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  The plight of the unpaid intern is improving. Not because businesses are paying more for summer helpers, but because colleges are stepping in to pay when companies can't, or won't, compensate student hires.


  Schools have long granted stipends for stints in nonprofits and the arts, where unpaid labor is common, but now they are paying the way for students to work at profit-making enterprises, including a New York money-management firm, a Washington, D.C., lobbying firm and even a General Motors plant.


  Colleges' job-placement rates have come under intense scrutiny as cost-conscious families, stung by rapidly rising tuition, want proof that universities can deliver on both academic and career fronts.


  While career-services officers say they aren't thrilled to foot the bill, they need students to gain the skills and experience that will eventually get them hired.


  University of Richmond has supported unpaid research and nonprofit work for years, but created more than 100 new fellowships this year for students with unpaid internships at for-profit enterprises. In all, the school awarded 300 fellowships, averaging ,700 apiece. Employers ranged from a New York City hospital to Christie's auction house.


  Funding for the awards came from alumni and other donations, as the development office spread word that students needed additional support for the internships.


  As long as companies aren't forced to pay the trainees, critics say, they probably won't.


  It is "laudable" that schools want to help all students, not just affluent ones, get ahead in the job market, says Ross Perlin, author of Intern Nation. But funding unpaid jobs at for-profit employers, he says, "may actually be supporting an illegal internship, at an employer who can very much afford to pay."


  The financial downturn increased the "sleaze factor" among employers, Philip Gardner, director of Michigan State University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute, wrote in a recent report on unpaid internships. Employers "offer work they need done, under the guise of internships, but without pay."


  A recent survey from Michigan State University's Collegiate Employment Research Institute found that nearly 100% of schools welcome requests for unpaid labor from government and nonprofit agencies, and upward of 84% allow for-profit companies to do so.



  1. Not showing up.


  Maybe you’ve heard this quote by Woody Allen: “Eighty percent of success is showing up”.


  One of the biggest and simplest thing you can do to ensure more success in your life – whether it be in your social life, your career or with your health – is simply to show up more. If you want to improve your health then one of the most important and effective things you can do is just to show up at the gym every time you should be there.


  The weather might be bad, you might not feel like going and you find yourself having all these other things you just must do. If you still go, if you show up at the gym when motivation is low you will improve a whole lot faster than if you just stayed at home relaxing on the sofa.


  I think this applies to most areas of life. If you write or paint more, each day perhaps, you will improve quickly. If you get out more you can meet more new friends. If you go on more dates you chances of meeting someone special increases. Just showing up more can really make a big difference.


  2. Procrastinating half the day.


  To keep it short, my 3 favourite ways to get out of a procrastinating state are:


  1.Swallow that frog. What’s this means is simply to do the hardest and most important task of the day first thing in the morning. A good start in the morning lifts your spirits and creates a positive momentum for the rest of the day. That often creates a pretty productive day.


  2.How do you eat an elephant? Don’t try to take it all in one big bite. It becomes overwhelming which leads to procrastination. Split a task into small actionable steps. Then just focus on the first step and nothing else. Just do that one until it’s done. Then move on to the next step.


  3.I find the guided mediation to be very useful. After 20 minutes of mostly just lying on my bed and listening I’m far more productive for a few days. I don’t feel the urge to sink into that procrastinating state or the need to find out what’s new over at one or five of my favourite websites.


  3. When actually doing something, doing something that isn’t the most important thing right now.


  One of the easiest habits to get stuck in, besides procrastinating, is to keep yourself busy with unimportant tasks.


  To be effective you probably need some kind of time management-system. It might be something really simple, like using the 80/20-rule at the beginning of each day. The 80/20 rule, or the Pareto Principle as it´s also known, says that you’ll get 80 percent of your results from only 20 percent of your tasks and activities. So you needto focus most of your energy on those few important tasks to be effective.


  When you have prioritized using this rule just write down the top 3 most important things you need to do that day. Then, from the top, start doing them. Even if you just get one of the things done, you have still done the most important thing you could do today. However you organise your work it’s still of highest priority to find the most important tasks so you don’t spend days, weeks or months doing busywork that isn’t that essential anyway. Just getting things done faster isn’t that useful if the things you get done are unimportant to you.


  4. Thinking too much.


  And thereby seldom taking action. Paralysis by analysis can waste years of your life. There is nothing wrong with thinking before you do something. Do some research, make a plan, explore potential upsides and problems.


  But compulsively thinking and thinking and thinking is just another way to waste your time. You don’t have to examine everything from every angle before you try it. And you can’t wait for the perfect time to do something. That time never comes. And if you keep thinking you’ll just dig yourself down deeper and deeper and taking action will become more and more difficult. Instead you just need to stop thinking. Shut of your mind – it just helps you up to a point – and go do whatever you need to do.


  5. Seeing the negative and downsides in just about anything.


  When you see everything from a negative perspective you quickly punch a hole in your own motivation. You find faults everywhere and problems where there are really none. You cling to details. If you want to find a reason to not do something then that’s no problem. From a negative viewpoint you can find ten reasons every time.


  A solution is to realise the limits of a negative perspective. And that your perspective isn’t some kind of 100% true picture of the world. Then try other perspectives. For instance, trying to establish a habit of seeing things in a more positive and optimistic light can be quite useful. In that vein, you may want to try the Positivity Challenge. It’s not easy, but if you do the challenge and try to only think positive thoughts for 7 days it can give you an insight in how much your perspective and beliefs changes how you interpret your world. And what results you get.


  6. Clinging to your own thoughts and being closed to outside influences.


  It can be hard to admit that what you thought or believed was not the best alternative. So you cling to your thoughts harder and harder and keep your mind closed. This makes it hard to improve and for instance to become more effective. Even really considering the possibility that you can change your life can be difficult in this position.


  One solution, obviously, is to open up more. To open up and learn from the mistakes of others, from your own mistakes and from other sources like books. This is easy to say though. It can, as almost anything, be harder to do. One suggestion I have is to, like I said about the previous habit, realise the limits of what you know and the way you going about things. And then just try something new.


  7. Constantly on information overload.


  With information overload I don’t just mean that you read a lot. I pretty much mean an overload in all input. If you just let all information flow into your mind it will be hard to think clearly. It’s just too much stimulation. A few more potential downsides to this habit are:


  1.Some of the input you receive will be negative. The media and your surroundings often put a negative spin on things for various reasons. If you aren’t selective in what input you want in your life then you’ll be dragged into this negativity too. This affects how you think, feel and act.


  2.It creates an urge to keep up with what’s happening but there are always ten more things happening so you can’t keep up. This makes life stressful.


  3.It becomes hard to make decisions and take action if your mind is constantly bombarded with information or trying to sort through it all. Personally I find that if I get too much information it leads to a sort of paralysis. Not much get’s done.






