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  大學英語經(jīng)典范文簡評:The First Date

  Now he is combing his hair and being dressed in his best suit. It seems as if he was ready for a date. Actually that' s what he keeps considering these days. About a week ago, one of his friends taught him how to chat and make friends through the Internet. And that was really important for him who can hardly get a date in the real world. So now as his first blind date approaches, his mind is full of imagination. Very excited and a little afraid, he begins the trip to the agreed place.

  What his net girlfriend is called sounds romantic Red Rose. And he thinks the girl has plenty of experience and abundant knowledge. He has tried lots of methods and finally won her heart. Now it's time for a date. He even boasted to his friends how lucky he was. Taking his coming wonderful romance for granted, he smiles at times on the trip.

  Soon he gets to the destination, a lovely park. He can see someone holding a rose waiting there, and the rose is their password. He can't wait to rush to her, but as he comes near, he can tell that is in fact an old lady. Oh, how can such an old lady be my Red Rose! He complains to himself. But there's nobody else nearby. And at that very moment, the lady finds him standing there still and probably in a daze. He feels cold and wants to get away from the embarrassing situation. "Hi, do you have a date here?" The lady greets him. "Oh, sorry, I just went the wrong way. I have a date somewhere else..." his legs trembling, his hands holding his rose at the back. "Oh, I see..."The lady turns away and he quickly grasps the chance to slip a

  Back to his study, he turns on his computer and changes his motto as follows: "I will never believe the virtual romance any more!!!" And what he does next is to put Red Rose into his blacklist.

  With a long sigh, he sits down, tired and hopeless. Although it's sunny outside, he feels his life in an endless darkness.

  簡 評


  文章構(gòu)思巧妙,語言平實,表達流暢,節(jié)奏明快,生動幽默,有聲有色,可讀性強,寓意深刻。值得一提的是主人公的心理刻畫真實、準確、到位。一個心情經(jīng)歷波瀾起伏,由喜轉(zhuǎn)悲的少年的氣惱的、狼狽的卻又無奈的形象躍然紙上,令人忍俊不禁。一般現(xiàn)在時的使用使文章更顯生動、傳神。當然,若能再略施筆墨,對劇中人物,尤其是“old lady”添加一些描寫,相信更能形成理想與現(xiàn)實的落差,突出對比的效果。


  大學英語經(jīng)典范文簡評:A Day as an Interpreter

  The first day my sister Ann hosted a foreign friend was full of stumbles and troubles.

  The other day, Ann went to school to fetch her guest an exchange student from a U.S. middle school. After a brief self introduction, the two girls decided to saunter around the city. In the taxi, when the driver inquired the destination, it suddenly occurred to Ann that she hadn't exchanged ideas about it with her guest yet. To her surprise, before she could say anything,the American girl took out a pile of cards from her bag, randomly picked one out to the driver. Reading the card on which the name of the bund was printed bilingually, the driver started the engine, added sarcastically to my sister, "So, you are a foreigner too, aren't you?"

  At noon, Ann invited her new friend to lunch. The waitress couldn't speak English; the menu was packed with tricky and confusing names;the American vegetarian was so particular about what she ate, all of which made the little interpreter helterskelter. She was trying her best to balance the demand and supply when she suddenly found both parts silently looking at her with a strange expression. Only then did she realize that she was constantly talking to the Chinese waiter in English and to the American in Chinese !

  After the meal, they went straight to XiangYang Market.The American girl was at once fascinated by the lovely stuffs there. At first, Ann did behave like a hospitable host, but when she came across a cute handbag, she just couldn't help bargaining with the shopkeeper. Unfortunately, when she successfully got the new bag with half the price cut, she just recognized that her new friend was nowhere to be found. It was not until 30 minutes later that she caught the girl in a corner shop and prevented her from paying 200 Yuan for a simple false silver necklace.

  "Even hanging about is no easy job," signed Ann to me. It is true, but even the most unpleasant experience can teach us how to do better the next time, can't it?

  簡 評


  文章篇幅不長,卻將一天的歷程講得生動,清楚,使人如臨其境。這主要得益于作者善于把握重點及對動詞短語運用較為恰當。如午飯一節(jié)描寫小翻譯手忙腳亂的形象極為生動,令人忍俊不禁。 而如“saunter around”,“randomly picked one out”,"packed with”,“balance the supplyand demand”等表達都相當簡潔傳神。從全文來看,作者文筆流暢自然,語句富有節(jié)奏,尤其是“full of stumbles and troubles”,“helter—skelter”等詞匯有幾分押韻,使文章讀來朗朗上口。


  大學英語經(jīng)典范文簡評:PE Lesssons

  Since the first grade in primary school, we began to take PE lessons at least once a week. Unfortunately, until today I'm still not used to it as I'm supposed to be.

  Thursday has been the darkest day of the week to me because early in the morning, I have to rush to the gym to attend the compulsory lesson on MULAN dancing. It seems that my week both begins and ends on that day. You may say that I'm too fussy, but it's true.

  I'm not the kind of people who are too stubborn to give up the quest for truth, but every time I ponder upon the meaning of PE lesson, I find there're various reasons that lead me to regard it as something really strange.

  First, I'm questioning whether the whole premise is corfeet. Let me show you an example. As we all know, there's a test known as the discuss throw. When I was in senior high school,a girl,one of my classmates was 15 centimeters higher than me and weighed twice as heavy as I did. Whenever she was tested on it, she could make a perfect score with ease while I was there trying my best to pass it. Then the idea struck me that maybe it was not fair to apply the same criterion to us. Athletes are divided into different groups according to their weights and heights in sports competitions, so why don't we do the same in PE lessons? Well, I know these feeble suggestions of mine are of no avail. I still have to make every attempt to pass it.

  The second strange thing is that almost all my PE teachers know my name. Generally speaking, there're two kinds of students with whom the PE teacher is familiar. The first kind is those who always perform the best and the second kind is just the contrary. Of course, I'm not so naive as to believe that I'm among the first group. I still remember clearly that in one of the classes, during a long jump test, everyone of us was given two chances to make a better score. When the considerable proportion of the girls had jumped twice, the teacher still encouraged them to have a third or fourth try. "Come on! You can do it better!" she said to them. "They had already done a good job." I said to myself. At that moment, the long jump test was of great importance to me because once I passed it, I could get an average of 60 in all the tests in the PE lesson or I would not be able to pass it as a whole. When it was finally my turn to jump, the teacher seemed to be nervous herself. She stopped talking with others, held her breath and waited for me to do it. Though I was all of a flutter, I tried my best. "Great! Excellent!" she shouted"You made it!" Well, not bad, I passed it and might get 65, I guess. "You just made a breakthrough!" Apparently my teacher was quite satisfied with me. But not before I went to the start to have my second try, she had asked another girl to jump. Oh,was she so excited that she forgot to let me jump twice or wasn't she confident enough to let me jump again? I had no idea. Never theless, I did make a giant stride in sports, maybe it was not a very convincing success, but I loved it.

  The third strange thing is the long distance race. Ever since I had to do it years ago, it has always been a catastrophe to me.I guess it's the biggest reason why I hold a dread of PE lessons.

  A nice sunny afternoon would suddenly turn out to be a doomsday for me when the teacher announced the date for us to take the long distance race test. Usually we're required to run 800 meters in 4 minutes, and any word about 800 or race can carry me away during the week before it. Though there's generally a bleak prospect ahead, I still cherish illusions about passing the test. I'll spend a whole night before the race trying hard to conceive a strategy that enables me to succeed in the test tomorrow.I'll try to put any suggestions from friends into execution. In a word, I'm on the brink of falling apart. At last, I catch on why we think of the long distance race as a test on one's endurance.Involuntarily I keep on telling myself: Buck up ! Give it your best shot. You may fail the test but you can at lest console yourself with the thought that you've tried your best! The point is that things aren't usually as bad as they seem to be. I'm grateful to my friends. It was their friendship and encouragements that got me through these dark moments.

  Taking into account all these factors, it seems I don't really dislike PE lessons. I believe destiny has willed it so. The experiences about PE lessons have become a part of my memory even though they are beyond my understanding sometimes.

  簡 評

  這篇文章夾敘夾議、幽默生動。文章的成功之處在于其流暢、自然的語言,顯示出作者較為扎實的英文基礎(chǔ)。但本文更為突出的特色在于敘述和議論的成功的結(jié)合。為數(shù)不多的議論如畫龍點睛之筆,轉(zhuǎn)承啟合的同時,風趣生動地刻畫出作者面對體育課的尷尬與無奈。行文的語氣頗有些英語本族語使用者的風格,尤其是下面這幾句:my week both beelns and ends on that day...;Of course,I'm not so naive as to believe that I'm among the first group...;I did make a giant stride ln sports...;In a word,I'm On the brink“falling apart...;it seems I don't really dislike PE lessons...顯然作者常常閱讀地道的英文作品,寫作時才能不受母語影響,真正做到用英文思考,從而寫出這樣頗為地道的文章。






