help

  Let’s be honest, it’s not easy to help someone for free. You should be a really kind person to volunteer. Helping people in need, animals in need and the nature is one of the best things you can do each day to make the world a better and happier place to live. Feed stray animals and birds each day, help your neighbors, volunteer at shelters at least once a month, plant flowers and trees, make donations if you can afford, and do anything you can to help make this world better. You don’t have to be rich to help others. I know many poor people who do more good deeds than my rich friends. I’m not a rich woman as well, and I don’t make lots of money, but I do my best to help others (especially animals) to live a happier life.

  3. Compliment someone

  As I mentioned above, you don’t have to be rich to make this world happier. Just smile at a stranger and compliment your mom or friend today, and you will move closer to your goal. When you compliment someone, however, make sure you are honest and sincere. If you don’t like your friend’s haircut, it’s better to say nothing at all. You can say something like ‘You look amazing today’ or ‘I love your fantastic smile.’ You will make their day without noticing it.

  4. Keep the nature clean

  The world will never be a better place to live, if we don’t take care of the nature. If you plant flowers and trees, it’s great. But, if you toss your junk onto the street, you do a lot of harm to the nature. Don’t leave rubbish in the park and forest and don’t toss it into the water. Moreover, don’t bury or burn it. Inspire others to keep the nature clean and teach your children to take care of the nature. Whenever you can, recycle things and try to buy products made from recycled materials.

  5. Stop competing

  Many people spend their lives striving to be better than their friends, coworkers or neighbors. They work hard and run into debt to buy a better car, a bigger house, a more expensive phone, or a more expensive piece of clothing, and it’s all because they want to be better than others. If you are one of them, try to break a habit of competing with your friends and coworkers. It’s hard to feel happy and live your life to the fullest when you always think of being better than others. We are all humans and we all make mistakes. If someone is more successful than you, it’s not the end of the world. Be happy for them, genuinely happy. You will definitely become successful, but you will do it for yourself. There’s no need in showing others that you are better, even if they are trying to compete with you. Set a good example and chances are many people will follow it.

  I know I can’t change the whole world, but I know that even the smallest contribution can go a long way. I try to inspire people to be kinder and happier, and to believe in themselves. Believe in your strength, and remember you can make this world a better place. What useful things do you do daily?



  8 Little Changes That Will Make You Happier

  Feeling like you need to change something in your life? There are no problems, you have a wonderful job you love, you have money, family, friends and you’ve achieved many goals. Then why are you feeling so lost? Happiness is like a butterfly. You may be happy on the outside, but feel miserable inside.

  Life is a constant struggle. We look for happiness without knowing what actually makes us happy. We are busy doing things that distract us from the truth, though it doesn’t change the situation. Stop hiding. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Are you truly happy?” If your answer is ‘no,’ then you probably need to change something in your lifestyle. Even the smallest thing can make a huge difference in how you feel. Who knows, maybe that little change will make you the happiest person in the world. You never know until you try. Choose one of these little changes that will make you happier, and make sure you make that change as soon as possible.

  1. Use your cash to help others

  If you are one of those who earn a lot but don’t know what to do with those bucks, give others. I know, what you think, ‘I work hard each day and now I should give my money away.’ Yup, you should if you want to feel happier. Believe it or not, giving makes us feel happy. Try once and you won’t stop. Besides, you don’t give money for entertainment. You help someone in need. If you don’t have money. Offer your help without waiting for anything in return.

  2. Believe in karma

  Stop looking for revenge. It’s hard to forgive and let go. When I was younger, I spent two years thinking of all the possible ways to hurt my ex and my ex BFF who had an affair behind my back. I regret it… truly regret. I wasted my precious time. I didn’t do anything to hurt them because I’m not they. I’m better. I’m wiser. But karma did its job. Both of them aren’t lucky in love, while I’m so happy with my sweetheart. No matter what happened, never try to revenge. Don’t waste your time. Karma will do it for you.

  3. Connect with nature

  Now that the fall season is here, why not connect with nature? Regardless of how successful you are, your soul strives to be closer to nature. 20-minute walk in the park or a day spent near the forest/mountain/ocean is a simple way to become closer to nature. You’ll feel that invisible power that nature has and you’ll start feeling much happier, truly happier. Money provides temporary happiness, while nature brings happiness into your life for good.

  4. Say nothing negative

  Get rid of the habit of saying negative about yourself and people around you. This way, you spread negativity that affects people’s lives. Say nothing negative today, tomorrow, for a week, for a month and see how happy you and people around you will become. Spread positivity and happiness will find you itself.

  5. Stop caring

  You have everything you want in life but all those opinions, rumors and gossips prevent you from being truly happy. Just stop caring about what others say and do, even if others are people you love. No matter what you do, there are people who will always rate you, dislike you, and try to break you. Stay strong. Listen to yourself, not to their opinions. It’s your life. Do what your heart tells you to do.

  6. Invest in your happiness

  More and more people refuse to take a vacation because they strive to make more money to buy things that can actually kill them instead of making them happy. Do you really need that new smartphone or huge TV? Rather than invest in the things, invest in your happiness. Vacation, a short road trip or a weekend camping is what you need right now to relax and feel happier again.

  7. Do what you really want to do right now

  Want to spend the whole day sleeping? Do it! Want to start meditating but you are afraid that your parents or husband will think you are crazy? Who cares? Do it! Don’t want to work today? Then, why are you still in the office? Life is short so do whatever makes you happy today, each day.

  8. Reward yourself

  If you stick to a diet or you work 9-8 each day, reward yourself. Indulge in a glass of wine, a piece of cake or your favorite ice cream once in a while. You deserve it. If you want to sleep in in the morning, feel free to hit that snooze button three times or more. Of course, you can’t do it each day, but following the rules without breaking them occasionally will never make you feel truly happy.

  Listen to yourself. What does your soul strive? Between running all day like a hamster in a wheel and trying to please everyone, find time for yourself. Stop for a minute to figure out what change you have to make today to feel happier tomorrow. Don’t let doubt have place in your heart. Doubt is your worst enemy. Are you truly happy?