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  breaking the ice 打開話匣子 字幕

  Hello, James.

  Deborah! Hello! Enjoying yourself?

  Yes, thank you. I don't know many of Shirley's friends, though.

  Nor do I.

  Are you here on business?

  Oh, dear. Do I look that old? It must be the jet lag!

  No, I'm still a student. I'm just here on holiday.

  Oh, that's good. How long are you staying?

  Only about a week.

  Only a week? That's not very long.

  I know,but I have to get back to college, though.

  How do you like our city so far?

  So far, I love it. There are such a lot of things to do here, and so many things to see!

  How do you like the food?

  Very much. It makes Western food seem quite dull by comparison.

  I especially like the 'dim sum' here.

  Shirley and I went to a 'dim sum' restaurant this morning and it was excellent.

  I'm a great fan of Asian cuisine.

  Really? Such as...?

  Oh, Korean food, Malaysian, Indonesian, Japanese, and Thai.

  Oh, thai food is too hot for me!

  Ah, but that's what I like. The hotter the better.

  You know, sometimes tourists are a little bit hesitant about trying the local food.

  I think that's a shame really.

  I mean ,why bother going to another country if you're not prepared to try new things?

  I agree.

  When you're going to travel, you ought to try all kinds of things.

  You should really...

  You're studying in England?

  Yes, that's right.

  I gather that England is quite cold at this time of the year.

  Yes, it is.

  The climate here is much nicer.

  Shirley tells me it gets rather humid in the summer, though.

  Yes, it does. It gets terribly damp and sticky.

  And in the spring it rains practically every day.

  Is that so?

  Well, I'm glad I'm here now, then.

  Yes, you picked the best time to come.

  Hello Deborah. Enjoying the party?

  Yes, thanks. Lovely party.

  I don't think we've met. I'm Carol.

  Nice to meet you.

  So, how do you know Deborah?

  We go to the same aerobics class.

  Carol's really into keeping fit.

  Well, Deborah is, too.

  By the way, I didn't catch your name.

  Oh, I'm sorry, I'm James.

  James is only here for one week.


  Yes, I'm afraid it's not very long.

  I really wish I could stay longer.

  Whereabouts in England are you from?

  Well, I'm living in Oxford now. But most of my families are in London.

  You know, I forgot to mention I have a sister living in London.

  She and her husband have a restaurant there.

  You don't say!

  Listen, you must introduce me!

  I'll do anything for a free meal!

  Carol, are you all right for a drink?


  paying compliments 把你捧上天 字幕

  Oh, I've been so busy this evening...rush, rush, rush!

  My hair must be a mess!

  Of course it's not, you look wonderful, as ever.

  Where did you get that dress? It's lovely.

  In one of those little boutiques nearby.

  Why, do you like it?

  Yes, I do, very much. It really suits you.

  Oh, thank you. That's the nicest thing anyone's said to me all day!

  What about you then?

  You're certainly the belle of the ball tonight,look at your dress!

  Flattery will get you nowhere!

  No, I'm serious,you really are looking very good this evening.

  Fabulous do, Shirley!

  Not really. It's more trouble than it's worth.

  Shirley's too modest.

  She's really very good at entertaining.

  Carol's right. I'm having a wonderful time.

  Well, thanks. You're very kind.

  Shirley! This is such a fantastic flat!

  I had no idea it was so well decorated!

  Well, it's not very spacious...

  No, but you've done so much with it!

  It's so modem and comfortable, too!

  Was it like this when you moved in?

  No, you should have seen the state it was in.

  I spent two whole weeks doing it up.

  Oh! You did it all by yourself?


  I painted all the walls, bought new furniture and so on.

  Except for the spiral staircase, of course.

  I had that done by a decorating firm.

  Well, you've made a very good job of it.

  Do you like the colours in here?

  Yes, I do. Very elegant.

  Actually I would have preferred something more bright and cheerful, but Michael likes dark.


  Well, what do you think of this?

  Very interesting. Is it an antique?

  Well, that's what they told me.

  I got it just the other day in a little curio shop in Hollywood Road.

  Pardon me for asking, was it expensive?

  No, not at all, I picked it up for an absolute song!

  Really ,well, you must take me...


  how are things going 詢問近況

  Hi, Deborah. How are you?

  Oh, hello, John.

  All right, I must dash.

  OK, Bye. See you.

  Hello, Shirley!

  Hi, Deborah! How are things going?

  Fine, thanks. And yourself?

  Not too bad.

  I haven't seen you for ages. What have you been up to?

  I've been quite busy, really. There's been a lot on at work.. .And you?

  Yes, I've been quite busy too. How's your new flat?

  Oh, fine. In fact, I've been meaning to ask you round to see it sometime.

  It's looking quite nice now.

  By the way, how's Michael?

  Oh, the same, as always.

  He was a bit under the weather last week, but he's fine, now.

  Working too hard, probably.

  He's a real workaholic.

  I heard he wasn't feeling well from Carol, actually.

  How is Carol? I've been meaning to call her.

  She's fine. Enjoying her new job.

  You know, I don't often see you around here.

  Well, in fact, I’ve got a visitor, I’m showing him the sights today.

  Oh, really?

  Yes, he's just gone off to get something to drink.

  A friend of yours?

  Well, you wait till he gets back. I'll let it be a surprise!

  Well, Deborah, this is who I was telling you about--James, my little brother.

  He's staying with us at the moment.

  So you're James!

  Shirley's told me so much about you!

  Only good things, I hope!

  Of course!

  Ha ... oh, I've only got 2 drinks. Would you like something?

  No thanks! I was just on my way to work, actually.

  Deborah's one of our oldest friends here.

  What's it been, two or three years?

  Nearly three, I think.

  So, Shirley is taking you sightseeing, then.

  Yes, I'm just overwhelmed.

  Everything is so different here,but I'm really enjoying it.

  Listen, Deborah, I know you're in a hurry so we won't keep you any longer.

  Are you doing anything tomorrow afternoon?

  Well, I have got nothing planned at the moment.

  Good. Then, why don't you come round to our place.

  I'm having a small party, to celebrate James' visit!

  I know Michael would be pleased to see you as well.

  I' d love to, Shirley!

  Come by around five if you can.

  Oh, that reminds me,I must invite Carol as well.

  See you later, then.

  Bye, and nice to meet you, James.

  Oh, nice to meet you.






