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  Stories of dogs


  Some years ago, a fine dog, called Neptune, was kept at an inn in Wimborne, in the county ofDorset. His fame spread far and wide.


  Every morning, as the clock of the minster struck eight, he might be seen, with a basket in hismouth, going to the baker's for bread. The basket contained money to buy the bread; andNeptune, day after day, carried it safely across the street to the baker's shop.


  The baker took the money, and placed the right number of rolls in the basket. With these,Neptune hastened back to the kitchen of the inn, and there laid down his trust. It is said thathe never tried to take the basket, or even to approach it, on Sunday mornings, when no rollscould be got.


  On one occasion, when returning with the rolls, another dog made an attack upon the basket,for the purpose of stealing its contents. On this, the trusty fellow, placing it on the ground,began to fight with his assailant. He severely punished him, and then bore off his charge intriumph!


  Two gentlemen, brothers, were one day out shooting wild-fowl. They had with them a nobleNewfoundland dog.


  Having thrown down their hats on the grass, they crept through some reeds to the river'sbank. After firing at the birds, they proceeded some way down by the side of the stream.


  At length they began to wish for their hats. Calling the dog, they sent him back for them; andaway he went to fulfill the errand.


  When he reached the place, he made several attempts to bring both hats together in his mouthat once. Finding great difficulty in this, he at last noticed that one of the hats was smaller thanthe other. Placing the smaller hat within the larger one, and pressing it down with his foot, hewas then able to carry both at the same time!


  There are two ways of doing everything—a right and a wrong.



  Can dogs really show empathy towards humans?


  DOGS quickly become part of the family. Tales abound of dogs celebrating joy in a household or commiserating when tragedy strikes. This may not seem surprising after 15,000 years of co-evolution. But what hard evidence is there of dogs' empathy with humans? A new experiment suggests that behind all the waggy tails there really is something deeper going on.


  Past experiments have hinted that animals can feel sympathy. Rats and monkeys had been found to forgo food to avoid delivering electric shocks to relatives. Similarly, apes have recently been documented consoling one another after conflicts. However, all these experiments and observations were demonstrating an animal's sensitivity to distress in other members of the same species. Deborah Custance and Jennifer Mayer of Goldsmiths College, London, set out to see if dogs could detect the emotional state of humans.


  To do this, Dr Custance and Ms Mayer conducted an experiment to study the response of dogs when a nearby human suddenly began to cry. The researchers knew that interpreting responses would be difficult, since dogs tend to whine, nuzzle, lick, lay their heads in laps and fetch toys for people in distress. Although such actions hint at a dog wishing to offer comfort, they could also be signs of curiosity, or suggest that a dog is simply distressed by seeing its master upset.


  To work round this, the researchers presented 18 dogs of various breeds with four separate 20-second conditions. They included their owner crying, a stranger crying and both taking it in turns to hum "Mary had a little lamb". All four of these conditions were preceded by two minutes of mundane conversation between Ms Mayer, who filled the role of the stranger, and the dog's owner.


  Dr Custance and Ms Mayer suspected that if exposure to crying led dogs to feel distress, then regardless of who was crying, the dog would go to their master to seek comfort. They also theorised that if curiosity, rather than empathy, was the driving force, then the humming would cause dogs to engage with people.


  As they report in Animal Cognition, "person-oriented behaviour" did sometimes take place when either the stranger or the owner hummed, but it was more than twice as likely to occur if someone was crying. This indicated that dogs were differentiating between odd behaviour and crying. And of the 15 dogs in the experiment that showed person-oriented responses when the stranger cried, all of them directed their attention towards the stranger rather than their owner.


  These discoveries suggest that dogs do have the ability to express empathetic concern. But although the results are clear enough, Dr Custance argues that more work needs to be done to be sure that such behaviour is true empathy. It is possible, she points out, that the dogs were drawing on previous experiences in which they were rewarded for approaching distressed human companions. Dog-owners, however, are unlikely to need any more convincing.




  Some years ago, a little boy, not more than eight years old, was sent on an errand. As he wasgoing home, a lame dog, rough and dirty, came limping after him.


  A bad boy would have thrown stones at the poor dog; but the little boy of whom I am tellingyou, had been taught to be gentle and kind.


  He saw that the dog had been ill used, and that it wanted a friend. So he let it follow him home.


  When the little boy asked his mother if she would let the dog come into the house, the poordog seemed to know what was said.


  It looked, oh, so sad!And the children almost cried when they saw its large bright eyes lookingup to them for pity.


  The mother, who had taught her children to be kind and gentle, did not turn the poor, hungry,lame dog away. She let it go into the wash-house; and the children gave it some food, andsome water to drink, and some clean straw to lie on.


  After a few days it was well again. It soon made itself clean, and began to show how pleased itwas with its new home.


  It did all that a dog could do to show how thankful it was for the kindness shown to it. Insteadof crouching,as if it were afraid of being beaten, it would frisk about, and jump up to lick thehands of its little friends.




  In what state was the little dog that came after the boy? What would a bad boy have done toit? What did this boy do? What did his mother do with the dog when he got home? And in afew days…? How did it show how thankful it was?


  The children gave the dog the name of Elf, and it was their friend as well as their pet.


  I shall tell you how it was their friend. It used to go with them to school, and drive away anybad boys who tried to tease or to hurt them.


  Then, when they went into school, Elf walked back to the house, and stayed in the yard withthe fowls. It watched that they did not stray, and that no one stole them. No bad boys daredto throw stones at them when Elf was near.


  When it was time for the children to leave school, their mother would say,Elf, it is time to bringthe children home.It was long before Elf could be taught what she meant. But at last it came toknow it; and no sooner were the words said, than off it ran to the school.


  Yes, and more than that; Elf at last became so clever a dog, that on a wet day it would carry anumbrella in its mouth when it went for the children!


  Look at the picture, and you will see Elf all ready to start for school.


  Sometimes boys in the street tried to take the umbrella from it; but Elf was too quick for them.It would run past them at full speed, and it always got safely away.


  Thus did this once poor lame dog in many ways repay the kindness of its little friends.






