
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 英語情景對話 > 適合兩人的英語對話短文


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  Marty:: Are you all ready for Christmas?

  Jack: Are you kidding? I haven't even started. I've done zero shopping.

  Marty: Well, you'd better getting going, Christmas is only a week away..

  Jack: I have to tell you that I'm one of those people who really gets stressed out by the Christmas rush.

  Marty: Oh, I'm not. I love the holidays. I love the crowds, the shopping, the lights, the music, the food, the parties, all the presents..

  Jack: That's just the beginning. My wife always spends too much money on Christmas. The average Christmas expense for U.S. families is about 0. But somehow we always spend about twice that much. It takes me till April to pay off all our Christmas bills.

  Marty: Now now, let's not be an Ebeneezer Scrooge (吝嗇鬼)about it, Jack. Think about your kids. Didn't you use to love Christmas when you were a kid?

  Jack: I guess so. I don't remember.

  Marty: I know you did. You've actually forgotten your childhood memories. You were the most excited kid in the whole class. I remember . you know Jack, maybe Christmas is for kids, but you can still enjoy it through the eyes of your children.

  Jack: Well, kids enjoy it because they don't have to do all the shopping and pay all the bills.

  Marty: Maybe that's true. But you now as well as I do, that Christmas is more than tinsel and trees. Christmas is about what's in your heart and how you can make others happy.

  Jack: You're right, Marty. You're absolutely right. I'm going to try harder to be nice people and to try to keep the true spirit of Christmas in my heart..

  Marty: I'm glad to hear that Jack. By the way, do you have your tree up?

  Jack: Oh, I hate all the needles that get all over your living room floor. I mean, we're going to get a tree today.

  Marty: Have you taken your kids to go see Santa Claus yet?

  Jack: If I see anther Santa Claus, I'm gonna scream.

  Marty: You're hopeless, Jack


  Mike:: Let's go get something to eat.

  Emi: Oh, I'm starving. hey, there's a McDonald's up ahead.

  Mike: There's always a McDonalds up ahead. Everywhere you turn there's another blasted McDonald's.

  Emi: What's wrong with that? Hey, they're convenient.

  Mike: They're too convenient! Anything would be convenient if it could be found on every street corner. I'm just plain sick of seeing the "Golden Arches" everywhere I turn.

  Emi: I like McDonald's

  Mike: I'm sick of McDonald's. Did you know that there's over 8,000 restaurants in the U.S. alone and over 11,000 franchises (專賣店)worldwide? By the year 2020, everyone will eat at McDonald's everyday!

  Emi: They're definitely everywhere. But they must be doing something right; they've sold over 100 billion burgers. They're even in Japan. Did you know they even put special Japanese sauces on some of their burgers in Japan?

  Mike: They do not.

  Emi: Yes. they do. I promise.

  Mike: Whatever. I just don't think their food isn't all that great.

  Emi: But at least their product is consistent; you know exactly what you're going to get every time you go there.

  Mike: Did you know that their mascot, (吉祥物)Ronald McDonald is now recognized by 96 percent of all American schoolchildren? They are the largest minimum-wage employer in America and own more real estate than any other company on earth.

  Emi: I heard that a person working at a McDonald's in Moscow makes more than the average Russian doctor does.

  Mike: That's disgusting! But I do believe in capitalism, so I guess that's okay. The average McDonald's franchise rakes in (撈錢,斂財)over $ 1 million dollars a year. They say that one in every seven American millionaires got their start at McDonald's..

  Emi: All this food trivia is making me hungry. Let's hurry and find a fast food place.

  Mike: Okay. What do you feel like eating?

  Emi: I've got this intense craving for a Big Mac.

  Mike: I just lose my appetite.


  Smith Sensei:: In today's English class, we'll be talking about the average American. to begin with, the average U.S. citizen is a married woman age 32. That's because about 51.2% of the population are women and 32 is the median age.

  Yamada: Interesting. and how many children does the "average" woman have?

  Smith Sensei: She has 2.1 children.

  Yamada: How do you get the "point one"?

  Smith Sensei: Very funny.

  Yamada: Just kidding. So how tall is the average woman?

  Smith Sensei: She is 5 feet 4 inches. I don't know what that is in centimeters.

  Yamada: That's okay. I can figure it out. So what else can you tell me about the average American "woman"?

  Smith Sensei: She is slightly overweight, about 143 pounds and dieting. Her dress size is size 10 or 12.

  Yamada: Wow! That sure isn't the median size in Japan. Japanese women are much smaller!

  Smith Sensei: Yes, but as japan adopts the American lifestyle, dress sizes will begin to increase in Japan as well.

  Yamada: How true. So, keep going. Tell us more . How about religion?

  Smith Sensei: She doesn't go to church on Sunday, but she believes in God.

  Yamada: How about money?

  Smith Sensei: She makes less than ,000 a year from her white collar job. She lives in the state where she was born and spends a third of her income on housing.

  Yamada: Does she ever move?

  Smith Sensei: Yes, as a matter of fact. She'll move an average of 11 times in her life. But nearly all her moves will be within her home state.

  Yamada: Tell us some personal information

  Smith Sensei: She wear contacts (隱形眼鏡)or glasses, makes 6 phone calls a day and ahs a TV, VCR (video cassette recorder) , stereo, or radio on 11 hours a day.

  Yamada: How about crime?

  Smith Sensei: You mean will she be arrested?

  Yamada: No. How is she affected by crime?

  Smith Sensei: She'll be a victim of crime an average of 3 times in her life.

  Yamada: How about love and marriage?

  Smith Sensei: She has a 50% chance of divorce.

  Yamada: That's not very encouraging. So what's the single most important fact that you can tell us about the average American woman?

  Smith Sensei: Well, she has 10 credit cards.

  Yamada: I should have known. Hey, do you know any American woman who's interested in meeting a handsome Japanese man?

  Smith Sensei: This isn't a dating service.(我不負責安排男女約會)





