


時間: 焯杰674 分享



  Love is a telephone which always keep silent when you are longing for a call ,but rings when you are not ready for it.As a result,we often miss the sweetness from the other end.


  Love is a telephone which is seldom program-controlled or directly dialed.You can not get an immediate answer by a mere"helli."let alone go deep into your lover's heart by one call.Usually it has to be relayed by an operator,and you have to be patient in waiting.Destiny is the operator of this phone.Who is always irresphnsible and fond of playing practical joes to which she may make you a lifelong victim intentionally or unintentionally.


  Love is a telephone which is always busy.When you are ready to die for love,you only find,to your disappointment,the line is already occupied by someone else,and you are reeted only by a busy line.This is an cternal regret handed down from generation to generation and you are only one of those who languish for followers.


  Love is a telephone which is sometimes so sensitive that you are put through by a single dial and responded to as soon as you say "hello" .But,more often than not,you only hang it up and turn away saddly just because of its lack of challenge and effort.Once you realize your mistake.No one is available at the other end.


  Love is a telephone ,but it is difficult to size the right time for dialing,and you will let slip the opportunity if your call is either too early or too late.


  Love is a telephone which is not always associated with happiness.Honeyed words are transmitted by sound waves,but when the lovers are brought together,the phone aerves no purpose.No wonder that many lovers observe that marriage is the doom of love.


  Love is a telephone which,when you use it for the first time ,makes you so nervous and excited that you enther hold the receiver upside down or dial the wrong number.By the time you have calmed down,you will be at a loss to whom you should make the call.


  Love is a telephone which often has crossed lines.And this usually happens to you unexpectedly,Your time will either cross or be crossed.Both cases are referred to as"triangles" Fortunately,all such occurrences are transient.



  My newlywed husband said the same thing every morning."You're beautiful today."


  One glance in the mirror revealed that it was far from the truth.


  A skinny girl with mashed hair on one side of her head and no makeup smiled back at me.I could feel my sticky morning breath.


  "Liar,"I shot back with a grin.


  It was my usual response.My mother's first husband was not a kind man and his verbal and physical abuse forced her and her two children to find a safe place.He showed up on her doorstep one day with roses.She let him in and he beat her with those roses and took advantage of her.Nine months later she gave birth to a lb.13oz.baby girl me.


  The harsh words we heard growing up took root.I had trouble seeing myself as someone of value.I had been married two years when I surprised myself.My husband wrapped his arms around me and told me I was beautiful.


  "Thank you,"I said.


  The same thin girl with the mousy brown hair still stared back at me in the mirror,but somehow the words had finally blossomed in my heart.


  A lot of years have passed,My husband has grey in his hair.I'm no longer skinny.Last week I woke up and my husband's face was inches from mine.


  "What are you doing?"I asked.


  I covered my mouth,trying to hide my morning breath.He reached down and kissed my face.


  "What I do every morning,"he said.


  He leaves in the early hours of the morning while I sleep.I miss our morning coversations,but I had not realized that he continued to tell me that he loved me even while I slept.When he left,I rolled over and hugged my pillow.I envisioned the picture of me lightly snoring with my mouth open and giggled.


  What a man!My husband understands my past.He's been beside me as I have grown from an ensure young girl to a confident woman,mother,speaker and author.


  But I'm not sure that he understands the part he played in that transition.The words I heard growing up pierced my soul,yet his words pierced even deeper.


  This Anniversary Day I plan to wake early .I want to tell Richard how much I love him.He may look. in the mirror and see an extra pound or two,or wish for the day when his was dark and curly,but all I will see is the man who saw something in me when I couldn't see it myself,and who leaves butterfly kisses,even after twenty-three years of mirriage.







