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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  屈原 《楚辭·離騷》







  Li Sao

  Qu Yuan

  WAlthough the witches counsel I held good,

  In foxlike indecision still I stood.

  At night the wizard great made his descent,

  And meeting him spiced rice I did present.

  The angels came, shading with wings the sky;

  From mountains wild the deities drew nigh.

  With regal splendor shone the solemn sight,

  And thus the wizard spake with omens bright:

  "Take office high or low as days afford,

  If one there be that could with thee accord;

  Like ancient kings austere who sought their mate,

  Finding the one who should fulfill their fate.

  Now if thy heart doth cherish grace within,

  What need is there to choose a go-between?

  A convict toiled on rocks to expiate

  His crime; his sovereign gave him great estate.

  A butcher with his knife made roundelay;

  His king chanced there and happy proved the day.

  A prince who heard a cowherd chanting late

  Raised him to be a councilor of state.

  Before old age o' ertake thee on thy way,

  Life still is young; to profit turn thy day.

  Spring is but brief, when cuckoos start to sing,

  And flowers will fade that once did spread and spring."


  屈原 《楚辭·離騷》









  Li Sao

  Qu Yuan

  On high my jasper pendent proudly gleamed,

  Hid by the crowd with leaves that thickly teemed;

  Untiring they relentless means employed;

  I feared it would through envy be destroyed.

  This gaudy age so fickle proved its will,

  That to what purpose did I linger still?

  E'en orchids changed, their fragrance quickly lost,

  And midst the weeds angelicas were tossed.

  How could these herbs, so fair in former day,

  Their hue have changed, and turned to mugworts grey?

  The reason for their fall, not far to seek,

  Was that to tend their grace their will proved weak.

  I thought upon the orchids I might lean;

  No flowers appeared, but long bare leaves were seen;

  Their grace abandoned, vulgar taste to please,

  Content with lesser flowers to dwell at ease.

  To boasts and flattery the pepper turned;

  To fill the pendent bag the dogwood yearned;

  Thus only upon higher stations bent,

  How could they long retain their former scent?

  Since they pursued the fashion of the time,

  Small wonder they decayed e' en in their prime.

  Viewing the orchids' and the peppers' plight

  Why blame the rumex and selinea white?

  My jasper pendent rare I was beguiled

  To leave, and to this depth then sank defiled.

  It blossomed still and never ceased to grow;

  Like water did its lovely fragrance flow:

  Pleasure I took to wear this bough in sport,

  As roaming wild the damsel fair I sought.

  Thus in my prime, with ornaments bedecked,

  I roved the earth and heaven to inspect.


  屈原 《楚辭·離騷》










  Li Sao

  Qu Yuan

  With omens bright the seer revealed the way,

  I then appointed an auspicious day.

  As victuals rare some jasper twigs I bore,

  And some prepared, provision rich to store;

  Then winged horses to my chariot brought

  My carriage bright with jade and ivory wrought.

  How might tow hearts at variance accord?

  I roamed till peace be to my mind restored.

  The pillar of the earth I stayed beside;

  The way was long, and winding far and wide.

  In twilight glowed the clouds with wondrous sheen,

  And chirping flew the birds of jasper green.

  I went at dawn high heaven' s ford to leave;

  To earth' s extremity I came at eve.

  On phoenix wings the dragon pennons lay;

  With plumage bright they flew to lead the way.

  I crossed the quicksand with its treach' rous flood,

  Beside the burning river, red as blood;

  To bridge the stream my dragons huge I bade,

  Invoked the emperor of the west to aid.

  The way was long, precipitous in view;

  I bade my train a different path pursue.

  There where the heaven fell we turned a space,

  And marked the western sea as meeting-place.

  A thousand chariots gathered in my train,

  With axles full abreast we drove amain;

  Eight horses drew the carriages behind;

  The pennons shook like serpents in the wind.

  I lowered flags, and from my whip refrained;

  My train of towering chariots I restrained.

  I sang the odes. I trod a sacred dance,

  In revels wild my last hour to enhance.

  Ascending where celestial heaven blazed,

  On native earth for the last time we gazed;

  My slaves were sad, my steeds all neighed in grief,

  And, gazing back, the earth they would not leave.





