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時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享




  Tom: We're both English teachers. Is there anything you hate about teaching English?


  Jess: There's actually not much that I hate about teaching English but there is one thing whichdrives me balmy, and annoys me more than anything else and that's correcting the samemistake over, and over, and over again, and it seems that every country in which I've worked,every nationality in English learners have one mistake that they always make over and overagain. In Hungary, when you say how are you to a Hungarian student, they'll reply in English,I'm feeling myself well, which is a direct translation from Hungarian but sounds rather strangeand a little bit rude in English, and I must have corrected that mistake millions of times while Iwas there. The same students again and again and again and again, so the repetition ofmaking the same correction really gets my goat. How about you? What do you hate aboutteaching?


  Tom: I really wouldn't say I hate something about teaching, but I definitely think there arethings that waste my time when I'm teaching. After every lesson, I very carefully write up alesson plan, bring all those materials together, put it in a little plastic wallet and store itaway in a folder, and I know full well I will never open that folder to read about that lessonagain. I kind of approach every lesson as fresh and new and try and come up with somethingdifferent and every time I'm writing them all up, doing all this paperwork and I really don'tneed to. I need to get in control of myself and stop doing that. You told me what you mostdislike about teaching, but I'm sure you love this job. What are some things you like aboutEnglish teaching?


  Jess: I think the thing I like the most about teaching is what I call the "Ah-hah" moment whenyou're studying a language point with a class or a student and you can almost see physically themoment they understand, the moment they're able to make sense of the language of they cando the task that you've asked them to do, and you can almost see a light bulb go off abovetheir head, "Ah-hah! Now I understand." and I love that. I love the surge of confidence thatgives the students and also makes me feel really good that I helped them to reach that point.What do you love about teaching Tom?


  Tom: The thing I really love is right at the end of the course, when the students come up toyou after a long time of haranguing about homework and about being late and aboutcorrection and drilling and the students come up and say, "Teacher, we're all going to dinnerat the end of the course. Do you want to come with us?" and that must makes me smile. Now, Iknow I saying this to you Jess, but I know there's a lot of people out there listening to this. Itreally makes my heart warm to go and have some social time with the students at the end of along course.


  Jess: So the thing you like most about teaching is when the teaching is finished?


  Tom: Oh, you've got me on that one, yes.



  Tom: Jess, you were talking before about mistakes that your Hungarian students always made,and how some students from the same country all make the same mistakes again and againand again. Well, I work here in Thailand and they have a very cute phrase, "same, same" whichI think means to describe something as being the same as something else, I spend five — tenminutes talking to a student explaining that instead of using same same, she should use "thesame as" and I was trying to get this phrase over to her and finally she understood what Imeant and she looked at me and said, "Ah, same as same same same same".

  湯姆:杰西,你之前說(shuō)過(guò)匈牙利學(xué)生常犯的錯(cuò)誤,同一個(gè)國(guó)家的學(xué)生經(jīng)常會(huì)重復(fù)犯同樣的錯(cuò)誤。我在泰國(guó)工作,泰國(guó)有一個(gè)非??蓯?ài)的短語(yǔ)“一樣一樣”,我想那是形容某樣?xùn)|西和其他東西一樣的一個(gè)短語(yǔ),我花了5到10分鐘和一個(gè)學(xué)生解釋?zhuān)覀儾粦?yīng)該用same same這個(gè)短語(yǔ),而是應(yīng)該用the same as來(lái)表示和……一樣,我努力讓她理解這個(gè)短語(yǔ),最后她終于明白我的意思了,她看著我說(shuō),“啊,same as就是same same的意思啊”。

  Jess: In Spain I think the most common mistake was that in Spanish the noun people is asingular noun. You would say "le gente es" so when my Spanish speakers would use this nounthey would always say, "Oh the people is very hungry" or "the people is very quiet" and I spentmost of my time in Spain going "are — are — are" after these, the people even upperintermediate, advanced learners will still making that mistake. In France, one very commonmistake was the pronuciation error. The sound "Th" at the beginning words, for example, "there" or "those" that the French would pronounce with a zed sound, so "zere" or "zose" and Iwas very reluctant to correct it because it's such a sexy accent and it sounds so much moregorgeous with the French "ZZ" but I did have to correct it and I was always in France stickingmy tongue out of my mouth to emphasize to them that there tongue needed to be forward totheir teeth to make the correct sound. You said you worked in Libya. What were the commonmistakes for Libyan students?

  杰西:我認(rèn)為西班牙學(xué)生最常犯的錯(cuò)誤是,在西班牙語(yǔ)里people這個(gè)詞是單數(shù)名詞。你要說(shuō):“le gentees”,所以我的西班牙學(xué)生用這個(gè)單詞時(shí)經(jīng)常會(huì)說(shuō),“哦,人們非常餓”或者是“人們非常安靜”,我在西班牙的大部分時(shí)間都在糾正他們要用表復(fù)數(shù)的are,而不是is,甚至中級(jí)以上的學(xué)生和高級(jí)班學(xué)生還會(huì)犯這個(gè)錯(cuò)誤。在法國(guó),一個(gè)非常常見(jiàn)的錯(cuò)誤是發(fā)音錯(cuò)誤。舉例來(lái)說(shuō),開(kāi)頭單詞“th”在法語(yǔ)中會(huì)發(fā)“z”的音,我非常不愿意糾正這個(gè),因?yàn)檫@是一個(gè)非常性感的口音,法語(yǔ)里的“Z”音聽(tīng)起來(lái)更華麗,不過(guò)我必須要糾正,我在法國(guó)時(shí),經(jīng)常要把舌頭伸出來(lái),向他們強(qiáng)調(diào)舌頭要抵到牙齒發(fā)出正確的音。你說(shuō)過(guò)你曾在利比亞工作過(guò)。利比亞學(xué)生常犯的錯(cuò)誤是什么?

  Tom: One that always made me smile was when a cheery student or the security guard at theschool or people that I met around the compound where I was living would give me a cheerywave and say "How are you? I'm fine" and it took me a good month or two before I realized thatin Arabic the question and answer to go together. It just sounds strange in English. I thoughtthey were jumping the gun by answering their own question.


  Jess: Sounds like they were talking to themselves. And how about in Japan?


  Tom: Now, Japanese have another common phrase which I think it used both in Japanese andbecause it comes from English they use it in English to. It's "so-so". I'm not quite sure whenyou might use it. It's when things are not quite good, not quite bad, so if you say, "hey, howare you doing?", they will say "so-so" or if you say, "Hey, how's your food?" they'll say, "so-so".It's not English and the first few months I had of hearing that, I really couldn't quite work out. Iunderstood the meaning, but I knew that it was not something I would ever say, but thedifficulty there is trying to think of a good alternative. It's that kind of non-committal, I don'treally care answer. I like strong opinions. I love it. I hate it. Let's leave this so-so.


  Jess: I agree. It's like over use of the adjective nice. It just sounds really bland.






