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  Death of Jean 珍之死

  Christmas Eve, 11 A.M. 1909


  Jean is dead!


  Has any one ever tried to put upon paper all the little happenings connected with a dear one-happenings of the twenty-four hours preceding the sudden and unexpected death of that dearone? Would a book contain them? Would two books contain them? I think not. They pour intothe mind in a flood. They are little things that have been always happening every day, and werealways so unimportant and easily forgettable before--but now! Now, how different! Howprecious they are, how dear, how unforgettable, how pathetic, how sacred, how clothed withdignity!

  有誰(shuí)嘗試過(guò)把和一位親愛(ài)的人相關(guān)的所有小事都寫在紙上-記下在這位親愛(ài)之人出乎意料的突然死亡之前的24小時(shí)內(nèi)發(fā)生的所有事情?一本書能寫得下嗎?兩本書能寫得下嗎? 我想不能。這些小事像潮水般涌上心頭。這些天天都會(huì)發(fā)生的日常小事往往如此微不足道,過(guò)去總是輕而易舉地被人遺忘-可是現(xiàn)在! 現(xiàn)在是多么不一樣啊!這些事是多么珍貴,多么親切,多么令人難忘,多么催人淚下,多么神圣,多么莊嚴(yán)啊!

  Last night Jean all flushed with splendid health, and I the same from the wholesome effects ofmy Bermuda holiday, strolled hand in hand from the dinner-table and sat down in the libraryand chatted, and planned, and discussed, cheerily and happily (and how unsuspectingly! )- untilnine, then went upstairs, Jean's friendly German dog following. At my door Jean said, "I can'tkiss you good night, father. I have a cold. and you could catch it."I bent and kissed her hand.She was moved-I saw it in her eyes-and she impulsively kissed my hand in return. Then withthe usual gay "Sleep well, dear!" from both, we parted.


  At half past seven this morning I woke, and heard voices outside my door. I said to myself, "Jean is starting on her usual horseback flight to the station for the mail." Then Katy entered,stood quaking and gasping at my bedside a moment, then found her tongue:


  "Miss Jean is dead!"


  Possibly I know now what the soldier feels when a bullet crashes through his heart.


  In her bedroom there she lay, the fair young creature, stretched upon the floor and coveredwith a sheet. And looking so placid, so natural, and as if asleep. We knew what had happened.She was an epileptic: she had been seized with a convulsion and heart failure in her bath. Thedoctor had to come several miles. His efforts, like our previous ones, failed to bring her back tolife.

  在她的浴室里,她躺在那里,我美麗的年輕姑娘,直挺挺地躺在地板上,上面蓋了一床被單。她看起來(lái)是那么平靜,那么自然,仿佛睡著了一樣。我們知道發(fā)生了什么事。她患有癲病: 洗澡時(shí)突發(fā)驚厥,心力衰竭。醫(yī)生得從幾英里外趕來(lái)。他的種種努力,跟我們?cè)谶@之前的努力一樣,沒(méi)能讓她活過(guò)來(lái)。

  It is noon, now. How lovable she looks, how sweet and how tranquil. It is a noble face, and fullof dignity; and that was a good heart that lies there so still.

  現(xiàn)在已是正午。她看上去是多么可愛(ài), 多么甜美。多么安詳啊! 那是一幅高貴的面容,寫滿了尊嚴(yán);而且,靜靜地躺在那里的是一顆美麗的心靈。


  Lord Chesterfield to His Son切斯特菲爾德勛爵致兒子

  London,March 6, 1747


  Dear boy,


  Whatever you do, will always affect me, very sensibly, one way or another, and I am now most agreeably by two letters, which I have lately seen from Lausanne, upon your subject; the one from Madame St. Germain, the other from Monsieur Pampigny: they both give so good account of you, that I thought myself obliged, in justice both to them and to you, to let you know it.

  無(wú)論你做什么,都會(huì)一直影響著我,在某種程度上會(huì)對(duì)我產(chǎn)生非常明顯的影響最近我收到了兩封洛桑的來(lái)信,信中他談到了你,讀完后我倍感喜悅; 我還收到了一封圣·日耳曼夫人和一封龐比尼先生的信,他們都對(duì)你贊賞有加。因此,為了不辜負(fù)他們,也為了不辜負(fù)你,我覺(jué)得有必要寫信讓你知道。

  Those who deserve a good character, ought to have the satisfaction of knowing that they have it, both as a reward and as an encouragement. They write, that you are not only decrotte, but well-bred; and that the English crust of awkward bashfulness, shyness, and roughness (of which, by the bye, you had your share) is pretty well rubbed off. I am most heartily glad of it for, as I have often told you, those lesser talents, of an engaging, insinuating manner, an easy good-breeding, a genteel behaviour and address, are of infinitely more advantage than they are generally thought to be, especially here in England.

  那些享有美名的人,應(yīng)該讓他們知道自己的名望,從而得到心靈的滿足。這不僅是一種獎(jiǎng)賞,而且是一種激勵(lì)。他們?cè)谛胖锌淠悴粌H彬彬有禮,而且教養(yǎng)有素; 他們還說(shuō),你先前拘謹(jǐn)、害羞、膽怯和粗魯?shù)挠?guó)式的外表(在我看來(lái).你以前的確有過(guò)這些毛病),現(xiàn)在全都消失殆盡了。讀到這些我滿心歡喜,因?yàn)榫拖裎医?jīng)常告誡你的,和藹可親的風(fēng)度、落落大方的儀表、溫文爾雅的言行舉止等次要的素養(yǎng),比通常人們想象的還要重要許多,特別是在英國(guó)。

  Virtue and learning, like gold, have their intrinsic value: but if they are not polished they certainly lose a great deal of their luster; and even polished brass will pass upon more people than rough gold.


  What a number of sins does the cheerful, easy good-breeding of the French frequently cover! Many of them want common sense, many more common learning; but, in general, they make up so much, by their manner, for those defects, that frequently they pass undiscovered.

  法國(guó)人那歡快的、平易近人的良好儀態(tài)不知掩蓋了多少瑕疵啊! 很多法國(guó)人都缺乏常識(shí),甚至有更多的法國(guó)人非常孤陋寡聞。但是,他們總會(huì)用優(yōu)美的儀態(tài)來(lái)彌補(bǔ)這些缺點(diǎn)!而人們往往察覺(jué)不到。

  I have often said, and do think, that a Frenchman, who, with a fund of virtue, learning and good-sense, has the manners and good-breeding of his country, is the perfection of human nature. This perfection you may, if you please, and I hope you will, arrive at.


  You know what virtue is: you may have it if you will; it is in every man's power, and miserable is the man who has not it. Good sense God has given you. Learning you already possess enough of, to have, in a reasonable time, all that a man need have. With this, you are thrown out early into the world, where it will be your own fault, if you do not acquire all the other accomplishments necessary to complete and adorn your character.


  You will do well to make your compliments to Madame St. Germain and Monsieur Pampigny; and tell them how sensible you are of their partiality to you, in the advantageous testimonies which, you are informed, they have given of you here.


  Adieu! Continue to deserve such testimonies; and then you will not only deserve, but enjoy my truest affection.





  John Adams to His Wife約翰·亞當(dāng)斯致妻

  Prince Town New Jersey Aug. 28th, 1774


  My Dear:


  I received your kind letter, at New York, and it is not easy for you to imagine the pleasure it hasgiven me. I have not found a single opportunity to write since I left Boston, excepting by thepost and I don't choose to write by that conveyance event conveyance, for fear of foul play. Butas we are now within forty two miles of Philadelphia, I hope there to find some private hand bywhich I can convey this.


  The particulars of our journey, I must reserve, to be communicated after my return. It wouldtake a volume to describe the whole. It has been upon the whole an agreeable jaunt. We havehad opportunities to see the world, and to form acquaintances with the most eminent andfamous men in the several colonies we have passed through. We have been treated withunbounded civility, complaisance, and respect.


  We yesterday visited Nassau Hall College, and were politely treated by the scholars, tutors,professors and president, whom we are, this day to hear preach. Tomorrow we reach theTheatre of Action. God almighty grant us wisdom and virtue sufficient for the high trust thatis devolved upon us. The spirit of the people wherever we have been seems to be veryfavourable. They universally consider our cause as their own, and express the firmestresolution, to abide the determination of the Congress.


  I am anxious for our perplexed, distressed province--hope they will be directed into the rightpath. I beg you, my dear, to make yourself as easy and quiet as possible. Resignation to the willof heaven is our only resource in such dangerous times. Prudence and caution should be ourguides, I have the strongest hopes, that we shall yet see a clearer sky, and better times.


  Your account of the rain refreshed me. I hope our husbandry is prudently and industriouslymanaged. Frugality must be our support. Our expenses, in this journey, will be very great-ouronly reward will be the consolatory reflection that we toil, spend our time, and tempt dangersfor the public good.-happy indeed, if we do any good!


  The education of our children is never out of my mind. Train them to virtue, habituate them toindustry, activity, and spirit. Make them consider every vice, as shameful and unmanly: fire themwith ambition to be useful-make them disdain to be destitute of any useful, or ornamentalknowledge or accomplishment. Fix their ambition upon great and solid objects, and theircontempt upon little, frivolous, and useless ones. It is time, my dear, for you to begin toteach them French. Every decency, grace, and honesty should be inculcated upon them.

  孩子們的教育問(wèn)題總是縈繞在我的腦海。培養(yǎng)他們良好的道德,使他們養(yǎng)成勤勉、充滿活力和富有進(jìn)取精神的習(xí)慣; 讓他們視每一種缺點(diǎn)為可恥和懦弱: 激勵(lì)他們滿懷雄心壯志成為有用之才-使他們鄙視缺乏有用知識(shí)的人、毫無(wú)造詣的人和無(wú)所成就的人; 把他們的抱負(fù)建立在偉人、堅(jiān)定的目標(biāo)之上,而無(wú)視那些細(xì)小、瑣碎和無(wú)價(jià)值的事情。親愛(ài)的,是你開(kāi)始教他們法語(yǔ)的時(shí)候了。應(yīng)該讓禮貌、優(yōu)雅和誠(chéng)實(shí)牢牢地銘刻于他們的心中。

  I have kept a few minutes by way of journal, which shall be your entertainment when I comehome, but we have had so many persons and so various characters to converse with, and somany objects to view, that I have not been able to be so particular as I could wish-I am, withthe tenderest affection and concern, your wandering.


  John Adams
