


時間: 韋彥867 分享



  Lefty the Lifter

  Tonight I write of Lefty Wright,

  a lifter slightly gifted,

  who nightly lifted left and right

  so deftly all he lifted.

  Lefty lifted, on his left,

  aloft a hefty crate.

  Lefty lifted, on his right,

  a slightly lighter weight.

  So though Lefty lifted deftly,

  shifting as he lifted,

  Lefty, listing swiftly leftly,

  drifted off a cliff did.

  Rites were read for Lefty Wright

  to Wrights he left bereft.

  Despite his might, from quite a height,

  yes, Lefty Wright has left.


  My Excellent Education

  How to juggle.

  How to hop.

  How to make

  my knuckles pop.

  How to whinny.

  How to cluck.

  How to talk

  like Donald Duck.

  How to wiggle

  both my ears.

  How to fake

  convincing tears.

  How to yo-yo.

  Capture flies.

  Roll my tongue

  and cross my eyes.

  How to make a

  piggy snout.

  How to make

  my eyes bug out.

  That's a list

  of all the cool

  stuff I learned

  to do in school.


  Our Teacher's Like No Other Teacher

  Our teacher's like no other teacher we've seen.

  She likes to wear costumes from last Halloween.

  While shouting a sonnet she'll dance with a broom,

  then sprinkle confetti all over the room.

  She asks the opinions of Mr. Levesque,

  the mannequin head that she keeps on her desk.

  She jokes with the hamster and sings to the clock.

  She wrestles erasers and argues with chalk.

  She likes to make sculptures from typewriter parts

  and brings us her heavenly blackberry tarts.

  For homework, she says that we have to go play,

  and watch no T.V. for the rest of the day.

  Our teacher is either completely insane

  or some kind of genius with oodles of brain.

  But whether it's madness or cerebral powers,

  we don't think it matters; we're glad that she's ours.


  Mithing Tooth

  I'm having trouble thpeaking,

  thinthe I lotht my middle tooth.

  Jutht yethterday my tooth wath fine --

  today it wiggled loothe.

  At firtht I thought it thilly,

  when my tooth fell out today,

  But no one theems to underthtand

  a thingle word I thay.

  I athked my mom to clothe the door,

  she thaid "That would be rude.

  The door does not like wearing clothes;

  it's happy in the nude."

  I thaid a mouthe wath in my room

  and she should come and thee.

  She thaid "your mouth is on your face;

  it's right where it should be."

  I wonder if you underthtand

  the thircumthtanthe I'm in.

  I told her I wath feeling thick.

  She thaid "you're looking thin."

  At latht she thaw how mad I wath,

  And thought I might thtop breathing.

  She laughed and thaid she didn't mean it --

  She wath only teething.





