
學習啦 > 學習英語 > 生活英語 > 旅游英語 > 旅游日常英語口語大全


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  旅游英語是為培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)旅游從業(yè)人員和管理人員的必修課程,而旅游活動是一種跨文化交際的文化交流過程,作為直接溝通這種跨文化交際的有效媒介,旅游英語教學對推動文化傳播、消除文化差異、避免文化沖擊起著重要的作用。 學習啦小編整理了旅游日常英語口語,歡迎閱讀!



  1. Tipping is not necessary in a snack bar.


  2. I ordered fried chicken and salad for you.


  3. McDonald's hamburger is one of my favorite fast-food.


  4. McDonald group is the magnate of global fast-food industry.


  5. It takes only twenty minutes or so to eat a meal at a snack bar.


  6. The cheapest place is the fast-food restaurant like McDonald's or KFC.


  7. McDonald is heating up competition with the Starbucks Coffee Company.


  8. In fast food restaurants, you order your food and take it to a table by yourself.


  9. In fast food restaurants, the food is usually ready before the customer orders it.


  10. Fast food restaurants are popular in the United States for quick, inexpensive meals orsnacks.



  Chinese Food

  1. Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles. 中餐經(jīng)常有米飯或面條。

  2. People often identify chopsticks with Chinese food. 人們總是將筷子和中餐視為一體。

  3. I like Chinese food a lot, especially Chinese dumplings. 我喜歡中國菜,尤其是中國水餃。

  4. The Chinese diet is considered to be the healthiest food in the world. 中國飲食被認為是世界上最為健康的食物。

  5. Generally speaking, I like Chinese food, especially sweet and sour stuff. 總的來說,我喜歡中國食物,特別是糖醋的東西。

  6. Bean curd dishes occupy an important and special status in Sichuan cuisine. 豆腐菜在川菜中占有一個重要而特別的地位。

  7. The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes—sour, hot, bitter, sweet and salty. 中國菜以五味為主,即酸、辣、苦、甜、咸。

  8. The Chinese cuisine is perfect fusion of color, shape, apperance and flavor. 中國菜系完全將顏色、形狀、外觀和味道融合為一體。

  9. Sichuan cuisine characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, emphasizes on the use of chili.川菜的特點是麻辣風味,善用辣椒。

  10. Shandong cuisine, clear, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. 魯菜清單,不油膩,以其香、鮮、酥、軟而聞名。


  1. How would you like your egg, sir? 雞蛋要怎樣煎呢,先生?

  2. Bread and butter is a daily food in the west. 面包和黃油是西方人的日常食品。

  3. The steak was so tough that I couldn't eat it. 牛排太老了,我咬不動。

  4. Do you like your steak well-done or underdone? 您喜歡牛排煮的老一點兒還是嫩一點?

  5. Do you want boiled potato or chip with your steak? 您的牛排想要配煮土豆還是炸土豆條?

  6. Fried shrimps and roast beef are the specialties of the house. 炸蝦和烤牛肉是本店的特色菜。

  7. I'd like two chicken combos and an order of fried chicken wings. 我要兩個雞腿漢堡套餐,外加一份炸雞翅。

  8. If lettuce is served with the salad, one may eat or not, as one prefers. 如果色拉下面墊著萵苣,萵苣作為配菜可隨個人喜歡選擇吃或不吃。

  9. I'd like to have fried eggs, sunny-side up, grapefruit juice and a black coffee. 我要單面的煎蛋、西柚汁和一杯清咖啡。

  10. We have Italian soup of different flavors: onion, beef, mutton, tomato and so on. Which one do you want? 我們有不同風味的意大利湯:洋蔥味的、牛肉味的、羊肉味的,西紅柿味的等等。您要哪一種?


  Taking Orders點菜

  1. Can I take your order now? 現(xiàn)在可以請您點菜了嗎?

  2. Do you have vegetarian dishes? 餐廳是否供應素食餐?

  3. How do you like the steak cooked? 你想要幾分熟的牛排?

  4. Do you have any recommendations? 你有推薦嗎?

  5. What is the specialty of the restaurant? 你們店的招牌菜是什么?

  6. Would you like an aperitif before you order? 點餐之前您想來杯開胃酒嗎?

  7. I have to avoid food containing fat / salt / sugar. 我必須避免含脂肪 / 鹽份 /糖份的食物。

  8. Would you rather have sweet wine or dry wine? 您想要甜葡萄酒還是干白葡萄酒?

  9. I’d like a ham sandwich and two cups of coffee. 我要一個火腿三明治,還有兩杯咖啡。

  10. Well done / medium well / medium rare / rare, please. 全熟 / 七分熟 / 五分熟 / 四分熟 / 三分熟。





