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時間: 若木631 分享



  Stay on target堅持目標

  When you begin your cover letter, get to the point immediately. Explain why you're writing and include the title of the position you're interested m You may even want to say where you heard of the opening;”l am writing to express my interest in the Sales Manager position advertised On your website. l have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review."

  當你開始寫你的求職信的時候,直入主題。解釋你為什么寫這封求職信并將你感興趣的職位頭銜寫在里面。你可能還想要說一下你是在哪兒聽到這份工作的:”】am writing to express my interest ln the Sales Manager position advertised On your website. l have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. "。

  Match your skills匹配你的技能

  A cover letter I5 your chance to convince the employer that you're the perfect candidate, so identifying the position's skill requirements is an important first step. Then, include clear examples from your previous experience which reveal that you possess these skills, and finally sum up with something like this;”1 am confident that these combinedexperiences make me an ideal candidate for this position."

  一封求職信是你向雇主證明你是最好人選的好機會,因此確定該職位的技能要求是重要的第一步。然后,將你以前和這些技能相關(guān)的工作經(jīng)歷的具體介紹,并且最后以類似這樣的話總結(jié):"l am confident that these combined experiences make me an ideal candidate for this position.".

  Demonstrate your English ability展示你的英語(課程)能力

  lf an English cover letter is required, it's a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate your smooth writing skills and professionalism. Keep in mind, however, that long sentences don't necessarily indicate fluency. Keep your sentences short and clear; do not try to over-impress by writing complex sentences, which can often leave the reader tired and confused

