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  1.a buyer’s market 買方市場

  market在這里是“行情”的意思。買方市場是有利于購買者的行情。與之相對的是a seller’smarket(賣方市場)。

  A: Have you bought the house? 你已買房子了嗎?

  B: I don’t know how to choose it. There are a lotof apartments on sale. 我不知道該怎么辦,那么多房子,眼都挑花了。

  A: It is a buyer’s market, you know. 現(xiàn)在是買方市場嘛!

  2.a country mile 一段很長的距離


  A: Is the house close to the central city? 那房子靠著市中心嗎?

  B: It is a country mile from the Central Park. But it won’t be a problem since you drive. 離中央公園遠著呢??杉热荒汩_車這就不成問題了。

  A: The distance is not really a problem. The real problem is whether I can afford it. 遠近到不是問題,問題是我是不是買得起。

  B: Don’t worry about it. It’s a real bargain. 不用擔(dān)心,很便宜的。

  3.a drug on the market 滯銷商品,滯銷貨,供應(yīng)過剩的商品

  drug 的本義是“麻醉藥品”,而麻醉藥品是不能在市場上公開出售的,因此該詞常常用來指“滯銷貨”。

  A: The things my son bought home were usually a drug on the market for adults. 我兒子買回來的東西在咱們眼里都是賣不出去的。

  B: That’s not abnormal for a youngster. Young people all seems to be crazy about suchthings. 這對年輕來說沒什么不正常的。年輕人看起來對這些東西都非常感興趣。

  A: The real problem is that he’s suing my money for them. 問題是他那我的錢去買的呀。

  B: He’s your son, after all. Who else’s money do you suppose him to use? 他畢竟是你的兒子呀。你想讓他拿誰的錢去買呢

  4.a fair shake 公平的待遇

  shake 在口語中有“處置、對待”的意思。當(dāng)fair的意思為“公平的”時,這個短語的意思是“順利的、有意的”時,它的意思就是“好機會”。

  A: Bob, can you ever make a thing right? 鮑勃,你就不能做對一件事嗎?

  B: Yes, I can and I am doing the right thing. 我能,而且我現(xiàn)在干的就是對的。

  A: You should go and see how Allan handles it. 你真該去看看阿倫是怎么干活的。

  B: It’s that Allen again! Why can’t you ever think of giving me a fair shake? 又是阿倫!你怎么就不能對我公平點?

  5.a fat chance 微小的機會

  fat本是“很多”的意思,但在這里用了反意,表示“微小的機會”;表示同樣意義的短語還有a fat lot,指“很少”。

  A: What do you think of his plan? 你覺得他的方案如何?

  B: I have a feeling that is it doomed to fail. 我感覺它注定要失敗。

  A: Why don’t you vote against him? 干嗎不投票否決他的提議?

  B: It’s a fat chance of voting out his suggestion. 這不大可能。

  6.a going concern 贏利企業(yè)

  concern 在該習(xí)語中作名詞,意思是“商行,企業(yè)”;go指“上漲。增漲”。A going concern是指活躍或繁榮的企業(yè)或機構(gòu)等,意即“贏利企業(yè),正在前進的企業(yè)“。

  A: What’s your overseas branch factory going? 你海外的分廠進展如何?

  B: Not very good at first. It has been two yearsbefore it becomes a going concern. 開始不太理想,直到兩年以后才開始贏利。

  A: Once you break the ice, it will be better andbetter. 一旦打開局面,肯定會越來越好的。

  B: I hope so. 但愿如此。

  7.a leap in the dark 冒險舉動

  leap的意思是“跳,跳躍”。在黑暗中跳躍確實是一種冒險的舉動,因此該詞組引申為“瞎闖,冒險舉動”。例如: His move to America was a leap in the dark.(他遷居美洲是件冒險的事。)

  A: Are you sure you can make profits out of the investment? 你確信這次投資一定能獲利嗎?

  B: I am not sure. It’s only a leap in the dark. 我也沒有把握。這只是一次冒險。

  A: And it’s the only chance for you to lead your company out of difficulties, isn’t it? 而且這也是你帶領(lǐng)公司走出困境的唯一的機會,是嗎?

  B: Yeah. So I have to have a try. 是的。所以我必須一試。

  8.a mare’s net 海市蜃樓的東西;鏡花水月

  a mare’s nest系to find a mare’s nest一語的一部分。這條成語從字面上看是“母馬之巢”,當(dāng)實際上母馬是不筑巢的,即世間根本不存在什么“母馬之巢”,因此其常被用作比喻,指“虛幻的事物”或“原以為重要后被證明為無用的發(fā)現(xiàn)物”。如果母馬真能筑巢,也比然是亂七八糟的,故又由此引申出“混亂”、“亂糟糟的地方”等義。在英國德文郡(Devon)還有a blind mare’s nest這樣的說法,用來比喻“無稽之談”。

  A: How is the case going? 案件進展得怎么樣?

  B: We have checked up on all the signatures. 我們查了所有的簽字。

  A: So you found something? 那你們發(fā)現(xiàn)了些什么東西嗎?

  B: No, the result is unbelievable. 沒有,結(jié)果難以置信。

  A: Why? 怎么啦?

  B: It proved just to be a mare’s nest. 根本就是子虛烏有。

  A: Why did that guy make up such a story? 為什么他編這么個故事呢?我怎么也不明白。

  B: Some people are really unimaginable. 有些人就是讓人無法想象。

  9.a month of Sundays 很久,很長時間

  一個月有28日至31日,“一個月的星期日”就意味著連續(xù)三十個星期。另一種解釋是:一星期有七天,“一個月的星期日”可能意味著四個星期??傊@個成語喻指“很長的時間”。例:He could easily haverevenged himself by giving me a kick with heavy shoes on the head or the loins that would havespoiled my running for a month of Sundays.(他若要報仇,那很容易,只要用其沉重的靴尖向我頭部或腰部一踢,就可使我長時間不能行走。)

  A: How about this work? 這個工作怎樣?

  B: I think it will take me a month of Sundays to finish. 我想得花很長時間才能完成它。

  A: You will have a long time to be very busy, right? 你又會忙一段時間了,是嗎?

  B: Yeah. To be very tired, too. 就是,也會很累。

  A: In some way, it is good for us because we can learn lots of things from it. 在某種程度上,這對我們有好處,因為我們能從中學(xué)到很多東西。

  10.a red carpet welcome 隆重的歡迎


  A: How can they be so cold to me? 他們怎么能對我這么冷淡!

  B: Then what are you expecting? A red carpet welcome? 那你還想怎么著?讓他們列隊歡迎你?

  A: Not exactly, but at least they should be friendly to me. 倒也不是,至少他們得對我友好一點兒吧。

  B: Don’t take it too much to heart. You will find them very helpful when you need them. 別太放在心上。你會發(fā)現(xiàn)用得著他們的時候他們還是挺幫忙的。


  11. a rule of thumb 單靠經(jīng)驗或?qū)嵺`的方法;粗略而簡便的方法


  A: Do you think it’s a good idea to buy sometraveler’s checks? 你認為買旅行支票是個好辦法嗎?

  B: Definitely! Don’t carry large amounts of cashwith you when you’re traveling. We have a rule ofthumb: never carry around any more cash than you can afford to have stolen. To be on thesafe side, you’d better ask for smaller denominations: or . 沒錯。旅行時不要隨身帶大額現(xiàn)金。我們有個經(jīng)驗之法:隨身攜帶的錢要適量,丟了不要緊。為了穩(wěn)妥起見,你最好要小面額的:20或者元。

  A: I was told that if you use traveler’s checks, you don’t countersign the check until theclerk in the store is watching you. 我聽說在使用旅行支票時,要當(dāng)著商店售貨員的面簽字。

  B: Yes, you’ve got it. 你說得對。

  12. a top banana 首領(lǐng),掌權(quán)者

  top banana主要用于美國俚語中,指“主要演員(尤指喜劇中),最重要的人物”。

  A: The top banana asked you to fax this to the US office. 頭兒讓你把這個傳真到美國的辦事處。

  B: Is this urgent? 急件嗎?

  A: Yes. 沒錯。

  13. across the board 全面地

  該習(xí)語的意思是“包括一切的,全面的”。例如:We’re aiming to increase productivity across theboard.(我們旨在全面提高產(chǎn)量。)該習(xí)語還可以用來指“(賽馬、賽狗等打賭時)押前三名”。

  A: Do you know the last news? 你知道最新消息嗎?

  B: No, what? 不知道,什么呀?

  A: We asked for a pay increase of 5% across the board yesterday. 昨天我們要求全部加薪5%。

  B: Did the boss agree with you? 老板同意了?

  A: No. He said they’d discuss it at the board meeting. 沒有。他說要在董事會上討論。

  B: That’s just an alibi. 那是他的借口。

  14. add up to 合計達;總括起來意味著

  此語本義指“合計為”,在日常生活中多用喻義,即“總括起來意味著”。有時為了進一步強調(diào),亦作all addup to。在使用中應(yīng)注意與“add up”一詞的區(qū)別。“add up”本指“把 … 加起來”,如:add up a column offigures(把一欄數(shù)字加起來);其喻義為“言之有理,說得通”,如:The facts just don’t add up.(這些事情合計起來不對頭。)

  A: The cashier said he had locked the safe before he left. 出納說他走時把保險柜鎖上了。

  B: But how did the money disappear from it if it was locked? 如果鎖上了那錢怎么沒的?

  A: I just wonder … 我只是奇怪 …

  B: What do you think it all adds up to? 你想這一切意味著什么?

  A: It adds up to the fact that we have been cheated. 意味著我們被騙了。

  15. agree to differ 求同存異

  agree to differ指的是“各自保留不同意見(不再說服對方)”,意即“求同存異”。

  A: What do you mean? 你是什么意思?

  B: Considering the major contracts they might give us, I overlooked the small loss. 考慮到他們可能與我們簽訂大宗合同,小小的損失我就忽略不計了。

  A: So you agreed to differ? 所以你就求同存異?

  B: That’s right. 沒錯。

  16.all told 合計;總之

  此語原義為“總計,合計”,引申為“總之”。如:Alltold,it was a great credit to them.(總之,這給他們大大增了光。)此語同in all同義。

  A: How many people attended today’s meeting? 有多少人參加了今天的會議?

  B: There were seventeen of us at the meeting, alltold. 一共有十七個人。

  A: Issue an announcement that if somebodydoesn’t attend meeting next time, his or her bonuswill be deducted. 發(fā)布一則通知,就說如果有人下一次不參加會議,他或她的獎金全扣。

  B: Yes. 好的。

  17.all wet 搞錯了


  A: I made a reservation two days ago. My name is David Johnson. 我前天在這兒預(yù)訂了房間,我叫戴維約翰遜。

  B: Reservation? What do you mean? 預(yù)定?什么意思?

  A: I booked a single room here for tonight. 我定了一間今晚的單人房。

  B: Oh! You’re all wet, actually. This is not a hotel. The hotel is the building across the road. 哦,你搞錯了。這不是旅館,旅館是路對過的那做樓。

  18.an easy digging 輕而易舉的事

  dig做動詞時有“集中精力于… 的意思”,往往用來指工作、學(xué)習(xí)。An easy digging指“學(xué)習(xí)輕松”,引申為“事情輕而易舉”。

  A: Do you think we can nurse our business back to life? 你說我們能讓生意起死回生嗎?

  B: It’s not an easy digging. We’ll have to rack our brain and think of some effectivemeasures. 這可不是件容易事。我們得絞盡腦汁想出一些行之有效的辦法。

  A: I seem to be at the end of my wits. I have got lost and don’t know where I’m going. 我可是黔驢技窮了。我有點茫然,不知道該干什么才好。

  B: Never say die. The darkest hour is the nearest dawn. 別這么說,現(xiàn)在只是黎明前的黑暗。

  19.any more 不再

  此語用于否定句中,構(gòu)成not … any more“不再”,與之同義的短語為not … any longer。與肯定句中的no more和no longer同義。區(qū)別在于not any longer和no longer都口語化。

  A: I can’t take the job any longer. 我不能再干這份工作了。

  B: If you need the money, you’ll just have to grin and bear it. 如果要想掙錢的話,你就得含笑忍辱。

  A: I’d rather starve than suffer the torture of the beast! 我寧愿餓死也不受這份罪。

  B: Don’t be childish and capricious. You want to change the world? No way, it is just theworld that will change you. 別幼稚任性了。你想改變這個世界?決不可能的。只能是這世界改變你。

  A: My God! The school life is really simple and free. But now I have it no more. 天呀!還是校園生活簡單自由,可我不再擁有它了。

  20.as easy as one’s eye 很容易

  該習(xí)語是一種非正規(guī)的口語表達方式,類似的表達方式還有:as easy as anything/as ABC/as fallingoff a log/as winkling。這些短語指的是“很容易”。

  A: Money is hard to earn these days. 這年頭掙錢不容易。

  B: To me, it’s as easy as my eye. 對我來說很容易。

  A: You steal? Or rob? 去偷還是去搶?

  B: Of course not. 當(dāng)然不是。