At 12, I believed honesty was always rewarded.
One afternoon, I hit a ball through a vacant apartment’s window.
The sound of shattering glass was followed by kids running in all directions screaming, “Run! No one will tell.”
I went to the manager, expecting praise for being so honest. He laughed, saying, “I’ve never had a kid snitch on themselves. Kind of dumb.”
I didn’t understand until my mother said, “How did you feel when you told the truth? Remember that instead of what he said. Pride in yourself will always be your reward.”
From January to May, I led an extremely inactive lifestyle, binging on video games and basically ignoring all aspects of my well being.
I was for all intensive purposes addicted to the game I was playing. This addiction nearly ruined me mood wise, I was miserable to be around when I was even able to force myself to go to class or go out and socialize.
I wanted to stop, and one day I did, just like that. Told myself I would focus on building and improving myself. I began to take pride in hygiene, exercising, and building hobbies (mainly playing the piano) It's been almost exactly a month since that day and I'd just like to share where I've gotten since then.
I've been as active as I can, landing a job that promotes activity, hiking whenever possible, and going on runs around parks. I can honestly say it's the happiest I've been in a while, if not ever, and to think that it's only been a month makes me even happier. Who knows what the next few years will bring.
My confidence has skyrocketed from almost nothing to the most confident I've ever been as well.
I'm hoping that this post will convince someone who is in the same boat that I was in that moving out of unhealthy habits is easier than you think. The body and mind is extremely resilient and wants to be active, so get out there and live life!
Introverts are undeniably unique people - and they are also undeniably difficult to understand. Some introverts are prone to self-deprecation, and they are often hard on themselves. We find ourselves questioning our own perception of ourselves - which can take us down a rabbit hole of negative thinking. What introverts really need is a reminder to love and care for themselves.
Lucky for introverts, one of our strengths is that we are good at making ourselves happy - if we take the time to! We don't depend on other people to bring us joy; we are able find joy within ourselves and in the little things around us. Here are some ways introverts can work to love themselves more.
Take time for yourself.
Alone time is precious to introverts. Because being alone allows us to recharge our batteries, and as a result, it then allows us to be our best selves once those "batteries" are charged. The easiest way to love yourself more is to be your best self, which can only happen for introverts when they take time for themselves.
"In a relationship, one of the main ways to show love is to give them your time," says Redditor user technicolor camera. "That time that you could have for yourself is now spent with that person. You'll sacrifice your time and schedule in order to do things with them. If you were in a relationship, you'd want to respect the other person's time or want them to respect yours, wouldn't you? In the same way, to love yourself, give yourself your own time. It means loving and respecting yourself enough to take your time seriously. Don't waste your time away. Use it to do the things you want, to do the things that matter to you."
Accept yourself.
Accept yourself as who you are: an introvert who is special and important. "Equanimity is the name of the game, which helps us to see things as they really are," says Reddit user el_drum. Introverts tend to blow things out of proportion, which means we end up exaggerating the meaning of good things or bad things.
It boils down to building a deeply felt sense that "I am enough."