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  雅思大作文范文:Education: Losing Its Value

  Today, more and more people are attending thirdlevel education, and many go on to post-graduatedegrees. People specialize in subjects that were notdreamed of a century ago. However, the result hasnot been an increase in real knowledge, but acheapening of education. In this essay I will discusshow education has become devalued.

  Education is now something that can bepurchased. Like a powerful new car or an architect-designed house, a degree or a post-graduate degreehas become a luxury that everyone wants. But when everybody has something, that thingbecomes worthless. Gold is sought after because it is expensive and hard to find, but ifeverybody changed their attitude to gold, its value would drop.

  In the same way, education, like the currency of a bankrupt country, is becoming devaluedas more people have degrees. It takes ever-higher qualifications to get a job. Once a degree-holder was respected and listened to. Now he or she is just another job-seeker or employee.

  One effect of the rush towards degrees is that knowledge becomes less important. Otherfactors, such as influence, are more central in getting a job or a promotion when everyone hasa qualification. A further point is that people lose respect for themselves. Since everybody hasa degree, even degree-holders feel that what they have is almost worthless. More seriously,the pressure to have degrees results in a drop in quality. When thousands of people study ina college, the professors cannot possibly maintain standards. Furthermore, we need to questionwhether advanced education is suitable for everyone. Does our entire population really needto spend years in school and college just to do fairly simple jobs?

  In conclusion, there are many negative aspects to the increased emphasis onqualifications. If we want to maintain the value of education, we need to examine the emphasiswe put on degrees.


  These days, different ways are being taken toprotect cultural identity. Obviously, not only ismuch contribution made to maintain old houses butalso rules of laws associated with cultural protectionare changed for the better. Some people even saythat new buildings are right to be set up in theconventionalway. I seem to be one of opponentswho believe that the action can be unsuitable in ourworld.

  One of the main reasons is that most of traditional buildings, in my nation, that offerprovide few rooms can hardly hard to meet the demands for housing as increasing numbers ofpeople pour into the city. Compared to before, today's population has doubled and eventrebled, which puts seriouspressure on housing supply. As a result, new buildings must besubstituted for old ones that have more efficient utility, even for some old buildings that havebeen damaged seriously.

  No doubts that building or maintaining traditional buildings is very essential to raise artsense and increase choices of people's housing. Plus, these old houses are believed as veryimportant resources to attract international visitors. However, the proportionof traditionalhouses has to be under control, and otherwise the housing of citizens is badly affected.

  Overall, my view is that cultural identity is so preciousthat more efforts and measuresshould be taken but carefully. The excellent tradition helps with deep understanding of history,and educates youths. Nevertheless a simple and recklessbehavior. that new buildings are built ina typical way does more harm than good in the improvement of people's being.

  雅思大作文范文:Value of Artists

  The immense value of artists lies in keeping a truediary in another way of the society by sending lightinto the darkness of human hearts. All greatmasters--painters, musicians, writers--have amission to record the inner reactions of their emotions to the outside world they live in. Whatart offers is spiritual space, a certain breathing room for the soul; without art, the crudenessof modern reality would make the world almost unbearable.

  Artists at heart do not represent the outward appearance but the inward significance ofthings. Contemporary paintings, poems and musical pieces link their value to the mostaccurate perception of what is really going on, and not the official version or the popularimpression in the society. Strangely enough, some artists do not seem telling the truth, as if itwere a lie that makes the world realize the truth. In many cases, so powerful is the way art ispresented in sound, canvas and letters that people can nearly feel like artists knocking at theirsouls. In this modern age, life may beat down and crush the human soul, and it is exactly thatkind of art which is capable of reminding that the soul is still there. By telling the truth tohuman souls, artists in different disciplines are able to transfer emotional value to the societyand wait for an answer.

  Even in a world which is increasingly becoming materialistic, artists still have a place. One of thecrude aspects of the money-oriented society is that some people seem beginning to learn theprice of everything and the value of nothing. Such ignorance is, of course, the enemy of arts inall forms as the society is apparently not aware enough of the valuable contributions thatartists can make to the society. It is as easy to under-estimate the role that a painter, amusician, or a writer plays in the society as to ignore the great contributions made by livingartists. So much so that the artistic truth told about modern reality is often undervalued.After all, appealing to the soul, a work of art is emotional and therefore spiritual and its realvalue defies any artificial price tag.

  To discuss the contributions of great artists is to emphasize their spiritual value in thematerialistic society and to look into the human soul. Probably the value of all artists is topurify the inner emotions of many human hearts bewildered by the outside world. It may besaid that art is a way rather than a thing, and the way of art is illuminating food of spiritualvalue for hungry souls.


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