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  Michael Jordan's Retired Speech


  I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It won't be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature.


  Mentally, I'm exhausted; I don't feel I have a challenge. Physically, I feel great. The last time in 1993 I had other agendas. I felt that I wanted to play baseball and I felt that at my age, it was a good opportunity and time to do it. And with the death of my father, and I was basically trying to deal with that.


  Actually I talked to very last year once the season ended and I told Jerry at that time, mentally, I was a little exhausted. I didn't know if I would play next year. I wanted to put him on awareness so that he could possibly prepare going into next season. And very, once we had our conversation, wanted me to take time as I did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision.


  I retired the first time when Phil Jackson was the coach. And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time , mentally finding the challenge for myself. I though he can somehow present challenges for me. I don't know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season. Even though middle way of this season I wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season I was mentally drained and tired. 50 I can't say that he would have restored that.

  第一次退役時菲爾.杰克遜是教練。但我覺得即使本賽季他還擔任教練,我也會很困難,內心里 ,我已感到了挑戰(zhàn)。當然克論如何,他都會給我一些應對方潔的我不知道他是否還有辦法使我打完這一賽季。在本賽季中間我還想著再打幾年呢,但當賽季結束時,我卻感覺精神枯竭,疲憊。因此我確實不能說他會使我恢復精力。

  I will support the Chicago Bulls. I think the game itself is a lot bigger than Michael Jordan. I've been given an opportunity by people before me, to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Doctor J, Eljohn Baylor Jerry West. These guys played the game way before Michael Jordan was born and Michael Jordan came on the heels of all that activity. Mr. Stern and what he's done for the league, gave me an opportunity to play the game of basketball I played it to the best I could play it, I tried to enhance the game itself. I've tried to be the best basketball player that I could be.

  我將支持芝加哥公牛隊,我認為比賽本身比邁克爾.喬丹重要得多。我的很多機會都是籃球前輩們給的。我這里指出一些:里姆·阿卡杜·賈巴爾,J博士,伊利約翰 ·貝勒,杰里 ·韋斯特這些人早在邁克爾.喬丹出生前就活躍在賽場了。邁克爾.喬丹只不過是繼承了他們的傳統(tǒng)。斯特恩先生及其為聯盟做出的貢獻給了我打藍球的機會。找已盡我最大能力打球,我也努力拉動比賽本身的發(fā)展。我一直在努力,盡我所能成為最好的球員。


  Helen Keller


  She fought for women's right, crusaded for the causes of workers, promoted equality for minorities, and championed the underprivileged and the oppressed. She also earned several prestigious awards from countries as diverse as Japan, Brazil, and Lebanon. An impressive list of achievements for any human, all this was accomplished by a woman who was blind and deaf.


  Helen Keller was born a healthy child in 1880 in Alabama. Stricken by illness at the tender age of nineteen months, Helen lost her ability to see, hear, and speak. Growing up unable to comprehend the world around her, Helen became wild and unruly, until her parents found help.


  They contacted Dr. Alexander Graham Bell, the famous inventor and teacher of the deaf, who introduced them to an institute for the blind in Boston, Massachusetts. A student there, Annie Sullivan, was asked to help. Annie would later become known as the "Miracle Worker."


  Annie Sullivan taught Helen how to connect objects with letters by spelling words into Helen's hands. Helen's breakthrough came when Annie held her hand under a water pump while spelling "water" into her other hand repeatedly. Helen suddenly understood, and from then on progressed by leaps and bounds.


  Having mastered both the manual and Braille alphabets, Helen became proficient in reading and writing, and began learning how to speak in 1890. Helen entered Radcliffe College and, assisted by Annie Sullivan, graduated cum laude in 1904. She was the first blind-deaf person ever to graduate from college.


  Helen Keller spent the rest of her life as a writer, lecturer, and advocate for the deaf and blind and other disadvantaged groups. She traveled to numerous countries on behalf of the disabled, and founded the Helen Keller Endowment Fund for the American Foundation for the Blind in 1930. She died on June 1, 1968, an outstanding example of the unconquerable human spirit.




  Carnegie spent almost twenty years left to him giving his wealth away. He believed that those who became rich should return what they did not need to society. He had said that a rich man "dies disgraced" if he does not use the ability he has shown ingathering money to give away his money for the public good during his lifetime.


  He began to use his money to build free public libraries. In 1919 it was said that his money had built almost 3,000 libraries, valued altogether at over sixty million dollars. Most of these were in the United States, but some of them were in Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand, and even as far as the Fiji Islands.


  A gift of four million dollars was made to Carnegie's hometown, Dunfermline, Scotland. It was used to build parks and playgrounds for the people of the town. Pittsburgh, where he made his fortune, was given a music hall, a museum, an art gallery, and a public library.


  Andrew Carnegie's public gifts amounted to almost three hundred and thirty million dollars. He gave one million, five hundred thousand dollars to the Peace Palace at the Hague in the Netherlands. After the war began in Europe in 1914, he gave his home, Skibo Castle in Scotland, to the British Government for use as an army hospital.






