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  Spell of the Rising Moon


  Peter Steinhart


  There is a hill near my home that I often climb at night. The noise of the city is a far-off murmur. In the hush of dark I share the cheerfulness of crickets and the confidence of owls. But it is the drama of the moonrise that I come to see. For that restores in me a quiet and clarity that the city spends too freely.


  From this hill I have watched many moonsrises. Each one had its own mood. There have been broad,confident harvest moons in autumn;shy, misty moons in spring;lonely, winter moons rising into the utter silence of an ink-black sky and smoke-smudged orange moons over the dry fields of summer. Each,like fine music, excited my heart and then calmed my soul.


  Moon gazing is an ancient art. To prehistoric hunters the moon overhead was as unerring as heartbeat. They knew that every 29 days it becomes full-bellied and brilliant, then sickened and died,and then was reborn. They knew the waxing moon appeared larger and higher overhead after each succeeding sunset. They knew the waning moon rose later each night until it vanished in the sunrise. To have understood the moon's patterns from experience must have been a profound thing.


  But we,who live indoors,have lost contact with the moon. The glare of street lights and the dust of pollution veil the night sky. Though men have walked on the moon,it grows less familiar. Few of us can say when the moon will rise tonight.


  Still, it tugs at our minds. If we unexpectedly encounter the full moon,huge and yellow over the horizon,we are helpless but to stare back at its commanding presence. And the moon has gifts to bestow upon those who watch.


  I learned about its gifts one July evening in the mountains. My car had mysteriously stalled, and I was stranded and alone. The sun had set, and I was watching what seemed to be the bright-orange glow of a forest fire beyond a ridge to the east. Suddenly, the ridge itself seemed to burst into flame. Then,the rising moon,huge and red and grotesquely mishappen by the dust and sweat of the summer atmosphere, loomed up out of the woods.


  Distorted thus by the hot breath of earth, the moon seemed ill-tempered and imperfect. Dogs at nearby farmhouses barked nervously, as if this strange light had wakened evil spirits in the weeds.


  But as the moon lifted off the ridge it gathered firmness and authority. It's complexion changed from red, to orange, to gold,to impassive yellow. It seemed to draw light ouf of the darkening earth, for as it rose, the hills and valleys below grew dimmer.By the time the moon stood clear of the horizon,full chested and round and the color of ivory, the valleys were deep shadows in the landscape. The dogs, reassured that this was the familiar moon,stopped barking. And all at once I felt a confidence and joy close to laughter.


  The drama took an hour. A Moonrise is slow and serried with subtleties. To watch it, we must slip into an older, more patient sense of time. To watch the moon move inexorably higher is to find an unusual stillness within ourselves. Our imaginations become aware of the vast distances of space, the immensity of the earth and huge improbability of our own existence. We feel small but privileged.


  Moonlight shows us none of life's harder edges. Hillsides seem silken and silvery, the oceans still and blue in its light.In moonlight we become less calculating,more drawn to our feelings.


  And odd things happen in such moments. On that July night,I watched the moon for an hour or two, and then got back into the car, turned the key in the ignition and heard the engine start,just as mysteriously as it had stalled a few hours earlier. I drove down from the mountains with the moon on my shoulder and peace in my heart.


  I return often to the rising moon. I am drawn especially when events crowd ease and clarity of vision into a small corner of my life. This happens often in the fall. Then I go to my hill and await the hunter's moon, enormous and gold over the horizon,filling,the night with vision.


  An owl swoops from the ridge top, noiseless but bright as flame. A cricket shrills in the grass. I think of poets and musicians.Of Beethoven's“Moonlight Sonata“and of Shakespeare,whose Lorenzo declaims in The Merchant of Venice,”How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank! /Here will we sit and let the sounds of music/Creep in our ears." I wonder if their verse and music, like the music of crickets, are in some way voices of the moon. With such thoughts, my citified confusions melt into the quiet of the night.


  Lovers and poets find deeper meaning at night. We are all apt to pose deeper questions-about our origins and destinies. We indulge in riddles, rather than in the impersonal geometries that govern the daylight world. We become philosophers and mystics.


  At moonrise, as we slow our minds to the pace of the heavens, enchantment steals over us. We open the vents of feeling and exercise parts of our minds that reason locks away by day. We hear, across the distances, murmurs of ancient hunters and see a new the visions of poets and lovers of long ago.





  Ralph Waldo Emerson


  To go into solitude, a man needs to retire as much from his chamber as from society. I am not solitary whilst 1 read and write,though nobody is with me. But if a man would be alone, let him look at the stars. The rays that come from those heavenly worlds,will separate between him and what he touches. One might think the atmosphere was made transparent with this design, to give man,in the heavenly bodies,the perpetual presence of the sublime. Seen in the streets of cities, how great they are! If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years,how would men believe and adore;and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God which had been shown! But every night come out these envoys of beauty, and light the universe with their admonishing smile.


  The stars awaken a certain reverence,because though always present, they are inaccessible;but all natural objects make a kindred impression,when the mind is open to their influence. Nature never wears a mean appearance. Neither does the wisest man extort her secret, and lose his curiosity by finding out all her perfection. Nature never became a toy to a wise spirit.The flowers,the animals, the mountains, reflected the wisdom of his best hour, as much as they had delighted the simplicity of his childhood. When we speak of nature in this manner, we have a distinct but most poetical sense in the mind. We mean the integrity of impression made by manifold natural objects. It is this which distinguishes the stick of timber of the wood-cutter,from the tree of the poet. The charming landscape which I saw this morning,is indubitably made up of some twenty or thirty farms. Miller owns this field,Locke that, and Manning the woodland beyond. But none of them owns the landscape. There is a property in the horizon which no man has but he whose eye can integrate all the parts, that is, the poet. This is the best part of these men's farms, yet to this their warranty-deeds give no title. To speak truly, few adult persons can see nature. Most persons do not see the sun. At least they have a very superficial seeing. The sun illuminates only the eye of the man,but shines into the eye and the heart of the child. The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other; who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood. His intercourse with heaven and earth,becomes part of his daily food. In the presence of nature, a wild delight runs through the man, in spite of real sorrows. Nature says, he is my creature,and maugre all his impertinent griefs, he shall be glad with me. Not the sun or the summer alone, but every hour and season yields its tribute of delight; for every hour and change corresponds to and authorizes a different state of the mind, from breathless noon to grimmest midnight. Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece.



  On Tea and Friendship


  Lin Yutang


  I do not think that,considered from the point of view of human culture and happiness,there have been more significant inventions in the history of mankind,more vitally important and more directly contributing to our enjoyment of leisure, friendship,sociability and conversation,than the inventions of smoking,drinking and tea. All three have several characteristics in common:first of all,that they contribute toward our sociability; secondly,that they do not fill our stomach as food does, and therefore can be enjoyed between meals;and thirdly, that they are all to be enjoyed through the nostrils by acting on our sense of smell. So great are their influences upon culture that we have smoking cars besides dining cars,and we have wine restaurants or taverns and tea houses. In China and England at least, drinking tea has become a social institution.


  The proper enjoyment of tobacco, drink and tea can only be developed in an atmosphere of leisure, friendship and sociability.For it is only with men gifted with the sense of comradeship,extremely select in the matter of forming friends and endowed with a natural love of the leisurely life, that the full enjoyment of tobacco and drink and tea becomes possible. Take away the element of sociability, and these things have no meaning. The enjoyment of these things,like the enjoyment of the moon,the snow and the flowers, must take place in proper company, for this I regard as the thing that the Chinese artists of life most frequently insist upon: that certain kinds of flowers must be enjoyed with certain types of persons, certain kinds of scenery must be associated with certain kinds of ladies, that the sound of raindrops must be enjoyed, if it is to be enjoyed fully, when lying on a bamboo bed in a temple deep in the mountains on a summer day; that, in short, the mood is the thing,that there is a proper mood for everything, and that wrong company may spoil the mood entirely. Hence the beginning of any artist of life is that he or anyone who wishes to learn to enjoy life must, as the absolutely necessary condition, find friends of the same type of temperament, and take as much trouble to gain and keep their friendship as wives take to keep their husbands,or as a good chess player takes a journey of a thousand miles to meet a fellow chess player.


  The atmosphere,therefore, is the thing. One must begin with the proper conception of the scholar's studio and the general environment in which life is going to be enjoyed. First of all,there are the friends with whom we are going to share this enjoyment.Different types of friends must be selected for different types of enjoyment. It would be as great a mistake to go horseback riding with a studious and pensive friend,as it would be to go to a concert with a person who doesn't understand music. Hence as a Chinese writer expresses it:


  For enjoying flowers, one must secure big-hearted friends For going to sing-song houses to have a look at sing-song girls,one must secure temperate friends. For going up a high mountain,one must secure romantic friends. For boating, one must secure friends with an expansive nature. For facing the moon,one must secure friends with a cool philosophy. For anticipating snow, one must secure beautiful friends. For a wine party, one must secure friends with flavor and charm.


  Having selected and formed friends for the proper enjoyment of different occasions, one then looks for the proper surroundings. It is not so important that one's house be richly decorated as that it should be situated in beautiful country, with the possibility of walking about on the rice fields, or lying down under shady trees on a river bank. The requirements for the house itself are simple enough. One can "have a house with several rooms, grain fields of several mow, a pool made from a basin and windows made from broken jars, with the walls coming up to the shoulders and a room the size of a rice bushel, and in the leisure time after enjoying the warmth of cotton beddings and a meal of vegetable soup, one can become so great that his spirit expands and fills the entire universe. For such a quiet studio, one should have wut'ung trees in front and some green bamboos behind. On the south of the house, the eaves will stretch boldly forward, while on the north side, there will be small windows, which can be closed in spring and winter to shelter one from rain and wind,and opened in summer and autumn for ventilation. The beauty of the wut'ung tree is that all its leaves fall off in spring and winter, thus admitting us to the full enjoyment of the sun's warmth, while in summer and autumn its shade protects us from the scorching heat”Or as another writer expressed it,one should "build a house of several beams, grow a hedge of chin trees and cover a pavilion with a hay-thatch. Three mow of land will be devoted to planting bamboos and flowers and fruit trees,while two mow will be devoted to planting vegetables. The four walls of a room are bare and the room is empty, with the exception of two or three rough beds placed in the pavilion.A peasant boy will be kept to water the vegetables and clear the weeds. So then one may arm one's self with books and a sword against solitude, and provide a chin (a stringed instrument) and chess to anticipate the coming of good friends.”


  An atmosphere of familiarity will then invest the place.


  "In my studio, all formalities will be abolished,and only the most intimate friends will be admitted. They will be treated with rich or poor fare such as I eat, and we will chat and laugh and forget our own existence. We will not discuss the right and wrong of other people and will be totally indifferent to worldly glory and wealth. In our leisure we will discuss the ancients and the moderns, and in our quiet, we will play with the mountains and rivers. Then we will have thin,clear tea and good wine to fit into the atmosphere of delightful seclusion. That is my conception of the pleasure of friendship.”


  "In such a congenial atmosphere, we are then ready to gratify our senses, the senses of color and smell and sound. It is then that one should smoke and one should drink. We then transform our bodies into a sensory apparatus for perceiving the wonderful symphony of colors and sounds and smells and tastes provided by Nature and by culture. We feel like good violins about to be played on by master violinists. And thus "we burn incense on a moonlight night and play three stanzas of music from an ancient instrument, and immediately the myriad worries of our breast are banished and all our foolish ambitions or desires are forgotten. We will then inquire, what is the fragance of this incense, what is the color of the smoke, what is that shadow that comes through the white papered windows, what is this sound that arises from below my fingertips, what is this enjoyment which makes us so quietly happy and so forgetful of everything else, and what is the condition of the infinite universe?"


  Thus chastened in spirit, quiet in mind and surrounded by proper company, one is fit to enjoy tea. For tea is invented for quiet company as wine is invented for a noisy party. There is something in the nature of tea that leads us into a world of quiet contemplation of life. It would be as disastrous to drink tea with babies crying around,or with loud-voiced women or politics-talking men, as to pick tea on a rainy or a cloudy day. Picked at early dawn on a clear day, when the morning air on mountain top was clear and thin,and the fragrance of dews was still upon the leaves, tea is still associated with the fragrance and refinement of the magic dew in its enjoyment. With the Taoist insistence upon return to nature, and with its conception that the universe is kept alive by the interplay of the male and female forces, the dew actually stands for the "juice of heaven and earth" when the two principles are united at night, and the idea is current that the dew is a magic food, fine and clear and ethereal, and any man or beast who drinks enough of it stands a good chance of being immortal. De Quincey says quite correctly that tea "will always be the favorite beverage of the intellectual,” but the Chinese seem to go further and associate it with the high-minded recluse.


  Tea is then symbolic of earthly purity, requiring the most fastidious cleanliness in its preparation,from picking,frying and preserving to its final infusion and drinking, easily upset or spoiled by the slightest contamination of oily hands or oily cups.Consequently, its enjoyment is appropriate in an atmosphere where all ostentation or suggestion of luxury is banished from one's eyes and one's thoughts. After all,one enjoys sing-song girls with wine and not with tea,and when sing-song girls are fit to drink tea with,they are already in the class that Chinese poets and scholars favor. Su Tungp'o once compared tea to a sweet maiden,but a later critic, T' ten Yiheng,author of Chuch’u an Hsiaop’in (Essay On Boiling Spring Water)immediately qualified it by adding that tea could be compared, if it must be compared to women at all, only to the Fairy Maku,and that, "as for beauties with peach-colored faces and willow waists, they should be shut up in curtained beds,and not be allowed to contaminate the rocks and springs.”For the same author says, "One drinks tea to forget the world's noise;it is not for those who eat rich food and dress in silk pyjamas."

  因此,茶是凡間純潔的象征,在采制烹煮的手續(xù)中,都須十分清潔。采摘烘焙,烹煮取飲之時,手上或土壺中略有油膩不潔,便會使它喪失美味。所以也只有在眼前和心中毫無富麗繁華的景象和念頭時,方能真正地享受它。和妓女作樂時,當然用酒而不用茶。但一個妓女如有了品茶的資格,則她便可以躋于詩人文士所歡迎的妙人兒之列了。蘇東坡曾以美女喻茶,但后來,另一個持論家,‘.煮泉小品”的作者田藝恒即補充說,如果定要以茶去擬女人,則唯有麻姑仙子可做比擬。至于“必若桃臉柳腰,宜巫屏之銷金慢中,無俗我泉石。”又說:“吸茶 忘喧,謂非裔梁紋綺可語。”

  It must be remembered that, according to Ch'alu,"the essence of the enjoyment of tea lies in .appreciation of its color,fragrance and flavor,and the principles of preparation are refinement, dryness and cleanliness." An element of quiet is therefore necessary for the appreciation of these qualities, an appreciation that comes from a man who can "look at a hot world with a cool head." Since the Sung Dynasty, connoisseurs have generally regarded a cup of pale tea as the best, and the delicate flavor of pale tea can easily pass unperceived by one occupied with busy thoughts,or when the neighborhood is noisy, or servants are quarreling,or when served by ugly maids. The company, too, must be small. For, "it is important in drinking tea that the guests be few. Many guests would make it noisy, and noisiness takes away from its cultured charm. To drink alone is called secluded;to drink between two is called comfortable;to drink with three or four is called charming, to drink with five or six is called common;and to drink with seven or eight is called [contemptuously]philanthropic." As the author of Ch'asu said,"to pour tea around again and again from a big pot, and drink it up at a gulp, or to warm it up again after a while, or to ask for extremely strong taste would be like farmers or artisans who drink tea to fill their belly after hard work;it would then be impossible to speak of the distinction and appreciation of flavors.”

  據(jù)(茶錄》所說:“其旨歸于色香味,其道歸于精燥潔。”所以如果要體味這些質(zhì)素,靜默是一個必要的條件;也只有“以一個冷靜的頭腦去看忙亂的世界”的人,才能夠體味出這些質(zhì)素。自從宋代以來,一般喝茶的鑒賞家認為一杯淡茶才是最好 的東西,當一個人專心思想的時候,或是在鄰居嘈雜、仆人爭 吵的時候,或是由面貌丑陋的女仆侍候的時候,當會很容易地忽略了淡茶的美妙氣味。同時,喝茶的友伴也不可多,”因為飲茶以客少為貴??捅妱t喧,喧則雅趣乏矣。獨吸曰幽;二客曰勝;三四曰趣;五六日泛;七八日施。”《茶蔬)的作者說:“若巨器屢巡,滿中瀉飲,待停少溫,或求濃苦,何異農(nóng)匠作勞,但需涓滴;何論品賞?何知風味乎?”

  For this reason,and out of consideration for the utmost rightness and cleanliness in preparation,Chinese writers on tea have always insisted on personal attention in boiling tea,or since that is necessarily inconvenient, that two boy servants be specially trained to do the job. Tea is usually boiled on a separate small stove in the room or directly outside,away from the kitchen. The servant boys must be trained to make tea in the presence of their master and to observe a routine of cleanliness, washing the cups every morning (never wiping them with a towel),washing their hands often and keeping their fingernails clean. "When there are three guests, one stove will be enough,but when there are five or six persons,two separate stoves and kettles will be required, one boy attending to each stove,for if one is required to attend to both,there may be delays or mix-ups." True connoisseurs,however, regard the personal preparation of tea as a special pleasure. Without developing into a rigid system as in Japan,the preparation and drinking of tea is always a performance of loving pleasure,importance and distinction. In fact, the preparation is half the fun of the drinking,as cracking melon-seeds between one's teeth is half the pleasure of eating them.


  Usually a stove is set before a window,with good hard charcoal burning. A certain sense of importance invests the host,who fans the stove and watches the vapor coming out from the kettle. Methodically he arranges a small pot and four tiny cups, usually smaller than small coffee cups, in a tray. He sees that they are in order, moves the pewter-foil pot of tea leaves near the tray and keeps it in readiness, chatting along with his guests,but not so much that he forgets his duties. He turns round to look at the stove,and from the time the kettle begins to sing,he never leaves it, but continues to fan the fire harder than before.Perhaps he stops to take the lid off and look at the tiny bubbles,technically called "fish eyes" or "crab froth,”appearing on the bottom of the kettle, and puts the lid on again. This is the "first boil." He listens carefully as the gentle singing increases in volume to that of a "gurgle,”with small bubbles coming up the sides of the kettle, technically called the "second boil." It is then that he watches most carefully the vapor emitted from the kettle spout, and just shortly before the "third boil" is reached, when the water is brought up to a full boil, "like billowing waves,”he takes the kettle from the fire and scalds the pot inside and out with the boiling water, immediately adds the proper quantity of leaves and makes the infusion. Tea of this kind, like the famous "Iron Goddess of Mercy,”drunk in Fukien,is made very thick. The small pot is barely enough to hold four demi-tasses and is filled one-third with leaves. As the quantity of leaves is large,the tea is immediately poured into the cups and immediately drunk. This finishes the pot, and the kettle,filled with fresh water, is put on the fire again,getting ready for the second pot. Strictly speaking, the second pot is regarded as the best; the first pot being compared to a girl of thirteen,the second compared to a girl of sweet sixteen,and the third regarded as a woman. Theoretically, the third infusion from the same leaves is disallowed by connoisseurs, but actually one does try to live on with the "woman.”


  The above is a strict description of preparing a special kind of tea as I have seen it in my native province, an art generally unknown in North China. In China generally, tea pots used are much larger, and the ideal color of tea is a clear, pale, golden yellow, never dark red like English tea.


  Of course, we are speaking of tea as drunk by connoisseurs and not as generally served among shopkeepers. No such nicety can be expected of general mankind or when tea is consumed by the gallon by all comers. That is why the author of Ch'asu, Hs u Ts'eshu, says, "When there is a big party, with visitors coming and coming, one can only exchange.with them cups of wine, and among strangers who have just met or among common friends, one should serve only tea of the ordinary quality. Only when our intimate friends of the same temperament have arrived,and we are all happy, all brilliant in conversation and all able to lay aside the formalities, then may we ask the boy servant to build a fire and draw water, and decide the number of stoves and cups to be used in accordance with the company present." It is of this state of things that the author of Ch'achieh says, "We are sitting at night in a mountain lodge, and are boiling tea with water from a mountain spring. When the fire attacks the water, we begin to hear a sound similar to the singing of the wind among pine trees. We pour the tea into a cup, and the gentle glow of its light plays around the place. The pleasure of such a moment cannot be shared with vulgar people”


  In a true tea lover, the pleasure of handling all the paraphernalia is such that it is enjoyed for its own sake, as in the case of Ts'ai Hsiang,who in his old age was not able to drink, but kept on enjoying the preparation of tea as a daily habit. There was also another scholar, by the name of Chou Wenfu,who prepared and drank tea six times daily at definite hours from dawn to evening, and who loved his pot so much that he had it buried with him when he died.


  The art and technique of tea enjoyment, then,consists of the following: first,tea,being most susceptible to contamination of flavors, must be handled throughout with the utmost cleanliness and kept apart from wine,incense,and other smelly substances and people handling such substances Second, it must be kept in a cool,dry place, and during moist seasons,a reasonable quantity for use must be kept in special small pots, best made of pewterfoil, while the reserve in the big pots is not opened except when necessary, and if a collection gets moldy, it should be submitted to a gentle roasting over a slow fire,uncovered and constantly fanned, so as to prevent the leaves from turning yellow or becoming discolored. Third,half of the art of making tea lies in getting good water with a keen edge;mountain spring water comes first, river water second,and well water third; water from the tap, if coming from dams, being essentially mountain water and satisfactory. Fourth,for the appreciation of rare cups, one must have quiet friends and not too many of them at one time. Fifth, the proper color of tea in general is a pale golden yellow, and all dark red tea must be taken with milk or lemon or peppermint, or anything to cover up its awful sharp taste. Sixth,the best tea has a "return flavor"(hueiwei),which is felt about half a minute after drinking and after its chemical elements have had time to act on the salivary glands. Seven,tea must be freshly made and drunk immediately, and if good tea is expected, it should not be allowed to stand in the pot for too long, when the infusion has gone too far. Eight, it must be made with water just brought up to a boil. Nine,all adulterants are taboo, although individual differences may be allowed for people who prefer a slight mixture of some foreign flavor (e.g.,jasmine, or cassia). Eleven, the flavor expected of the best tea is the delicate flavor of "baby's flesh.”
