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  Thanksgiving is celebrated every year on the fourth Thursday of November. The month of November comes in autumn, the main season for harvesting crops. Thanksgiving is an autumn harvest festival like those found in many cultures.

  Today the holiday is a time of family reunions, parades and watching football games on television. And, oh, yes, food! For millions of Americans, Thanksgiving is a day spent cooking, eating and spending time together.

  The writer O. Henry called Thanksgiving the one holiday that is purely American. It is not a religious holiday. But it does have a spiritual meaning.

  Some Americans travel long distances to be with their families. They eat a large dinner, which is the main part of the celebration. For many people, Thanksgiving is the only time when all members of a family gather together. The holiday is a time of family and family reunions.

  The government says the Sunday after Thanksgiving is the busiest day of the year for long-distance travel. This is when people usually return from gatherings.

  Thanksgiving is all about family and food

  But let's get back to the food.

  The star of the Thanksgiving meal is the turkey!

  This large bird roasts in the oven all morning. The smell of celery, onion and herbs fill the house and makes everyone hungry.

  Two traditional side dishes are mashed potatoes and sweet potato casseroles.

  And there is another -- stuffing -- a bread-and-vegetable mixture that is literally stuffed into the turkey and then baked.

  While people cook the Thanksgiving meal and talk with family members and friends, others might be watching American football games on television.

  Two American traditions, Thanksgiving Day parade and football

  Over the years, Americans have added this tradition to their Thanksgiving celebrations. A number of football games are played on Thanksgiving Day.

  Another tradition is the television broadcast of Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

  The parade takes place every year in New York City. Employees of the Macy's store on Herald Square organized the first parade in 1924. Many of the workers were immigrants and wanted to hold a big parade like the ones in Old World Europe. So they dressed in special costumes and borrowed some animals from the zoo. They also carried small balloons that floated just overhead.

  And then sometime in the afternoon, the dinner table is set. It is time for what everyone has been waiting for. Dinner is served!

  Some families have more than one dinner table at Thanksgiving. Children may eat together at their own table. Usually, the people who are invited to dinner belong to the same family. But anyone can bring a friend. In fact, many Americans live far away from family members. So, getting together at Thanksgiving is not always possible. Many people in this situation have a dinner party and invite their friends who are also without family for the holidays.

  Serving those less fortunate

  It is important to remember that the United States is home to many poor and homeless people. They cannot buy a Thanksgiving dinner or spend the holiday with friends and family. All across the country, religious and service organizations provide holiday meals for older adults, the homeless and the poor.

  Whether you are eating with family and friends or serving meals to the homeless, Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks. Before the meal begins, it is traditional for everyone to say a few words about what they are most thankful for.



  In some countries, holidays and vacations are the same thing. That is because people in those countries take their vacations only when there is a holiday. But that is not necessarily how it is done in the United States.


  In America, holidays are simply days set aside for the celebration of a particular event, such as historical or religious commemorations. The word holiday originally meant "holy day," signifying an important day on the religious calendar. Today, however, the word has nothing to do with religion.


  There are holidays of both religious and secular significance. The religious holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, are well known because they are shared by the many countries of the Christian world. But there are many secular holidays, too, such as Veteran's Day, Memorial Day and Labour Day. Holidays like these were established to honour persons who have served their nation or died in the service of their country and those whose labour makes the country strong.


  All of these are holidays, but they aren't vacations. Vacations are usually longer than holidays. A person on vacation often travels out of town to see the country, or to visit relatives, and might be gone for several weeks or longer. They almost always use paid vacation time, and they must, of course, first get permission from their employer.


  Sometimes vacations are taken together with holidays, especially during the "holiday season." This starts with Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November, and ends with New Year's Day.



  World Chocolate Day must be one of the best holidays in the world. It’s such a great idea. Itcould be the most celebrated holiday in the world. Everyone loves chocolate. It is probably themost popular food ever. It is also probably the most popular flavor in the world. No oneknows where Chocolate Day came from. Perhaps it was a secret marketing campaign bychocolate makers. On this day, we celebrate our love for this sweet and spoil ourselves. Startthe day with chocolate spread on your toast. Take a bag of chocolates to work and give themto your workmates; a bar of chocolate for your boss. Enjoy a piece of chocolate cake fordessert and wash it down with a mug of hot chocolate. You have another 364 days to lose thecalories!


  Chocolate comes from the seed of the tropical cacao tree. Cacao has been grown forthousands of years in Central America and Mexico. Historians believe chocolate was firstproduced in Mexico by the Aztecs. The word ‘chocolate’ comes from an Aztec word for a drinkmade from the cacao seed. The product of the cacao seed has a very bitter taste. The chocolatewe know and love contains sugar, milk and milk powder. Chocolate contains chemicals that canbe good for us. Scientists say it can lower our blood pressure and make us feel positive. It alsogives us a tasty energy boost and makes our brain more active. It’s not all good news though.Too much chocolate can make us fat and give us tooth decay.






