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  The colour of sky

  天空的顏色 xiao84.com

  If we look at the sky on a perfectly fine summer‘s day we shall find that the blue colour is the most pure and intense overhead,and when looking high up in a direction opposite to the sun.


  Near the horizon it is always less bright,while in the region immediately around the sun it is more or less yellow. The reason of this is that near the horizon we look through a very great thickness of the lower atmosphere,which is full of the larger dust particles reflecting white light,and this diluter(稀釋劑) the pure blue of the higher atmosphere seen beyond,and in the vicinity(鄰近,附近) of the sun a good deal of the blue light is reflected back into space by the finer dust,thus giving a yellowish tinge to that which reaches us reflected chiefly from the coarse dust of the lower atmosphere.


  At sunset and sunrise,however,this last effect is greatly intensified,owing to the great thickness of the strata(巖層) of air through which the light reaches us. The enormous amount of this dust is well shown by the fact that then only we can look full at the sun,even when the whole sky is free from clouds and there is no apparent mist.


  But the sun's rays then reach us after having passed,first,through an enormous thickness of the higher strata of the air,the minute dust of which reflects most of the higher strata of the air,the minute dust of which reflects most of the blue rays away from us,leaving the complementary yellow light to pass on,Then,the somewhat coarser dust reflects the green rays,leaving a more orange-coloured light to pass on;and finally some of the yellow is reflected,leaving almost pure red.


  But owing to the constant presence of air currents,arranging both the dust and vapor(水蒸氣) in strata of varying extent and density,and of high or low clouds which both absorb and reflect the light in varying degrees,we see produced all those wondrous combinations of tints and those gorgeous ever-changing colours which are a constant source of admiration and delight to all who have the advantage of an uninterrupted view to the west and who are accustomed to watch for those not infrequent exhibitions of nature‘s kaleidoscopic colour painting.

  不過,由于不斷出現(xiàn)氣流,把法埃與水汽分層排列,廣度不均,密度各異,加上高低空常有云層,不同程度地吸收并反射陽光,我們這才看到各種奇異的色調(diào)斑剝陸離,諸多絢麗的色彩變化萬千;任何人只要有幸將西方的景致一覽 無余,只要有心觀看大自然不時展現(xiàn)的那一幅幅瞬息萬變的彩畫,都會為之贊不絕口,喜不自勝。

  With every change in the altitude of the sun the display changes its character;and most of all when it has sunk below the horizon,and owing to the more favourable angles a larger quantity of the coloured light is reflected toward us. Especially when there is a certain amount of cloud is this the case.


  These,so long as the sun was above the horizon,intercepted much of the light and colour,but when the great luminary(發(fā)光體) has passed away from our direct vision,his light shines more directly on the under sides of all the clouds and air strata of different densities;a new and more brilliant light flushes the western sky,and a display of gorgeous ever-changing tints occurs which are at once the delight of the beholder(觀看者,旁觀者) and the despair of the artist. And all this unsurpassable glory(壯觀,壯麗) we owe to--dust!



  The Blanket

  By Floyd Dell

  Petey hadn’t really believed that Dad would be doing It — sending Granddad away. “Away” was what they were calling it.Not until now could he believe it of his father.www.xiao84.com

  But here was the blanket that Dad had bought for Granddad, and in the morning he’d be going away. This was the last evening they’d be having together. Dad was off seeing that girl he was to marry. He would not be back till late, so Petey and Granddad could sit up and talk.

  It was a fine September night, with a silver moon riding high. They washed up the supper dishes and then took their chairs out onto the porch. “I’ll get my fiddle,” said the old man, “and play you some of the old tunes.”

  But instead of the fiddle he brought out the blanket. It was a big double blanket, red with black stripes.

  “Now, isn’t that a fine blanket!” said the old man, smoothing it over his knees. “And isn’t your father a kind man to be giving the old fellow a blanket like that to go away with? It cost something, it did—look at the wool of it! There’ll be few blankets there the equal of this one!”

  It was like Granddad to be saying that. He was trying to make it easier. He had pretended all along that he wanted to go away to the great brick building—the government place. There he’d be with so many other old fellows, having the best of everything. . . . But Petey hadn’t believed Dad would really do it, not until this night when he brought home the blanket.

  “Oh, yes, it’s a fine blanket,” said Petey. He got up and went into the house. He wasn’t the kind to cry and, besides, he was too old for that. He’d just gone in to fetch Granddad’s fiddle.

  The blanket slid to the floor as the old man took the fiddle and stood up. He tuned up for a minute, and then said, “This is one you’ll like to remember.”

  Petey sat and looked out over the gully. Dad would marry that girl. Yes, that girl who had kissed Petey and fussed over him, saying she’d try to be a good mother to him, and all. . . .

  The tune stopped suddenly. Granddad said, “It’s a fine girl your father’s going to marry. He’ll be feeling young again with a pretty wife like that. And what would an old fellow like me be doing around their house, getting in the way? An old nuisance, what with my talks of aches and pains. It’s best that I go away, like I’m doing. One more tune or two, and then we’ll be going to sleep. I’ll pack up my blanket in the morning.”

  They didn’t hear the two people coming down the path. Dad had one arm around the girl, whose bright face was like a doll’s. But they heard her when she laughed, right close by the porch. Dad didn’t say anything, but the girl came forward and spoke to Granddad prettily: “I won’t be here when you leave in the morning, so I came over to say good-bye.”

  “It’s kind of you,” said Granddad, with his eyes cast down. Then, seeing the blanket at his feet, he stooped to pick it up. “And will you look at this,” he said. “The fine blanket my son has given me to go away with.”

  “Yes,” she said. “It’s a fine blanket.” She felt the wool and repeated in surprise, “A fine blanket—I’ll say it is!” She turned to Dad and said to him coldly, “That blanket really cost something.”

  Dad cleared his throat and said, “I wanted him to have the best. . . .”

  “It’s double, too,” she said, as if accusing Dad.

  “Yes,” said Granddad, “it’s double—a fine blanket for an old fellow to be going away with.”

  17 The boy went suddenly into the house. He was looking for something. He could hear that girl scolding Dad. She realized how much of Dad’s money—her money, really—had gone for the blanket. Dad became angry in his slow way. And now she was suddenly going away in a huff. . . .

  As Petey came out, she turned and called back, “All the same, he doesn’t need a double blanket!” And she ran off up the path.

  Dad was looking after her as if he wasn’t sure what he ought to do.

  “Oh, she’s right,” Petey said. “Here, Dad”—and he held out a pair of scissors. “Cut the blanket in two.”

  Both of them stared at the boy, startled. “Cut it in two, I tell you, Dad!” he cried out. “And keep the other half.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” said Granddad gently. “I don’t need so much of a blanket.”

  “Yes,” the boy said harshly, “a single blanket’s enough for an old man when he’s sent away. We’ll save the other half, Dad. It’ll come in handy later.”

  “Now what do you mean by that?” asked Dad.

  “I mean,” said the boy slowly, “that I’ll give it to you, Dad— when you’re old and I’m sending you—away.”

  There was a silence. Then Dad went over to Granddad and stood before him, not speaking. But Granddad understood. He put out a hand and laid it on Dad’s shoulder. And he heard Granddad whisper, “It’s all right, son. I knew you didn’t mean it. . . .” And then Petey cried.

  But it didn’t matter—because they were all crying together.



  (美) 弗羅伊德•戴爾











  爺爺突然停下來,“這曲子不好,跳舞還湊合。“怔了一會兒,又說,”你爸要娶的姑娘不錯。有個這么漂亮的妻子他會變年輕的。我又何必在這礙事,我一會兒這 病一會兒那疼,招人嫌呢。況且他們還會有孩子。我可不想整夜聽孩子哭鬧。不,不!還是走為上策呀!好,再吹兩支曲子我們就上床睡覺,睡到明天早晨,帶上毛 毯走人。你看這支怎么樣?調(diào)子有些悲,倒很合適這樣的夜晚呢。“














  On leadership


  What is leadership? www.xiao84.com


  Its qualities are difficult to define. But they are not so difficult to identity.


  Leaders don’t force other people to go along with them. They bring them along. Leaders getcommitment from others by giving it themselves, by building an environment that encouragescreativity, and by operating with honesty and fairness.


  Leaders demand much of others, but also much of themselves. They are ambitions- not only forthemselves, but also for those who work with them. They seek to attract, retain and developother people to their full abilities.


  Good leaders aren’t lone rangers. They recognize that an organization’s strategies for successrequire the combined talents and efforts of many people. Leadership is the catalyst fortransforming those talents into result.

  好的領導者不是獨行俠。 他們認識到一個組織要獲得成功,其方針在于吧許多人的才能和力量集中起來。領導藝術是一種催化劑, 把眾人的才智轉(zhuǎn)化成業(yè)績。

  Leaders know that when there are two opinions on an issue, one is not bound to be wrong.They recognize that hustle and rush are the allies of superficiality. They are open to newideas, but they explore their ramifications thoroughly.


  Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future-not wedded to thepast. They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate. They are notcontent with merely taking care of what’s already there. They want to move forward to createsomething new.


  Leaders provide answers as well as direction, offer strength as well as dedication, and speakfrom experience as well as understanding of the problems they face and the people they workwith.


  Leaders are flexible rather than dogmatic. They believe in unity rather than conformity. Andthey strive to achieve consensus out of conflict.


  Leadership is all about getting people consistently to give their best, helping them to grow totheir fullest potential, and motivating them to work toward a common good. Leader make theright things happen when they’re supposed to.


  A good leader, an effective leader, is one who has respect. Respect is something you have inorder to get. A leader who has respect for other people at all levels of an organization. For thework they do, and for their abilities, aspirations and needs, will find that respect is return. Andall concerned will be motivated to work together.






