You can forget Monday morning blues if you work for Dan Rice - the king of Britain's most laid-back company.
Businessman Dan has told his seven employees they can take Monday mornings off to watch the latest episodes of Game of Thrones.
The riveting fantasy show has proved a global hit - and season four kicked off this month to the delight of fans following its every twist and turn.
But Dan's staff have been continually miffed by running into online spoilers.
Dan, who is also a fan of the show, says he doesn't mind his staff clocking in later so long as they make up the time. And he knows they'll be happier and more productive as a result.
The 24-year-old, whose Birmingham firm makes bespoke gifts, told the Metro: "A lot of our employees were getting really annoyed about accidentally seeing spoilers.
"We decided to put something in place to stop these incidents occurring."