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  Hanover Square


  Can it really be sixty-two years ago that I first saw you?

  It is truly a lifetime, I know. But as I gaze into your eyes now, it seems like only yesterday that I first saw you, in that small café in Hanover Square.

  From the moment I saw you smile, as you opened the door for that young mother and her newborn baby. I knew. I knew that I wanted to share the rest of my life with you.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  I still think of how foolish I must have looked, as I gazed at you, that first time. I remember watching you intently, as you took off your hat and loosely shook your short dark hair with your fingers. I felt myself becoming immersed in your every detail, as you placed your hat on the table and cupped your hands around the hot cup of tea, gently blowing the steam away with your pouted lips.

  From that moment, everything seemed to make perfect sense to me. The people in the café and the busy street outside all disappeared into a hazy blur. All I could see was you.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  All through my life I have relived that very first day. Many, many times I have sat and thought about that the first day, and how for a few fleeting moments I am there, feeling again what is like to know true love for the very first time. It pleases me that I can still have those feelings now after all those years, and I know I will always have them to comfort me.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  Not even as I shook and trembled uncontrollably in the trenches, did I forget your face. I would sit huddled into the wet mud, terrified, as the hails of bullets and mortars crashed down around me. I would clutch my rifle tightly to my heart, and think again of that very first day we met. I would cry out in fear, as the noise of war beat down around me. But, as I thought of you and saw you smiling back at me, everything around me would be become silent, and I would be with you again for a few precious moments, far from the death and destruction. It would not be until I opened my eyes once again, that I would see and hear the carnage of the war around me.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  I cannot tell you how strong my love for you was back then, when I returned to you on leave in the September, feeling battered, bruised and fragile. We held each other so tight I thought we would burst. I asked you to marry me the very same day and I whooped with joy when you looked deep into my eyes and said "yes" to being my bride.

  I'm looking at our wedding photo now, the one on our dressing table, next to your jewelry box. I think of how young and innocent we were back then. I remember being on the church steps grinning like a Cheshire cat, when you said how dashing and handsome I looked in my uniform. The photo is old and faded now, but when I look at it, I only see the bright vibrant colors of our youth. I can still remember every detail of the pretty wedding dress your mother made for you, with its fine delicate lace and pretty pearls. If I concentrate hard enough, I can smell the sweetness of your wedding bouquet as you held it so proudly for everyone to see.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  I remember being so over enjoyed, when a year later, you gently held my hand to your waist and whispered in my ear that we were going to be a family.

  I know both our children love you dearly; they are outside the door now, waiting.

  Do you remember how I panicked like a mad man when Jonathon was born? I can still picture you laughing and smiling at me now, as I clumsily held him for the very first time in my arms. I watched as your laughter faded into tears, as I stared at him and cried my own tears of joy.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  Sarah and Tom arrived this morning with little Tessie. Can you remember how we both hugged each other tightly when we saw our tiny granddaughter for the first time? I can't believe she will be eight next month. I am trying not to cry, my love, as I tell you how beautiful she looks today in her pretty dress and red shiny shoes, she reminds me so much of you that first day we met. She has her hair cut short now, just like yours was all those years ago. When I met her at the door her smile wrapped around me like a warm glove, just like yours used to do, my darling.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  I know you are tired, my dear, and I must let you go. But I love you so much it hurts to do so.

  As we grew old together, I would tease you that you had not changed since we first met. But it is true, my darling. I do not see the wrinkles and grey hair that other people see. When I look at you now, I only see your sweet tender lips and youthful sparkling eyes as we sat and had our first picnic next to that small stream, and chased each other around that big old oak tree. I remember wishing those first few days together would last forever. Do you remember how exciting and wonderful those days were?

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  I must go now, my darling. Our children are waiting outside. They want to say goodbye to you.

  I wipe the tears away from my eyes and bend my frail old legs down to the floor, so that I can kneel beside you. I lean close to you and take hold of your hand and kiss your tender lips for the very last time.

  Sleep peacefully my dear.

  Hanover Square 追憶似水年華

  I am sad that you had to leave me, but please don't worry. I am content, knowing I will be with you soon. I am too old and too empty now to live much longer without you.

  I know it won't be long before we meet again in that small café in Hanover Square.

  Goodbye, my darling wife.



  Charlotte's Web 夏洛的網(wǎng)

  片段 1

  The barn was very large. It was very old. It smelled of hay and it smelled of manure. It smelled of the perspiration of tired horses and the wonderful sweet breath of patient cows. It often had a sort of peaceful smell -- as though nothing bad could happen ever again in the world. It smelled of grain and of harness dressing and of axle grease and of rubber boots and of new rope. And whenever the cat was given a fish-head to eat, the barn would smell of fish. But mostly it smelled of hay, for there was always hay in the great loft up overhead. And there was always hay being pitched down to the cows and the horses and the sheep.

  The barn was pleasantly warm in winter when the animals spent most of their time indoors, and it was pleasantly cool in summer when the big doors stood wide open to the breeze.

  Charlotte's Web 夏洛的網(wǎng)

  片段 2

  "Salutations!" said the voice.

  Wilbur jumped to his feet. "Salu-what?" he cried.

  "Salutations!" said the voice.

  "What are they, and where are you?" screamed Wilbur. "Please, please, tell me where you are. And what are salutations?"

  "Salutations are greetings," said the voice. "When I say 'salutations,' it's just my fancy way of saying hello or good morning. Actually, it's a silly expression, and I am surprised that I used it at all. As for my whereabouts, that's easy. Look up here in the corner of the doorway! Here I am. Look, I'm waving!"

  At last Wilbur saw the creature that had spoken to him in such a kindly way. Stretched across the upper part of the doorway was a big spider web, and hanging from the top of the web, head down, was a gray large spider. She was about the size of a gumdrop. She had eight legs, and she was waving one of them at Wilbur in friendly greeting. "See me now?" she asked.

  Charlotte's Web 夏洛的網(wǎng)

  "Oh, yes indeed," said Wilbur. "Yes indeed! How are you? Good morning! Salutations! Very pleased to meet you. What is your name, please? May I have your name?"

  "My name," said the spider," is Charlotte."

  "Charlotte what?" asked Wilbur, eagerly.

  "Charlotte A. Cavatica. But just call me Charlotte."

  "I think you're beautiful," said Wilbur.

  Charlotte's Web 夏洛的網(wǎng)

  片段 3

  Wilbur was now the center of attraction on the farm. Good food and regular hours were showing results: Wilbur was a pig any man would be proud of. One day more than a hundred people came to stand at his yard and admire him. Charlotte had written the word RADIANT, and Wilbur really looked radiant as he stood in the golden sunlight. Ever since the spider had befriended him, he had done his best to live up to his reputation. When Charlotte's web said SOME PIG, Wilbur had tried hard to look like some pig. When Charlotte's web said TERRIFIC, Wilbur had tried to look terrific. And now that the web said RADIANT, he did everything possible to make himself glow.

  It is not easy to look radiant, but Wilbur threw himself into it with a will. He would turn his head slightly and blink his long eyelashes. Then he would breathe deeply. And when his audience grew bored, he would spring into the air and do a back flip with a half twist. At this the crowd would yell and cheer. "How's that for a pig?" Mr. Zuckerman would ask, well pleased with himself. "That pig is radiant."

  Charlotte's Web 夏洛的網(wǎng)


  Your future is assured. You will live, secure and safe, Wilbur. Nothing can harm you now. These autumn days will shorten and grow cold. The leaves will shake loose from the trees and fall. Christmas will come, then the snows of winter. You will live to enjoy the beauty of the frozen world. Winter will pass, the days will lengthen, the ice will melt in the pasture pond. Then song sparrow will return and sing, the frogs will awake, the warm wind will blow again. All these sights and sounds and smells will be yours to enjoy, Wilbur--this lovely world, these precious days..."

  Charlotte stopped. a moment later a tear came to Wilbur's eyes. "Oh, Charlotte," he said.

  "Why did you do all this for me?" he asked. "I don't deserve it. I've never done anything for you."

  "You have been my friend," replied Charlotte. "That in itself is a tremendous thing. I wove my webs for you because I liked you. After all, what's a life, anyway? We're born, we live a little while, we die. A spider's life can't help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a trifle. Heaven knows anyone's life can stand a little of that."

  Charlotte's Web 夏洛的網(wǎng)

  片段 5

  "Salutations!" it said. "I'm up here."

  "So am I," said another tiny voice.

  "So am I,"said a third voice. "Three of us are staying. We like this place, and we like you."

  Wilbur looked up. At the top of the doorway three small webs were being constructed. On each web, working busily was one of Charlotte's daughters.

  "Can I take this to mean," asked Wilbur, "that you have definitely decided to live here in the barn cellar, and that I am going to have three friends?"

  "You can indeed," said the spiders.

  "What are your names, please?" asked Wilbur, trembling with joy.

  "I'll tell you my name," replied the first little spider,if you'll tell me why you are trembling."

  "I'm trembling with joy," said Wilbur

  "Then my name is Joy," said the first spider.

  "What was my mother's middle initial?" asked the second spider.

  "A," said Wilbur.

  "Then my name is Aranea," said the spider.

  "What about me? "asked the third spider. "Will you just pick out a nice sensible name for me--something not too long, not too fancy, and not too dumb?"

  Wilbur thought hard.

  "Nellie?" he suggested.

  "Fine, I like it," said the third spider."You may call me Nellie."


  Birch Wood


  Snow flows over a quiet village;


  Doves fly across a gloomy sky.


  Two names are carved deep on a birch;


  白樺林 Birch Wood

  They promised to stay in love all their life.


  One day war broke out in their homeland.


  The lad picked up a gun to go to the front.


  "Don't worry for me,sweetheart."


  "Wait for me in the birch wood." he said.


  白樺林 Birch Wood

  Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky.


  Who would prove those graveless love and lives?


  Snow kept falling over the village,quiet as ever.


  And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood.


  The bad news came at the other afternoon.


  白樺林 Birch Wood

  Her love laid down his life on the battlefield.


  Quietly she came to the birch wood,


  waiting there each day on tiptoe.


  She said he'd just lost his way in the land far away.


  Surely he would come to the birch wood someday.


  白樺林 Birch Wood

  Doves are still flying across the same gloomy sky.


  Who would prove those graveless love and lives?


  Snow kept falling over the village,quiet as ever.


  And the young hid themselves behind the birch wood.


  白樺林 Birch Wood

  The long road is coming to its close.


  Snow-white hair flew over the once young face.


  She often heard his whisper over her pillow,


  "Come,sweetheart,come to the birch wood"


  白樺林 Birch Wood

  Over her deathbed she murmured,


  "I am coming,wait for me in the birch wood."






