求職面試,你都會做哪些準備?熟讀“面經(jīng)” 、設(shè)想一下考官會問到問題,想必很多人都會這樣做。今天我們就來模擬幾個面試考官可能會問到的問題,不過答案沒有固定的,還需要你自己見機行事哦!
1. “Given the numbers 1 to 1, 000, what is the minimum number of guesses needed tofind a specific number, if you are given the hint ’higher‘ or ’lower‘ for each guess youmake?” -- Facebook
2. “Using a scale of 1 to 10, rate yourself on how weird you are.” -- Capital One (COF)
2.“用1-10分制來打分,你認為你的古怪程度是幾分?”——Capital One
3. “Explain quantum electrodynamics in two minutes, starting now.” -- Intel (INTC)
4. “How many balloons would fit in this room?” -- PricewaterhouseCoopers
5. “If you were shrunk to the size of a pencil and put in a blender, how would you getout?” -- Goldman Sachs (GS)
5.“假如你被縮小到一支鉛筆大小,并被放入一個攪拌機里,你怎么跑出來?”—— 高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)
6. “You have a bouquet of flowers. All but two are roses, all but two are daisies, and allbut two are tulips. How many flowers do you have?” -- Epic Systems
7. “What is the philosophy of martial arts?” -- Aflac (AFL)
8. “Explain to me what has happened in this country during the last 10 years.” -- BostonConsulting
8.“給我講講,過去十年美國都發(fā)生了些什么?” ——波士頓咨詢公司(Boston Consulting)
9. “If you could be any superhero, which one would you be?” -- AT&T (T)
10. “How do you weigh an elephant without using a scale?” -- IBM (IBM)
11. “If you had 5, 623 participants in a tournament, how many games would need to beplayed to determine the winner?” -- Amazon (AMZN)
12. “How many bricks are there in Shanghai? Consider only residential buildings.” --Deloitte Consulting
12.“上海有多少塊磚?只考慮住宅。”——德勤咨詢(Deloitte Consulting)
13. “You have five bottles of pills. One bottle has 9 gram pills, the others have 10 grampills. You have a scale that can be used only once. How can you find out which bottle containsthe 9 gram pills?” --eBay (EBAY)
14. “What is your fastball?” -- Ernst &Young
14.“說說你的快球?” ——安永(Ernst &Young)
15. “How would you market ping pong balls if ping pong itself became obsolete? Listmany ways, then pick one and go into detail.” -- Microsoft (MSFT)
16. “How many smartphones are there in New York City?” -- Google (GOOG)
17. “You are in charge of 20 people. Organize them to figure out how many bicycles weresold in your area last year.” -- Schlumberger (SLB)
18. “Why do you think only a small percentage of the population makes over 5, 000 ayear?” -- New York Life
18.“你說為什么年收入超過12.5萬美元的人只占人口很低比例?——紐約人壽(New York Life)
19. “You have three boxes. One contains only apples, one contains only oranges, and onecontains both apples and oranges. The boxes have been incorrectly labeled so that no labelaccurately identifies the contents of any of the boxes. Opening just one box, and withoutlooking inside, you take out one piece of fruit. By looking at the fruit, how can youimmediately label all of the boxes correctly?” -- Apple (AAPL)
20. “How many ball bearings, each one inch in diameter, can fit inside a 747 aircraft?” -- SAIC (SAI)