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  India's Gigantic Smart Cities


  It sounds like a Silicon Valley dream: a city where everything is connected to the Internet and acentral command center digitally links every citizen. Yet this idle daydream may soon be areality and not in California. Known as Dholera, it's one of the Indian government's enormousnew infrastructure projects that could be ready within a decade.


  Part of the phenomenally ambitious Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor, a billion scheme tolink the two most important cities on the subcontinent, Dholera would be the jewel in theproject's crown. Built from scratch on reclaimed land, it would be big, powerful, and stunninglyhigh-tech. Digital crowd and traffic control would aim for no jams, no pollution, no mobs ofpeople lining up at terminals, no dirt, and no littering. Every house would be wired up to theInternet, a stunning achievement in a country where, in 2013, only 3 percent of homes hadany Internet access. Dholera's other draw is its size. Designed to cope with India's ever-expanding population, the city would be twice as big as Mumbai, or roughly three times thesize of Malta. Even more impressively, Dholera is just the tip of the iceberg. If the project comesoff (and the government is pushing ahead, despite serious setbacks), there are plans to buildanother 23 smart cities just as impressive across the region.



  Azerbaijan's Artificial Archipelago


  In China and India, they build new supercities. In the Netherlands, they build new mountains. InAzerbaijan, they build new countries.


  In the waters off the coast of Baku, on the Caspian Sea, whole mountains' worth of rocks arebeing poured in to create a new archipelago. Known as the Khazar Islands, the new land will belike a country within its own right. Consisting of 55 separate islands, the archipelago will haveits own airport, yacht club, Formula One track, and an 800,000-strong population crammedinto its thousands of apartment blocks. More impressive still, the largest island will also behome to Azerbaijan Tower, predicted to be possibly the tallest building on Earth. In 2013, itwas estimated to cost 0 billion, significantly higher than the country's entire GDP. The ideacame to billionaire businessman Ibrahim Ibrahimov on a flight back from Dubai in 2010. Lackinga notebook, he drew his designs on some tissue paper and told architects to build them exactlyas he'd drawn them. Crazily, they agreed. At time of writing, the Khazar Islands are wellunderway, with at least one mountain already leveled to provide rocks for their foundations.

  在里海的巴庫地區(qū)水域沿岸,整座山脈中可開鑿的巖石都被投入這里,來建造一個新群島。該群島就是大家所熟知的哈札爾群島, 它將會像個國家一樣享有自己的權(quán)利。哈札爾群島由55個分離的島嶼組成,擁有自己的機場、游艇俱樂部、F1賽道以及被800萬的人口塞滿的不計其數(shù)的公寓。引人矚目的是,阿塞拜疆塔(預(yù)計將成為世界上最高的建筑)將坐落在這座群島上。在2013年,人們預(yù)計將花費一千億美元來建造該島,比阿塞拜疆的GDP高得多的多。2010年,億萬富翁商人易卜拉欣·伊布拉希莫夫在從迪拜回來的飛機上突發(fā)這個念頭。因為沒帶筆記本,于是乎他把他的設(shè)計稿畫在了幾張紙巾上,并告訴建筑師完完全全按照他畫的來建造。令人震驚的是他們竟答應(yīng)了。在筆者寫作本文之際,哈札爾群島正在如火如荼地建造中,已有一座山被夷平以提供地基所需的石頭。


  China's New Silk Road


  Stretching from Venice in Europe all the way through Central Asia to the furthest edges ofChina, the Silk Road was once the greatest trading route on Earth. Unimaginable sums ofmoney moved along its pathways, along with refugees, religions, and Eastern culture. In just afew short years, they might do so again. The Chinese government is determined to bring theSilk Road careering into the 21st century.


  Known affectionately as the "One Belt, One Road" plan, the idea is to combine a new overlandtrading route with an expensive new maritime one, through roads, railways, and pipelines.When finished, the road will give China an unbreakable corridor of power and influencestretching all the way from its central city Xi'an to Moscow and Rotterdam. That's over 10,000kilometers (6,000 mi) of Chinese dominance, a significantly longer distance than from New Yorkto Buenos Aires. But the project wouldn't stop there. Aside from linking China, India, andRussia together into the most important economic corridor on Earth, the other half of the planwould see coastal projects and ports connecting China with the rest of Asia and even EastAfrica. In effect, it would spread Chinese influence out across half the modern world. It's beendescribed as a bigger investment than the Marshall Plan, and the effects would be world-changing. The craziest part? This monster project could be well underway by 2020.
