自己主宰的一天An Empowered Day
If you catch yourself feeling sorry for yourself, you have discovered a valuable opportunity. You can transform the negative energy of self-pity into positive energy to improve your situation.
When you have been disappointed by life, take a step back and look at the positive value in that disappointment. duanwenw.com You have a powerful reason to become more determined than ever before.
Life has its ups and its downs. And you can choose to benefit from both.
Success is not a matter of having everything go your way. Success comes from choosing to find the value in whichever way things go.
Don’t waste your time and energy making judge ments about whether you are having a good day or a bad day. Decide to take whatever comes and make it into an empowered day.
Whatever form it takes, life is always supplying you with the raw material for fulfilment4.Make good use of it all to move your life steadily in the direction of your dreams.
活著的力量The Power to Live
You are much more powerful, creative and effective than you give yourself credit for. You are worthy of the best in life because you are able to give your very best to each day.
Start that fortunate process in motion. Open yourself to the positive possibilities of this day and work to bring the best of them to reality.
Whatever good, valuable or meaningful things you can imagine, you can create. duanwenw.com Though it requires effort and commitment, you are absolutely capable of making it happen.
Remind yourself that this moment is not merely happening to you. It is happening through you.
You can make it happen in a way that brings great richness to your world and fulfilment to your life. You can choose to be a positive force by directing your potential energy into the things that truly matter.
Right now, you have great power to do great things. Step forward, and put that power to use.
重新定義自己Redefine Yourself
How do you define yourself? As a mother, daughter, wife, friend, husband, son, teacher, student, lawyer, accountant, or any one of a myriad different titles? Or do you define yourself by others’ perception1 of you? Do any of these come close to your own knowledge, your personal experience of whom you really are?
In your quiet moments, in times of inexplicable joy, have you had the overwhelming and yet clear and lucid feeling of total invincibility — a feeling that nothing can hold you down, that you can accomplish anything and everything if you put your mind to it? duanwenw.com Well, that feeling is not a random one.
What is it that gets in the way of your exquisite power?
Consider for a moment an iron bar that has magnetic power inherently in it. It will attract or repel things based on it’s own intrinsic magnetism. Over time, if this bar begins to rust, its power will begin to diminish. The oxidative4 damage from the environment that the magnet has not been able to resist, will render it ineffective, eventually. This in no way means the iron bar is not capable of its latent, original power. All it needs to do is shed its rust. Or, consider if you will, a light bulb that is lit, but covered with soot. As long as the soot remains, it will be unable to fulfill the very purpose it was meant to serve to radiate light.
According to ancient Vedic texts, this is in effect what happens to the human experience. The infinite power that is naturally present in each and every one of us by virtue of our own consciousness, can be rendered ineffective if not tended to properly. The stress of our lifestyle, the pollution of our environment, and the collective stress of our world keeps us from functioning at our full potential.
But there are remedies: incorporate modalities in your lifestyle that effectively combat stress and help keep you centered. Some of these options are:
Be aware of what you eat, and what you use — both on yourself, and in your environment. Choose natural, organic products.