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  Iron Man英 [ˈaiən mæn]美 [ˈaɪən mæn]


  1. Student C: He is really the iron man of the sea!

  學生丙: 真是個海上“鐵人”!

  2. The Hollywood premiere of Iron Man last year was a glittering affair.

  《鋼鐵俠IronMan)去年在好萊塢(Hollywood) 的首映式是一場耀眼的盛會.

  3. There is no turning back. That much, Iron Man knows.

  自己面前的是一條不歸路. 這點, 鐵人心里很清楚.

  4. Rocket into the action as Iron Man in the official movie game.


  5. That much, Iron Man knows.

  這點, 鐵人心里很清楚.

  6. The centrepiece of the modern city of Daqing is the Iron Man museum.


  7. I would almost blasphemous by saying it's better than Iron Man but I don't know.


  8. Run a school with the Daqing spirit, educate people with the iron - man spirit.

  20用大慶精神辦學, 用鐵人精神育人.

  9. He was a tall, lanky man with iron-grey hair.


  10. As rust is to iron, so is laziness to man.


  11. Perhaps I could employ someone to iron his shirts, but I wanted to spoil him. He was my man.


  12. One man stayed at the wheel while two others with black stockings over their faces jumped out and smashed the window of the shop with iron bars.


  13. He is a man of iron self - control.


  14. Tom is a man of iron.


  15. The strong man curved the iron bar.



  The suits have taken over the franchise. Not the corporate suits, though 'Iron Man 3' is soincoherent that it might have been written by a particularly quarrelsome committee, but therobotic suits. The movie is obsessed by them. Tony Stark, the supersmart industrialist playedonce again by Robert Downey Jr., has his Mark 42 suit, which comes when he calls it, piece bypiece, anywhere in the world. Tony's friend Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes (Don Cheadle) has hisIron Patriot suit, which is a War Machine suit with upgrades and fresh paint. There's a point tothis sartorial tech. Tony himself is obsessed by the suits, so he keeps building new ones. Theygive him a sense of security, and promise relief from the anxiety attacks he has been havingsince his near-disaster at the end of 'The Avengers' last year. But the third iteration of afranchise that began so well becomes a hollow hymn to martial gadgetry. The suits and storyclank in unison.

  在《鋼鐵俠3》(Iron Man 3)中,戰(zhàn)甲成為了影片的主角。盡管這部看起來極不連貫的影片可能就是由一個特別愛爭執(zhí)的編劇委員會編的,但我們在這里所說的不是辦公室著裝,而是機械戰(zhàn)衣,它們充斥著整部影片。這一次,仍由小羅伯特•唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)飾演的男主角──才智過人的實業(yè)家托尼•斯塔克(TonyStark)配備了馬克42代(Mark 42)戰(zhàn)衣,無論他在世界何處,只要他有需要,它都會一件件出現(xiàn)。托尼的朋友“羅德上校”(Col. James "Rhodey" Rhodes)也有自己的“鋼鐵愛國者”(Iron Patriot)戰(zhàn)甲,它是一套更新?lián)Q代并且新刷了涂料的“戰(zhàn)爭機器”(War Machine)戰(zhàn)衣。這一制衣技術有其合理之處,托尼本人因戰(zhàn)甲感到困擾,因此不停地打造新戰(zhàn)甲。它們給他帶來安全感,也給他帶來能從焦慮中解脫出來的希望,自從去年在《復仇者聯(lián)盟》(The Avengers)結局處遭遇到那個險些成為災難的事件以來,他就一直受此折磨。作為一部開局很棒的影片的第三部續(xù)集,《鋼鐵俠3》成為了夸贊戰(zhàn)斗裝備的空洞贊歌。戰(zhàn)甲與故事情節(jié)同時發(fā)生了碰撞。

  That's not to deny the distinctions of this huge production, which was directed by Shane Black.The computer animation is often astonishing, even if the 3-D is indifferent and explosionsare explosions, no matter what's being exploded. (Tony's cliff-clinging house in Malibu isreduced to rubble after he gives out his street address on national television.)

  這并不是要否認這部由沙恩•布萊克(Shane Black)執(zhí)導的巨制的特別之處。電腦特效大多令人震撼,盡管3-D效果一般,反正無論是什么發(fā)生爆炸,爆炸場面都不過如此。(在國家電視臺上公布自己的街道地址之后,托尼建在加州馬里布懸崖之上的住宅淪為了廢墟。)

  The film's greatest distinction is the spin it puts on its villainy, which involves not only GuyPearce as the malevolent entrepreneur Aldrich Killian, but Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin, anarch-villain unlike any other. To explain why he's unlike any other would spoil one of the fewgood surprises in the script, which was written by Drew Pearce and the director. Let's just saythat Mr. Kingsley, or Sir Ben, if you will, makes The Mandarin both frightening and terrificallyfunny─Tony refers to the character as Sir Laurence Oblivion─and that the surprise is bothenjoyable and oddly damaging to a dramatic structure that doesn't need additionalhollowness.

  該影片最大的特色是扭轉了一眾反派角色的形象,其中不僅包括蓋•皮爾斯(Guy Pearce)飾演的邪惡企業(yè)家奧德里奇•基利安(Aldrich Killian),還有本•金斯利(Ben Kingsley)飾演的一個與眾不同的大奸角──“滿大人”(The Mandarin)。這里還是不解釋為什么“滿大人”不同于其他反派了,因為此舉會毀掉這個由德魯•皮爾斯(Drew Pearce)和導演共同撰寫的劇本中為數(shù)不多的幾個精彩意外情節(jié)之一。這么說吧,金斯利(假如你愿意,也可稱他為‘本爵士’)將“滿大人”(托尼把這個角色稱為Sir Laurence Oblivion)演得既讓人畏懼,又非常搞笑。此外,關于“滿大人”的那個意外讓人欣喜,但它也進一步破壞了一個本就顯得空洞的戲劇結構。

  In the first 'Iron Man,' Mr. Downey was the only funnyman. He was funny in a way thatsuperheroes had never been─hip, droll, sardonic and self-ironic─and his quick wit meshedbeautifully with the movie's sophisticated style and elegant action. This time he settles fornervous and flip. He gets his laughs, but Tony's self-irony has been replaced by the star'sself-comment, and it doesn't help that the writing often depends on glib banter, the mostconspicuous example of which is an extended set piece in small-town Tennessee. Findinghimself there in extremis, Tony collaborates with a precocious little kid named Harley─he'splayed by Ty Simpkins─to produce a jury-rigged piece of equipment like the one E.T. used tocall home. (When a massive explosion takes down the town's water tower, you watch withinterest though without feeling, since all of the previous massive explosions have functionedlike Novocain, leaving you prenumbed.)

  在《鋼鐵俠》第一部中,唐尼飾演的角色是劇中唯一風趣的人物。他的風趣與其他超級英雄不同,他玩世不恭、詼諧、愛嘲諷而且也自嘲,他的機智與影片老練的風格和精密的情節(jié)完美契合。這一次,他卻只是焦慮和輕率。他也引發(fā)了觀眾的笑聲,但他的自嘲被他的自我評論取代,而劇本常常借助油嘴滑舌的戲謔也無濟于事,其最明顯的例子是發(fā)生在田納西小鎮(zhèn)的一個很長的場景。托尼在那兒發(fā)現(xiàn)自己身陷絕境,于是和一個名叫哈利(Harley,由泰•辛普金斯(Ty Simpkins)飾演)的早慧的小男孩合作,臨時裝配了一件過去常被外星人稱作大本營的裝置。(在一次大規(guī)模爆炸摧毀那個小鎮(zhèn)的水塔時,你會饒有興趣但毫無感覺地看著,因為這之前的種種爆炸場面已產生了如奴佛卡因(Novocain)一般的效果,事先讓你麻木了。)

  Extremis is also the name of a bioenhancement process that turns some of the movie's humansinto turbocharged heavies who glow with evil energy and look like zombies. There's no lack ofenergy throughout, even if much of it, like the acting, feels forced. (Gwyneth Paltrow, who isback as Pepper Potts, has lost her cool but gained her own robotics, and her own actionsequence, which ends with casually absurd illogic. Rebecca Hall, a superb actress in normalcircumstances, seems uncomfortable as Dr. Maya Hansen, who's responsible for theinvention of Extremis, and for its fateful flaw.) 'Iron Man 3' is an industrial enterprisefabricated for kids, and they will eat it up just as eagerly as the Iron Giant scarfed scrap metal.If you're not a kid, though, or if you want to keep your memories of the first 'Iron Man'unsullied, beware of the buzz and hubbub, and the glowing reviews. You know the story of theemperor's new suit.

  片中一個生物強化方法也被稱為“extremis”(終極改造),它將一些人類轉變?yōu)槌錆M邪惡力量的大塊頭,他們力量大增,看上去像僵尸一樣。整部影片不乏活力,即使其中很大一部分和片中表演一樣讓人覺得牽強。格溫妮絲•帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)飾演的“小辣椒”(Pepper Potts)回歸,這次她不再冷靜,有了自己的機械戰(zhàn)衣和故事,不過劇情最后草草地以荒謬的邏輯收尾。麗貝卡•霍爾(Rebecca Hall)平時是一個演技一流的演員,但這次在飾演參與發(fā)明Extremis及一手造成其致命缺陷的瑪雅•漢森博士(Dr. Maya Hansen)時似乎并不自如??傊?,《鋼鐵俠3》是一部為兒童制作的影片,他們會與包裹著“鐵巨人”(Iron Giant)的那些鐵片一樣熱切地完全接受它。倘若你不是兒童,或者如果你想保留對第一部《鋼鐵俠》的完美印象,要小心那些炒作喧嘩,以及給予盛贊的劇評。你們都知道皇帝的新裝這個故事的。





