出口信貸 export credit
出口津貼 export subsidy
商品傾銷 dumping
外匯傾銷 exchange dumping
優(yōu)惠關稅 special preferences
保稅倉庫 bonded warehouse
貿(mào)易順差 favorable balance of trade
貿(mào)易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade
進口配額制 import quotas
自由貿(mào)易區(qū) free trade zone
對外貿(mào)易值 value of foreign trade
國際貿(mào)易值 value of international trade
普遍優(yōu)惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP
最惠國待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT
一、價格術語trade term (price term)
單價 price
總值 total value
卸貨費landing charges
金額 amount
關稅customs duty
凈價 net price
印花稅stamp duty
含傭價price including commission
港口稅port dues
回傭return commission .
裝運港port of shipment
折扣discount, allowance
卸貨港port of discharge
批發(fā)價 wholesale price
目的港port of destination
零售價 retail price
進口許口證import licence
現(xiàn)貨價格spot price
出口許口證export licence
期貨價格forward price
現(xiàn)行價格(時價)current price prevailing price
國際市場價格 world (International)Market price
離岸價(船上交貨價)FOB-free on board
成本加運費價(離岸加運費價) C&F-cost and freight
到岸價(成本加運費、保險費價)CIF-cost,insurance and freight
租船charter (the chartered ship)
交貨時間 time of delivery
定程租船voyage charter
裝運期限time of shipment
定期租船time charter
托運人(一般指出口商)shipper, consignor
班輪regular shipping liner
艙位shipping space
報關clearance of goods
陸運收據(jù)cargo receipt
提貨to take delivery of goods
空運提單airway bill
正本提單original B/L
選擇港(任意港)optional port
選港費optional charges
選港費由買方負擔 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或
optional charges for Buyers’ account
一月份裝船 shipment during January 或 January shipment
一月底裝船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or
before Jan.31st.
一/二月份裝船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb. shipment
在......(時間)分兩批裝船 shipment during....in two lots
在......(時間)平均分兩批裝船 shipment during....in two equal lots
分三個月裝運 in three monthly shipments
分三個月,每月平均裝運 in three equal monthly shipments
立即裝運 immediate shipments
即期裝運 prompt shipments
收到信用證后30天內(nèi)裝運 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C
允許分批裝船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not
permitted partial shipment not unacceptable