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時(shí)間: 焯杰674 分享




  Todd: So Greg, we're talking about controversial issues and one of the issues in your book isincome disparity. So, what do you think about minimum wage?


  Greg: Minimum wage. Minimum wage I think is very important to have otherwise employersare going to take advantage of people; pay them too little. The society, society itself mustdecide what is the proper minimum wage and that in itself is an issue. What should it be?


  Todd: You know, actually I disagree. I am actually against a minimum wage. I think that youknow, basically all markets find equilibrium and that the wage goes too low people just won'tdo the job, and so basically, if you don't have a minimum wage eventually the society willcome to a wage where people fell comfortable doing that work. That basically things will workout.


  Greg: In theory maybe you're right, but in reality you're really wrong. I mean take a look atsome of these countries around the world where there are sweat shops, where you havechildren, cause there are no rules regulating labor, and you have children who have never beeneducated, spend their entire lives working almost like slaves in unhealthy conditions. That'swhat happens when there are no rules to protect workers.


  Todd: But I think that's somewhat true but you said the key word that they're not educated. Ithink the problem there is that people aren't educated and that's what leads the abjectpoverty that they might do a job like that. So don't you think that if people were educatedmore, they would not be willing to work such meaningless jobs, such jobs that pay so little.


  Greg: Many of those people, those children, who are working like slaves, don't have a chance foran education and often maybe they're being exploited, not always but sometimes, by peoplewho've had good education.


  Todd: Right.


  Greg: Take a child in some very poor country has to work just to find food.


  Todd: So basically, you're saying they should have a living wage. That they should makeenough money that they can have a decent standard of living.


  Greg: Everybody should have a decent standard of living I believe.


  Todd: I just think that it's really hard to arbitrarily set a price. I mean that number is alwaysgoing to go up and down. That even a minimum wage is somewhat skews the reality that ifyou just let markets take their natural course eventually people won't be willing to work.


  Greg: It doesn't work that way because when you just have a complete free market, you havecorrupt people who take advantage of other people.


  Todd: Well, you know, that actually I do agree with but I think ... I do believe in a free marketsbut one thing that is true is that free markets cannot work where's there's corruption. I doagree with that. So we agree about something.


  Greg: Yes. Good thing.



  Todd: So Greg in the last one we were talking about minimum wage, and this is one of thetopics in your book and it's about income disparity. One of the chapters is about incomedisparity. Now the opposite would be should there the a salary cap, which would mean thatbasically you could only earn so much, like let's say you can only earn five million dollars, tenmillion dollars. Nobody could earn more than that. What do you think about that concept?


  Greg: I personally agree with a salary cap. I'm not sure how much it should be, but definitelythe discrepancy in wages is way to great. There's too many people who have to ... a husbandand a wife work hard forty hours or more, both of them. They're barely, barely getting by, andthen you got all these other people who are just buying Rolls-Royce cars and Mercedes, andcountry clubs and it's just not fair.


  Todd: But, well, for one, though I mean, Mercedes and Rolls-Royce and those are products thatprovide jobs, so I would argue with that. Actually, as you can probably tell, I'm against theidea mainly because, you know, I think that hurts innovation. You know, you look at peoplelike the CEO of a very powerful internet company or software company, and you know, takegoogle for example, I'm sure that they make more than ten million, but they're service is usedso much around the world, that they should get that money, and if people couldn't ... hang on... if people couldn't get ... couldn't earn that salary then maybe they wouldn't have the samemotivation and drive to be successful and that people would lose out as a result.


  Greg: I think that there's not proof to say that these people are making these products becausethey're making such tremendous amounts of money. What came first: the product and thenthey got the money in most cases. There's ... these people could be ... society can have allsorts of wonderful products and still have a fair income system, and I have nothing againstpeople becoming rich or making a good salary, a very good salary, but not such an incrediblegap. You have executives of some major international corporations that are making more moneythan millions of people in the world make combined. The opposite side of not having a cap isthat you have people who are making too little, and those people are also working hard. Thosepeople deserve validation. Those people deserve a good life standard which millions of peopleacross the world are not having.


  Todd: Well, I think ... well, I agree with you about that. I agree with you about that. Thatthere's people who work hard and that they're under compensated, but ... and they're a lot ofpeople that get grossly overpaid but I think that's just a problem of management and that insome cases so people do deserve millions and millions, perhaps billions of dollars if they havereally contributed to the product or the outcome. So, basically we're gonna disagree on thisone.


  Greg: Yeah.






