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  Types of Friends

  A Faraway Friend is someone you grew up with or went to school with or lived in the same townas until one of you moved away. Without a Faraway Friend, you would never get any mailaddressed in handwriting. A Faraway Friend calls late at night, invites you to her wedding,always says she is coming to visit but rarely shows up. An actual visit from a Faraway Friend is acause for celebration and binges of all kinds. Cigarettes, Chips Ahoy, bottles of tequila.theFormer Friend. A sad thing. At best a wistful memory, at worst a dangerous enemy who is inpossession of many of your deepest secrets. But what was it that drove you apart? Amisunderstanding, a betrayed confidence, an unrepaid loan, an ill-conceived flirtation. Apoor choice of spouse can do in a friendship just like that. Going into business together can bea serious mistake. Time, money, distance, cult religions: all noted friendship killers.

  A New Friend is a tonic unlike any other. Say you meet her at a party. In your bowling league.At a Japanese conversation class, perhaps. Wherever, whenever, there's that spark ofrecognition. The first time you talk, you can't believe how much you have in common.Suddenly, your life story is interesting again, your insights fresh, your opinion valued. Yourvarious shortcomings are as yet completely invisible.






  The Choice of Companion

  A good companion is better than a fortune, for a fortune cannot purchase those elements of character which make companionship a blessing. The best companion is one who is wiser and better than ourselves, for we are inspired by his wisdom and virtue to nobler deeds. Greater wisdom and goodness than we possess lifts us higher mentally and morally.

  “A man is known by the companion he keeps.” It is always true. Companionship of a high order is powerful to develop character. Character makes character in the associations of life faster than anything else. Purity begets purity, like begets like; and this fact makes the choice of companion in early life more important even than that of teachers and guardians

  It is true that we cannot always choose all of our companions, some are thrust upon us by business or the social relations of life, we do not choose them, we do not enjoy them; and yet, we have to associate with them more or less. The experience is not altogether without compensation, if there be principle enough in us to bear the strain. Still, in the main, choice of companions can be made, and must be made. It is not best or necessary for a young person to associate with “Tom, Dick, and Harry” without forethought or purpose. Some fixed rules about the company he or she keeps must be observed. The subject should be uttermost in the thoughts, and canvassed often

  Companionship is education, good or not; it develops manhood or womanhood, high or low; it lifts soul upward or drags it downward; it minister to virtue or vice. There is no half way work about its influence. If it ennobles, it does grandly, if it demoralizes, it doest it devilishly. It saves or destroys lustily. Nothing in the world is surer than this. Sow virtue, and the harvest will be virtue, Sow vice, and the harvest will be vice. Good companionships help us to sow virtue; evil companionships help us to sow vice.







  Staying in touch with old friends


  I recently met an old friend I hadn't seen in ages.


  He said that he had been busy and also didn't really know to contact me.


  I told him the same.


  The truth is, we have a few mutual friends, if we had really wanted to contact each other, we could have.


  But with busy schedules, and family life--and all sorts of things going on --well, I guess we just lost touch.


  So, I got to thinking about the people I am in touch with now and those I'd like to contact.


  I have a lot of friends and acquaintances,


  I used to have many more. Somewhere along the line,


  we just lost contact with each other.


  I'd like to contact some of my friends from high school.


  I'd like to say hello to some of the people I used to know in New York and California,


  I know I could do it.


  It wouldn't require me to bend over backwards,


  but I am not sure if I should.


  I mean, I have my hands full right now with family and work.


  Plus, I have people that I am in contact with now,


  and I fell kind of guilty that I am not able to spend more time with them.


  Who needs more guilt? Not me!






