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  One day in 1965, when I was a librarian at View Ridge School in Seattle ,a fourth-grade teacher approached me.She had a student who finished his work before all the othersand needed a challenge. "Could he help in the library?" she asked.I said, "Send him along."


  Soon a slight, sandy-haired boy in jeans and a T-shirt appeared.


  I told him about the Dewey Decimal System for shelving books.He picked up the idea immediately.Then I showed him a stack of cards for long-overdue booksthat I was beginning to think had actually been returnedbut were miss-shelved with the wrong cards in them.He said, "Is it kind of a detective job?"I answered "yes". And he became an unrelenting sleuth.


  He had found three books with wrong cardsby the time his teacher opened the door and announced,"Time for recess!" He argued for finishing the job;she made the case for fresh air. She won.


  The next morning, he arrived early."I wanted to finish finding those books," he said.At the end of the day, when he asked to be a librarian on a regular basis,it was easy to say yes. He worked untiringly.


  After a few weeks I found a note on my desk,inviting me to dinner at the boy's home.At the end of a pleasant evening, his mother announcedthat the family would be moving to the adjoining school district.Her son's first concern, she said, was leaving the View Ridge library."Who will find the lost books?" he asked.


  When the time came, I said a reluctant good-bye.Though initially he had seemed an ordinary kid, his zeal had set him apart.


  I missed him, but not for long.A few days later he popped in the door and joyfully announced,"The librarian over there doesn't let boys work in the library.My mother got me transferred back to View Ridge.My dad will drop me off on his way to work.And if he can't I'll walk."


  I should have had an inkling such focused determination would take that young man wherever he wanted to go.What I could not have guessed, however,was that he would become a wizard of the Information Age:Bill Gates, tycoon of Microsoft and America's richest man.




  Bill Gates was on "Morning Joe" Wednesday to talk about the role of innovation inhumanitarian aid, but singled out education as the issue that could most determine America'sfuture.

  比爾蓋茨星期三在“Morning Joe”談?wù)撊说乐髁x援助方面創(chuàng)新的作用,但單列出教育作為最可能決定美國未來的問題。

  "Morning Joe" co-host Mika Brzezinski asked Gates to name one issue in the U.S. that "reallyplagues us and could really bring us down, semi-health-oriented."

  “Morning Joe”搭檔Mika Brzezinski要求蓋茨說出在美國“真正困擾我們,且可能真的會把我們擊倒、半健康導(dǎo)向的”一個問題。

  "I'd pick education, if I was thinking broadly about America," Gates responded. "It's our tool ofequality. It has not improved, it's fallen behind other countries in a very big way."


  The statement came during a discussion with New York Times columnist Nick Kristof on the Bill& Melinda Gates Foundation's work in humanitarian aid and education -- pegged to therelease of Gates' annual letter on Wednesday.


  Every year, the Microsoft founder's letter reflects on what he has learned through his travel andwork for the foundation, and how that new knowledge and perspective will influence his workin the future. This year's letter concentrates on setting goals and creating effective progressmeasurements, including for teachers. The Gates Foundation released the third of its MeasuringEffective Teachers project earlier this month, which advocates for teacher accountabilitythrough balanced evaluations of classroom observations, student test scores and studentsurveys.


  "Our teachers get the least feedback of any, and we've got to change that," Gates said onWednesday. "We've got to help them learn from each other."


  Gates' belief that education is the greatest predictor of America's future is supported by areport released last March that declared education to be an issue of national security. "ANation at Risk," penned by former New York City Schools chief Joel Klein and former Secretaryof State Condoleezza Rice, argues that a failure to provide quality education in areas likeforeign languages, science and technology will create major future deficiencies of engineers,diplomats and soldiers, among others.


  "As we're not able to train people for the jobs, you're going to hit a limit that, no matter howgood the economy is, you're not providing the opportunity," Gates said Wednesday.


  A 2009 report found that U.S. students ranked 25th among 34 countries in math and science,trailing nations like China, Singapore, South Korea and Finland. And just 6 percent of U.S.students performed at the advanced level on a 2006 international exam administered across56 countries. That percentage is lower than those attained by students in 30 other countries.


  To be sure, the U.S. is not among the worst-performing developed nations, but is in a positionresearchers have called "middling." Analysts also point out that U.S. scores on the 2009international exams did generally improve over 2006.




  Life is not fair; get used to it. The average teen-ager uses the phrase "It's not fair" 8.6 times aday. You got it from your parents, who said it so often you decided they must be the mostidealistic generation ever. When they started hearing it from their own kids, they realized RuleNo. 1.


  The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplishsomething BEFORE you feel good about yourself.

  This may come as a shock. Usually, when inflated self-esteem meets reality, kids complain thatit's not fair. (See Rule No. 1)


  You will NOT make 60 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vicepresident or have a car phone, either. You may even have to wear a uniform that doesn't havea Gap label.


  If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure, so he tendsto be a bit edgier. When you screw up, he's not going to ask you how you feel about it.


  Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word forburger flipping; they called it opportunity.

  They weren't embarrassed making minimum wage either. They would have been embarrassedto sit around talking about Kurt Cobain all weekend.


  It's not your parents' fault. If you screw up, you are responsible. This is the flip side of "It'smy life," and "You're not the boss of me," and other eloquent proclamations of yourgeneration. When you turn 18, it's on your dime. Don't whine about it, or you'll sound like ababy boomer.


  Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that wayfrom paying your bills, cleaning your clothes and listening to you talk about how cool you are.So before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents' generation, try"delousing" the closet in your own room.


  Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schoolsthey have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the rightanswer. Failing grades have been abolished and class valedictorians scrapped, lest anyone'sfeelings be hurt. Effort is as important as results. This, of course, bears not the slightestresemblance to ANYTHING in real life. (See Rule No. 1, Rule No. 2 and Rule No. 4.)


  Life is not divided into semesters, and you don't get summer off. Not even Easter break. Theyexpect you to show up every day. For eight hours. And you don't get a new life every 10weeks. It just goes on and on. While we're at it, very few employers are interested in fosteringyour self-expression or helping you find yourself. Fewer still lead to self-realization. (See RuleNo. 1 and Rule No. 2.)


  Television is NOT real life. Your life is not a sitcom. Your problems will not all be solved in 30minutes, minus time for commercials. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffee shopto go to jobs. Your friends will not be as perky or pliable as Jennifer Aniston.


  Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one. We all could.


  Smoking does not make you look cool. It makes you look moronic. Next time you're outcruising, watch an 11-year-old with a butt in his mouth. That's what you look like to anyoneover 20. Ditto for "expressing yourself" with purple hair and/or pierced body parts.


  You are not immortal. (See Rule No. 12.) If you are under the impression that living fast, dyingyoung and leaving a beautiful corpse is romantic, you obviously haven't seen one of your peersat room temperature lately.


  Enjoy this while you can. Sure parents are a pain, school's a bother, and life is depressing. Butsomeday you'll realize how wonderful it was to be a kid. Maybe you should start now. You'rewelcome.






