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時(shí)間: 韋彥867 分享




  The wind has gently murmured through the blinds, or puffed with feathery softness against thewindows,and occasionally sighed like a summer zephyr lifting the leaves along, the livelongnight.


  The meadow mouse has slept in his snug gallery in the sod, the owl has sat in a hollow treein the depth of the swamp, the rabbit, the squirrel, and the fox have all been housed.


  The watch—dog has lain quiet on the hearth, and the cattle have stood silent in their stalls.


  The earth itself has slept, as it were its first, not its last sleep, save when some street sign orwoodhouse door has faintly creaked upon its hinge,

  連大地都在沉睡—但這不是壽終正寢,而是忙碌一年后第一次美美地睡上一覺。夜已經(jīng)深了,大自然還在忙碌著, 只有街上一些招牌或小木屋的門軸不時(shí)嘎吱嘎吱地響,

  cheering forlorn nature at her midnight work-the only sound awake twixt Venus and Mars-advertising us of a remote inward warmth, a divine cheer and fellowship, where gods are mettogether, but where it is very bleak for men to stand.


  But while the earth has slumbered,all the air has been alive with feathery flakes descending,asif some northern Ceres reigned, showering her silvery grain over all the fields.

  大地此刻在酣睡,可是空氣還 很活躍,鵝毛大雪漫天飛舞,好像是一個(gè)北方的五谷女神,正在把她的銀種子撒在我們的田野上。

  We sleep, and at length awake to the still reality of a winter morning.


  The snow lies warm as cotton or down upon the window sill;


  the broadened sash and frosted panes admit a dim and private light, which enhances the snugcheer within.



  he stillness of the morning is impressive.


  The floor creaks under our feet as we move toward the window to look abroad through someclear space over the fields, we see the roofs stand under their snow burden.


  From the eaves and fences hang stalactites of snow, and in the yard stand stalagmitescovering some concealed core.


  The trees and shrubs rear white arms to the sky on every side;


  and where were walls and fences, we seefantastic forms stretching in frolic gambols across the dusky landscape, as if Nature hadstrewn her fresh designs over the fields by night as models for man’s art.

  原來是墻壁和籬笆的地方,形態(tài)更加奇妙, 在昏暗的大地上,它們向左右延伸,似乎在跳躍,仿佛一夜的工夫,大自然就重新設(shè)計(jì)了一幅田野美境,供人類的藝術(shù)家來臨摹。

  Silently we unlatch the door, letting the drift fall in, and step abroad to face the cutting air.


  Already the stars have lost some of their sparkle,and a dull, leaden mist skirts the horizon.


  A lurid brazen light in the east proclaims the approach of day, while the western landscape isdim and spectral still,and clothed in a somber Tartarean light, like the shadowy realms.


  They are infernal sounds only that you hear—the crowing of cocks, the barking of dogs, thechopping of wood, the lowing of kine, all seem to come from Pluto,s barnyard and beyond theStyx-not for any melancholy they suggest, but their twilight bustle is too solemn andmysterious for earth.


  The recent tracks of the fox or otter,in the yard,remind us that each hour of the night iscrowded with events,and the primeval nature is still working and making tracks in the snow.

  院子里,雪地上,狐貍和 水獺所留下的印跡清晰可見,這些提醒我們:即使是在冬夜最寂靜的時(shí)候,自然界里的生物也在時(shí)時(shí)刻刻活動(dòng)著,并且在雪地里留下足跡。


  If winter comes, the leaves on the trees drop light, the north wind whistling, The earth a depression spectacle. The river caked with thick ice. People around scarf wearing gloves, wearing sections of the cotton-padded jacket, but still difficult to resist invasion of cold cold red face.

  Winter is a DiShuiChengBing, HaQi into frost season. Winter ferment a silvery dream. Winter girl gift - snowflakes, give children brought joy. Lo, children overcoated some in the skiing, some in snowball fights, some is in a snowman, and still working on the snow, silver-coated world forever stay.

  Snowflakes drifting down from the sky slowly, really like pieces of plum flower! Fall on the ground, the white people trample on top, and squeak cheerful singing, like.

  I love the winter, the more love beautiful snow. Snow, is also the symbol of winter. Winter if less snow, it can only be called winter, can't call winter. You know why is this? That is because, under burming sun, rain, wind, snow is chun xia qiu dong's messenger. If less angel, people cannot produce a kind of idea: the winter of this year how come so suddenly?

  I love the winter, but I more notice its angel - snowflakes. As the saying goes: good harest. Snow lets the farmer uncle smile more splendid. Snow also give children bring unique joy.





