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  1. Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears.你知道思念一個(gè)人的滋味嗎,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很長(zhǎng)很長(zhǎng)的時(shí)間流成熱淚。

  2. Everyone has problems. Some are just better at hiding them than others. ------ 每個(gè)人都有自己的難處,只不過有的人不容易被發(fā)覺罷了。

  3. Everything happens for a reason 這個(gè)世界,沒有偶然。

  4. Every day may not be good...but there's something good in every day. 并不是每一天都是好日子,但每一天一定會(huì)有些好事會(huì)發(fā)生。

  5. Every thing is gonna be alright. ------ 一切都會(huì)好起來的。

  6. Every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune.一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰。

  7. Fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it's not because of others' cunning.會(huì)上當(dāng),不是因?yàn)閯e人太狡猾,而是因?yàn)樽约禾?/p>

  8. First Lines of Novels It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife。毫無疑問的,每個(gè)單身鉆石王老五都需要有嬌妻相伴。--JANE AUSTEN, "Pride and Prejudice"

  9. Fading is true while flowering is past凋謝是真實(shí)的,盛開只是一種過去

  10. For our ever-lasting friendship, send sincere blessings and warm greetings to my friends whom I miss so much.一份不渝的友誼,執(zhí)著千萬個(gè)祝福,給我想念的朋友,溫馨的問候。

  11. Forget others' faults by remembering your own. 想想自己的錯(cuò),會(huì)忘卻別人的過

  12. For those things i don't talk about,it does not mean i don't know. 有些事不說,不代表不知道。

  13. Fear less, hope more,eat less, chew more,whine less, breathe more,talk less, say more,hate less, love more,and good things will be yours.少些恐懼,多些希望,少吃點(diǎn),多咀嚼,少些牢騷,多做深呼吸,少些閑聊,多說正事,少點(diǎn)恨,多點(diǎn)愛, 好東西都將會(huì)是你的。

  14. Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. - Albus Dumbledore——即使在最黑暗的日子里,也能尋到幸福。

  15. Happiness is to find someone who can give you warm and share your life together.幸福,就是找一個(gè)溫暖的人過一輩子。

  16. Happiness is about having each tiny wish come ture. 幸福是每一個(gè)微小愿望的達(dá)成。

  17. How can I believe that there is still pure love in this world?讓我如何相信,這世界上還有一塵不染的愛情。

  18. How is the feels when you are loved by the one you love? If you want to answer it immediately, you should know how happy you are. 被自己所愛的人深愛著是什么樣的感覺呢?想要立刻回答的人,你要知道自己是多么幸福。


  1. Acting as if nothing borne in mind is the best revenge.It's all for myself to live better.若無其事,原來是最好的報(bào)復(fù)。生活得更好,是為了自己

  2. Apologizing does not always mean you are wrong & the other person is right. It just means you value your relationship more than your ego.—— 道歉并不總是代表我承認(rèn)自己錯(cuò)了,只能說,我在乎我們的關(guān)系,比我自身還在乎

  3. Always listen to your heart because even though it's on your left side, it's always right.❤ 總是聽從內(nèi)心的聲音。因?yàn)榧幢闼L(zhǎng)在你的左邊,它卻總是對(duì)的。。

  4. A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one. ------ 一生中,女人總會(huì)愛過一兩次壞蛋,才會(huì)珍惜那個(gè)對(duì)的人。

  5. A true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.真正的朋友會(huì)接受你的過去,力挺你的現(xiàn)在,鼓舞你的將來

  6. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. 醫(yī)書里說有兩樣?xùn)|西, 是最好的靈丹妙藥: 一個(gè)是開心的笑容,一個(gè)是睡個(gè)飽覺.

  7. A man who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is.------ 如果一個(gè)男人真愛你,永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)丟下你,不管情形有多難。

  8. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous —— Coco Chanel 。每個(gè)女孩都該做到兩點(diǎn):有品位并光芒四射。—— 可可·香奈兒

  9. All endings are beginnings, we just don't know it at the time.-Mitch Albom—— 所有的結(jié)局都是新的開始,只是當(dāng)時(shí)不知道。

  10. A single hand that wipes tears during failures is much better than countless hands that come together to clap on success——失敗時(shí)有人伸出一只手來為你擦淚,會(huì)好過成功時(shí)無數(shù)人伸手為你鼓掌。

  11. A boy will make you think he loves you, but he really doesn't. A girl will make you think she doesn't love you, when she really does. ------ 很多時(shí)候,男人會(huì)讓你覺得他愛上了你,其實(shí)他真沒有;而女人會(huì)讓你覺得她不可能會(huì)愛上你,結(jié)果她卻動(dòng)了心。

  12. A successful relationship requires fall in love many times, always with the the same person. 一段成功的戀情,就是一次次的墮入愛河,與同一個(gè)人

  13. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.❤ 醫(yī)生手冊(cè)寫道:開懷大笑,睡個(gè)好覺,此乃靈丹妙藥

  14. A smile is the most charming part of a person forever. ♥ 微笑永遠(yuǎn)是一個(gè)人身上最好看的東西。

  15. A person who truly loves you will never let you go, no matter how hard the situation is. 真心愛你的人永遠(yuǎn)不會(huì)放你走,不管遇到多大的困境

  16. Dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired. ------ 夢(mèng)的最深處,只有微笑不累。

  17. It is not easy to meet each other in such a big world. —— 世界這么大,能遇見,不容易。

  18. It’s the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness,not the death and darkness themselves.大家對(duì)于未來與死亡的恐懼并不是它們的本身,而是對(duì)于它們的未知。

  19. I love waking up and seeing text messages on my phone 我愛一覺醒來時(shí),讀到你發(fā)來的手機(jī)短信。

  20. I don't give a shit on your care the least about me.我不在乎你對(duì)我的不在乎。


  1. I wish I knew how to make this feeling stop. 我真希望自己知道怎么樣讓這種感覺停止。

  2. I want to be his favorite hello and his hardest goodbye. 我要成為他最心動(dòng)的相遇,最不舍的離別。

  3. i know what i want,and i know how to get it,and doing it now.that's all. ❤我知道我想要什么,也知道我該怎么去得到,而且正在做。這樣就夠了❤

  4. If two past lovers can remain friends, it's either they were never in love or they still are. ------ 如果分手的戀人還能做朋友,要不從沒愛過,要不還在愛著

  5. I'm always keeping my eyes on you,by the means you know or not.我一直在關(guān)注你,用一切你知道或不知道的方式

  6. I always knew looking back on the tears would make me laugh, but I never knew looking back on the laughs would make me cry. 我知道再回首時(shí),那些眼淚想來可笑;卻不知再回眸時(shí),那些歡聲笑語也能叫我潸然淚下。.

  7. I have passed your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you would not shelter. ------ 我曾路過你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。

  8. I really want to talk to you, but I feel like I’m annoying you.------ 真的好想跟你講話,但又很怕你嫌我煩。

  9. I hate that you’re just a memory now. 我恨現(xiàn)在你僅僅是我的回憶而已。

  10. I really wonder why people suddenly change after they get what they wanted. ------ 我真想知道為什么人一旦得到他們想要的,就突然變了。

  11. I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.我不以一個(gè)人爬得多高來衡量他的成功,而是看他跌到谷底時(shí)能反彈多高。—— George S. Patton

  12. I am on my way to future, where you are there. ❤我要去有你的未來

  13. I’m not weird. I’m limited edition.❤ 我不是怪異。本人是限量版。

  14. If a person really wants to see you they will make a way and nothing in the world would stop them.如果一個(gè)人真想見你,他總能找到辦法,全世界都阻擋不了他。

  15. If we didn't have stupid thoughts, we'd have no interesting thoughts at all.❤ 如果沒有那些愚蠢的想法, 我們也壓根不可能有什么有趣的想法。

  16. If a person really wants to see you they will make a way and nothing in the world would stop them. ------ 如果一個(gè)人真想見你,他總能找到辦法,全世界都阻擋不了他

  17. I know I'm not beautiful, but everyday I hope you think that I am. 我知道我不夠美,但每天我都期望著你會(huì)覺得我是美麗的

  18. I am not afraid of tomorrow,for I have seen yesterday and love today. 我不害怕明天,因?yàn)槲医?jīng)歷過昨天,又熱愛今天。

  19. I figure life is a gift and I dont intend on wasting it.

  20. You never know what hand you're going to get dealt next.

  21. You learn to take life as it comes at you.

  22. 我覺得生命是一種禮物,我不想浪費(fèi)它,你不知道下一手牌會(huì)是什么,要學(xué)會(huì)接受生活。——Titanic

  23. I'm not even upset, hurt, or angry anymore. I'm just tired. I'm tired of putting in more effort than I receive——我并不失落,我也沒有受傷,沒有生氣,我只是有點(diǎn)累了,我厭倦了付出太多,回報(bào)太少。。。

  24. It’s never too late to be who you might have been.-George Eliot 做回你自己,永遠(yuǎn)都不嫌晚

  25. If you don't correct people when they upset you, they will never learn how to treat you with respect.——如果別人傷害你,而你無動(dòng)于衷的話,他們將永遠(yuǎn)不懂得尊重你。

  26. .If you weeped for the missing sunset,you would miss all the shining stars如果你為著錯(cuò)過夕陽而哭泣,那么你就要錯(cuò)群星了

  27. I say what I believe."我只說我所相信的

  28. If you fall in love with your Mr. Right,every day is like Valentine's Day.其實(shí)愛對(duì)了人,情人節(jié)每天都過

  29. If we can only encounter each other rather than stay with each other,then I wish we had never encountered .如果只是遇見,不能停留,不如不遇.

  30. It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can’t be expressed with any choice of words.想你,是一種美麗的憂傷的甜蜜的惆悵,心里面,卻是一種用任何語言也無法表達(dá)的溫馨。

  31. I have mercy because I have loved. I am lenient because I have learned.“因?yàn)閻圻^,所以慈悲;因?yàn)槎茫詫捜荨?rdquo;