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  Those who believe an MBA is only about a job in banking or consultancy, think again. Two of the leading recruiters for MBAs at the top US schools this year are rival games companies Electronic Arts, creators of the Sims characters and Zynga, which runs the FarmVille game on Facebook.

  有些人以為,念MBA就是為了在銀行或咨詢公司找份工作。錯了。今年美國頂級學(xué)府MBA的招聘大戶中就有兩家游戲公司,一家是藝電(Electronic Arts),《模擬人生》(Sims)就出自該公司,另一家是在Facebook上經(jīng)營FarmVille游戲的Zynga公司。

  For EA, the need for top MBA graduates is fuelled by the company's changing role from a packaged goods company to a digital company, says Jessica Rawson, who is in charge of university relations. "What is driving us is what our customers are doing".

  藝電負責(zé)大學(xué)關(guān)系的杰西卡•羅森(Jessica Rawson)表示,對于該公司而言,對優(yōu)秀MBA畢業(yè)生的需求,源自于該公司正從一家將產(chǎn)品包裝銷售的公司轉(zhuǎn)型為數(shù)字公司。"推動我們的是我們的客戶在做的事情。"

  The focus now is on graduates who are skilled in analytics. "It's being able to take the numbers and create a story and communicate that story," says Ms Rawson. The games companies are not alone in valuing the combination of analytics and communications, says Julie Morton, associate dean for career services at Chicago Booth and one of the schools where EA recruits. "I think of it as critical thinking rather than numbers per se."

  現(xiàn)在受到青睞的是善于分析的MBA畢業(yè)生。羅森表示:"也就是說,他們要善于分析數(shù)據(jù),設(shè)計一個故事然后將故事傳達給別人。"芝加哥大學(xué)布斯商學(xué)院(Chicago Booth)就業(yè)服務(wù)處副主任朱莉•莫頓(Julie Morton)表示,不只是游戲公司會重視分析與溝通相結(jié)合的能力。"我認為這是一種批判性思維,而非僅僅是與數(shù)字有關(guān)。"布斯商學(xué)院是藝電招人的院校之一。

  As jobs on Wall Street wane, the most numerate MBA graduates are finding a welcome home in companies such as Amazon, Facebook, Google and Yahoo, groups for which data analytics are critical.


  Such is the case at Wall Street specialist Columbia Business School in New York, says Gina Resnick, associate dean and managing director of Columbia's career management centre. "What's been exciting has been the changing opportunities and the technology renaissance in New York City."

  紐約哥倫比亞大學(xué)(Columbia)職業(yè)管理中心副主任、常務(wù)主管吉娜•雷斯尼克(Gina Resnick)表示,曾經(jīng)的華爾街就業(yè)大戶、哥倫比亞商學(xué)院(Columbia Business School)就是如此。"機遇的變遷以及紐約的科技復(fù)興令人興奮。"

  Although the final statistics for 2012 have not yet been compiled, MBA recruitment in the US appears to be closely tracking that of 2011. "It is certainly not down, not at all," says Regina Regazzi, executive director for corporate relations with UCLA Anderson. At Harvard Business School, where MBA students graduate this week, Jana Kierstead, executive director of the MBA programme, is even more positive. "Optimism is in the air. Students are really willing to wait [for the right job] and are determined to pursue their vision." Salaries have also rebounded. At Harvard, the bellwether for MBA pay, the median for the class of 2012 is expected to be 5,000, up from 0,000.

  盡管2012年的最終數(shù)據(jù)尚未得出,但美國的MBA招聘似乎在緊緊追隨2011年的趨勢。加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校安德森商學(xué)院(UCLA Anderson)企業(yè)關(guān)系執(zhí)行主任瑞格納•瑞格茲(Regina Regazzi)表示:"肯定沒有減少,一點也沒有。"哈佛商學(xué)院(Harvard Business School)MBA項目執(zhí)行主任亞娜•基爾斯泰德(Jana Kierstead)的態(tài)度甚至更為樂觀,她表示:"樂觀情緒正在彌漫。學(xué)生們確實愿意等待(合適的工作),并決定追求夢想。"哈佛的MBA學(xué)員近期畢業(yè)。薪資也已反彈。在哈佛商學(xué)院(MBA薪資的風(fēng)向標),2012屆畢業(yè)生的薪資中值預(yù)計將達到12.5萬美元,高于之前的12萬美元。

  But in Europe, the euro crisis and economic austerity has resulted in recruiter caution, says Fiona Sandford, director for career services at London Business School.

  但在歐洲,倫敦商學(xué)院(London Business School)就業(yè)服務(wù)負責(zé)人菲奧娜•桑福德(Fiona Sandford)表示,歐元危機和經(jīng)濟緊縮讓招聘企業(yè)態(tài)度謹慎。

  In London, as in New York, the "bulge banks" have reduced the number of MBAs they hire this year, but asset management firms continue to recruit, says Ms Sandford. The students who are finding it hardest to secure jobs are those who want to change sectors, she says.


  A decade ago a third of all graduates from top schools went into finance – largely investment banking – with a further third going into consultancy. But these days up to 50 per cent of graduates find their first job in other sectors – consumer goods, pharmaceutical, media, technology and industrial companies, as well as NGOs and charities. Social media strategists are also in demand across all sectors, says Kevin Frey, who runs the full-time MBA at Rotman in Toronto.

  10年前,在頂級商學(xué)院的所有畢業(yè)生中,有三分之一進入金融行業(yè)(基本上是投行),另有三分之一進入咨詢行業(yè)。但最近,高達50%的畢業(yè)生在其它行業(yè)找到第一份工作——消費品、制藥、媒體、科技和工業(yè)企業(yè),以及非政府組織(NGO)和慈善組織。在多倫多羅特曼商學(xué)院(Rotman)負責(zé)全日制MBA項目的凱文•福雷(Kevin Frey)表示,社交媒體策略師在各個行業(yè)也很受歡迎。

  Recruitment methods are also changing. EA is typical in that it is taking several routes to hiring students: as well as on-campus recruiting, it is posting job adverts for specific roles. Increasingly, company hiring patterns reflect company culture, says Ms Morton, citing Zynga, where students interview via videoconferencing on Skype. "That's very much the norm now," she says.


  Students are behaving differently too. Even at Harvard, the master of on-campus recruiting, almost 50 per cent of students now find a job via a different route. And they are looking to small companies for employment. "We're seeing students looking at more customised, smaller shops, so they can see their impact early on," according to Ms Kierstead.


  Meanwhile more students are finding jobs outside their country of study. Harvard, for example, reports that a growing number of its US graduates are taking jobs outside the US.


  EA, which has studios in the UK, China and North America, is looking to recruit in Europe and Asia. The company has one obvious attraction, says Ms Rawson.


  "People have grown up playing these games. It's a really cool way to come into analytics."
