

A Memorable Day大學英語作文關(guān)于值得紀念的日子

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  難忘的大學生活中,英語學習的記憶對于你來說是美好的嗎?下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的A Memorable Day大學英語作文,供大家參閱!

  A Memorable Day大學英語作文篇1

  To individuals, historic moments cease to weigh heavily only in text books unless one experiences them. It is July 13, 2001,the unforgettable victory time for Beijing being entitled to host the 2008's Olympics, that is engraved on my memory as clearly and vividly as once it was happening, for I witnessed how a mile stone was erected.

  Though it was at the end of the semester and the time for returning to hometown, my classmates, who used to be busy packing luggage, remained tranquil this time, because they were as anxious as me, waiting for a moment due to be recorded in history.

  "The candidates are giving statements on live show." As soon as someone claimed so, all of us rushed out, shooting to the screen. And soon the small room with the precious TV was fully thronged.

  "When will be Beijing's turn?" I asked anxiously. "It's said the right order is Okada, Toronto, Istanbul, Paris, and Beijing luckily the last. Each city is given 45 minutes to state and 15 to answer questions."

  So four hours, at least, as was estimated, had to elapse before the appearance of our countryman, but it couldn't make anyone to leave, who was unwilling to miss anything, including the

  performance of our opponents.

  "Yu, there's a phone for you." I struggled out of the crowd while grumbling the untimely call. It was my mum who asked me to go home early today.

  Hurriedly driving the cycle on the road home, I was bothered by uncertainty, after nothing the advantages of the other candidates, each of which could compel those who originally stood rigidly for Beijing to have a second thought. While turning to the other hand, I believed the power released from over 1 billion hearts, full of eagerness, beating in the same rhythm,praying for a solitary desirous result, couldn't be ignored.

  No sooner than I got down at home was the TV set turned on. Now what I was left with was only waiting, which never assured you anything it might sometimes bring about unimaginable misery.

  "Oh, it's Beijing." The burst of my shout tempted my parents to gather beside me. A determined promised that the Chinese government would spare no expense to support a successful game. The statement was presented by the vice Prime Minister Li Lanqing, and followed with a further clarification.

  The episode directed by Zhang Yimou constituted the hightlight in which the sweet smiles hanging over Chinese faces seemed so genuine and credible as to convince those who chose them would in no case be disappointed.

  Eventually the time came. When Samaranch held the paper on which the final decision was written, the air froze! With the soft touch between the lips of the old man, the name Beijing was clearly sent to the whole world. I stood there silent, and could hardly prevent my tears, holding my heart the congratulations to the motherland, to our people, and to whoever deserved them.

  Most days go by without any trace left. But July 13, 2001 is memorable because there's nothing capable of bringing more pleasure than the realization of a hope of on,fifth population on the earth, and it offered me something valuable to share with my descendants.

  A Memorable Day大學英語作文篇2

  Despite months of anticipation, nothing could have prepared me for the impact of the actual day. Tears welled up uncontrollably in my eyes when I slowly stepped into my Alma Mater on high school graduation day.

  This was not what I had assumed before. I was over whelmed by a rush of sadness, not excitement. Perhaps this day was the last time I saw my old school, which had been my devoted companion for three years. I looked around, attempting to carry everything into my mind. The quiet trail, decorated with spotted sunlight shadows casting through the spaces between the leaves, the refreshing sweet diffused in the air, the brilliant flowers, the chirping crickets, and the vivid green grass! All the things I will miss!

  As if in a daze, I received my diploma from the headmaster.As I reached out my hand, I knew that I was reaching not just for a piece of paper but for a brand new life. Exciting as the prospect of a new life seemed, it wasn't easy saying goodbye to the old one the familiar faces, the familiar routine. I would even miss that mathematics class I wasn't particularly fond of and the long commute each day that I abhorred. Good or bad, it was what I knew. There had been sunshines and rains, laughers and tears, and they still existed in every corner I could see. From that day on, I became a grown up, with all the bitter and sweet memories behind.

  簡 評


  本文作者在站在大學門檻的那一刻再度回首了高中生活,發(fā)現(xiàn)許多曾極度憎惡的東西竟也浮出記憶表面,變得難以割舍起來,如“I would even miss that mathematics class I wasn't particularly fond Of and the long commute each day that l abhorred.”文章描寫生動,開篇關(guān)于景色的描寫給人印象深刻,如“The quiet trail,decorated with spotted sunlight shadows castmg through the spaces between the leaves,the refreshing sweet diffused in the air,the brilliant flowers,the chirping crickets,and the vivid green grass!All the things I will miss!",敘述流暢,作者成功地通過文字使讀者產(chǎn)生了共鳴,文章讀之有種淡淡的不舍。這一切使本文值得一讀。

  A Memorable Day大學英語作文篇3

  Great days to be remembered seldom come, but small ones surround us daily.

  I do not have a Roman holiday, but I have a non smoking day instead.

  Today a nc-smoking sign easily hooks up my interesting and rewarding experience on the world non smoking day a few years

  As a high school student, I, together with my friends, volunteered on a campaign to discourage public smoking by persuacling people in public places to extinguish their cigarettes and put the cigarette ends into our metal boxes. And we would in return give them a memorial sticker bearing patterns and words voicing the theme of the non smoking day.

  The first step is never a fast step. After hunting for quite a while, we set our target on a young man who was enjoying his cigarette at a bus stop. Embracing the philosophy of "nothing ventured, nothing gained", we summoned up all our courage,walked up and asked, "Sir, would you please not smoke in public places?" "It is none of your business! Why are you so busily engaged in such things? Go and mind your own exams!" He was great, I believed, for he was able to drag on his cigarette while at the same time not giving his tongue a break. And I further found out that for this man, such words as "good for your health" or "good for common courtesy" had long lost their appeal. Maybe such kind of situation should call for some other policy. I managed a smile, blended with sweet words and tried to dilute his resistance. And when we put the sticker on his clothes, he was lingering over the joy of having done us "a big favor."

  Now you see, maybe flattery should be vindicated, for to please is a great step toward persuading and a smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

  Our work ran smoothly when things began easy to handle in the afternoon. But don't worry. Troubles are just around the corner. The second hard rock we met was a middle aged man who appeared to be more of a smoking addict than a smokingenthusiast. Nothing seemed to be capable of extinguishing that cigarette. Even the wind seemed to be powerless. We showed him the cigarettes filled metal box. We spotlighted the hazards of public smoking. But all was in vain.

  Mark Twain was right, habit is habit, not to be flung out of window by anyone, but to be coaxed downstairs one step at a time. I then tried to peel the stubborn onion one layer at a time."Ok, I know how you feel. But do you know how other people around you feel?" "You see that child? Actually he smokes more of your cigarette than you do!" "In fact, you are extinguishing one cell of lung cancer when you extinguish your cigarette. You are extinguishing one cell of the disease of selfishness when you extinguish your cigarette." It is that maybe that constant drops do wear the stone. At last he extinguished our words by extinguishing his cigarette.

  As the sinking sun tinted the horizon, we began to count the cigarette ends, savoring our little victories.

  That day saw me toiling for 6 hours, inviting loads of troubles, collecting 57 cigarette-ends,savoring hundreds of potential second hand smokers and developing for myself some sense of responsibility toward society.

  Though it was a little depressing to realize that those people would naturally pick up their "tradition" just where they had temporarily laid it down, yet how far can we estimate our actions would travel! And besides that, I was rewarded in another day.That is, the experience dawned upon me the significance of care and consideration for other people. Since then, I have been as cooperative as possible whenever I am asked to improve my public behavior and I am always ready to get involved in such volunteer work.

  In a sense, the highest reward for ones toil is not what they get from it but what they become by it.

  簡 評


  作者有著很強的語言駕馭力,文字優(yōu)美準確,意思表達到位,例如:“Embracing the philosophy of‘nothing ventured,nothing gained,,we summoned up a11 our courage,...”;“And l further found out that for this man,such words as‘good for your

  health,...had long lost their appeal.”;“As the sinking sun timted the horizon,...”等等。

  但在第二個例子的描述上,有些地方敘述有待商榷,例如:“In fact,you are extinguishing one cell Of lung cancer when you extinguish your cigarette.Youare extinguishing one cell“the disease Of selfishness when yOU extinguish your cigarette.”敘述重復,意思不很明朗。對此,作者似乎還可做進一步的修改。




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A Memorable Day大學英語作文關(guān)于值得紀念的日子

難忘的大學生活中,英語學習的記憶對于你來說是美好的嗎?下面是學習啦小編給大家整理的A Memorable Day大學英語作文,供大家參閱! A Memorable Day大學英語作文篇1 To individuals, historic moments cease to weigh heavily only in te