Power of Personality 性格的力量
Abidemi: So Rory, in the last conversation we were talking about changing your personality and you never said what you thought of that.
Rory: Well, I think, I think when you learn a language often your personality does change. I notice with my students that they often seem quite different when they speak English to when they speak Japanese. I'm not sure if that's a language thing or a cultural thing. But I mean you speak more than one language.
Abidemi: Yes, I do.
Rory: Do you think your personality is different in each language?
Abidemi: That's a really good question. Just thinking of it right now, I think maybe for me it's more a question of the culture because I think when I am in an environment where I'm expected to be more extroverted, I tend to try to live up to that.
Rory: Right.
Abidemi: I tend to try to be more cheerful, more open, more friendly or friendlier, I should say. But when I'm somewhere where I know that it's expected of me to be quieter, I do tend to become more quiet.
Rory: Right.
Abidemi: So I don't know. That's a really good question.
Rory: And do you think there might be something in languages which make them like a more extroverted language or a more introverted language? Like I think about Italians – maybe it's a stereotype of Italians, but they seem to be very extroverted and the language seems to help them in that extroversion.
Abidemi: That's true. That's very true. That's a good question because I'm just trying to think of culture and languages in general, and there's that debate of how cultures and languages are intertwined. Is it the culture that came first or is it the language that made the culture the way it is. So I don't know. I really don't know. But I would love to read more research and find out.
Rory: Yeah. I mean, I noticed since I moved to Asia, to countries like Japan and Korea, the people do seem more introverted and the language also seems more introverted. So I wonder if the language or like you say, I wonder which came first, the language or the culture?
Abidemi: And I think to add on to that, when I think of Asian students that I've noticed speaking English, which to some people is a more extroverted language, they always seem more confident.
Rory: Yeah.
Abidemi: They seem friendlier. They seem more open to talking about themselves, their family life. But when you talk to them in their native language, it seems like they revert back to their cultural norms which would probably be less...
Rory: Right, yes.
Abidemi: Yeah, so maybe there is something there.
Rory: Yeah. And I guess the culture over here in Asian countries is people are less likely to share information. There's less – I mean, in the West especially recently, there's quite a pressure on you to be more open.
Abidemi: That's true.
Rory: Whereas maybe in Korea, Japan and China, people are more closed and just have different boundaries.
Abidemi: I'm just trying to think of African countries, like being a Nigerian myself, we've had the issue of colonization and where the Western British culture is valorized. So coming from that aspect, I wonder before how we were. Were we more introverted? Because in a lot of ways we're very similar to Asian cultures and Asian values. We have a lot of that as well. But now it's true that being able to speak English and express yourself in a more Western way is a lot. It weighs a lot. It means a lot, so people really enjoy that. People really take their value from that.
Rory: Right.
Abidemi: So yeah, I think it's a really interesting topic.
Rory: Because I mean people often see England or British people as a bit introverted and a bit quiet, a bit cold and yet we share the same language as America. And people tend to think that people from North America are quite brash and extroverted.
Abidemi: That's true.
Rory: So like I said it's more cultural than language-based.
Abidemi: Yeah, maybe. Maybe we've come to a solution then.
Rory: Okay.
Abidemi: We've found it. It is the culture more than the language then. Okay.
Shower Schedule 淋浴時(shí)間表
Todd: So Meg, I have an interesting question for you.
Meg: Okay.
Todd: So the other day I was talking with a friend and she asked me about, you know, showers like how many showers do I take a day. And I think I had mentioned I take three showers a day, that's why that came up. And she thought that was absurd that nobody should take three showers a day.
Meg: Yeah. It seems a little crazy to me.
Todd: That's odd. Like, you know, I thought that was kind of the norm actually these days.
Meg: Really?
Todd: Yeah, because you take a shower when you wake up. Then most people go to the gym. You take a shower when you're done at the gym, which is usually mid-afternoon or early evening. And then I usually take a shower before I go to bed.
Meg: I don't think I have ever known anyone who's taken three showers a day.
Todd: Really?
Meg: Do people that you know take three showers a day?
Todd: I think I just assumed that all of my friends kind of did the same thing because they are guys and they also play sports. So they also take a shower – so yeah, when they wake up, before they go to bed and after they work out.
Meg: Yeah. Well, I guess sports or working out definitely makes a difference. I might totally frighten you with the showers that I take because I do not shower three times a day. Typically, I shower once every two days.
Todd: Really?
Meg: Yeah, because especially with my skin, it gets pretty dried out if I'm showering so often with the soap and the water and everything. So I have to be careful with that. But if I'd played sports or something where I got sweaty, I'm definitely taking a shower after that, an extra shower. But yeah, I've never taken three showers in one day I don't think.
Todd: Well so you – even when it's hot in summer, you just do it once every two days?
Meg: If I get sweaty, then maybe more than that. But I don't sweat very easily, so I usually don't have to worry about it.
Todd: Oh wow. No I think it must be what your skin gets conditioned to because one of the reasons why I always take a shower is not that I feel dirty. It's like I feel like my skin gets itchy unless I take a shower.
Meg: Yeah. Yeah. And it might be because – well and I think there's a difference too with where I lived in America and living here in Japan like the humidity is different. And so my skin gets more dry here actually. It has the opposite effect. So I had to be more careful here maybe than I did in America.
Todd: Yeah, that's true. So what about – so washing your hair, you wash your hair every two days?
Meg: Yes. I wash my hair every two days, use conditioner maybe once a week. My hair would also get super dried out. I don't know if you can see it, but it's a little frizzy right now.
Todd: Yeah.
Meg: So that's how naturally is my hair type, too. So maybe your hair type handles well getting showered, washed three times a day?
Todd: Yeah. I mean, well for one, I wash my hair usually twice a day, sometimes just once. But always after I work out, I have to wash my hair. But one thing I never, ever do is use conditioner. And I don't understand why people use conditioner on their hair.
Meg: Well, short hair maybe you don't have to worry about it as much.
Todd: Okay.
Meg: But with longer hair, and especially earlier this year, I had hair quite a bit longer than this even and the ends get dried out very easily. And they don't replace like the hair oils because it's coming from the roots. And so you have to add some extra moisture into the hair if you want it to stay looking decent. So yeah, probably more important to condition long hair than short hair.
Todd: Okay. Yeah, because I've never understood why people use conditioner because when I use it, it just makes my hair seem waxy.
Meg: Maybe you're using too much conditioner or not washing it all out.
Todd: Maybe. I don't know. I have to learn how to wash my hair. Okay, cool.
Meg: Yeah.
Brush and Shave 刷牙和剃須
Todd: Okay. So Meg, this week we're talking about just grooming habits and stuff. So let's go now to like out teeth. Now, the dentist says you should floss every day. Do you floss every day?
Meg: Now, I do actually. I'm pretty consistent with it because a couple years back I had some cavity issues that I didn't want to go through again. And I wasn't good about flossing before that but the dentist said that if I flossed and used mouthwash regularly, probably it could be avoided. And so ever since then, really every day, I do it.
Todd: Well that's good.
Meg: Yeah. What about you?
Todd: Well the dentist always says you should floss more. I'm pretty good about every other day. And then every now and then I'll get it on a binge, like, "Oh I'm going to floss every meal like I'm supposed to," but I'm pretty good. I brush my teeth twice a day. I know some people at work, I see them brushing after lunch. Are you one of those people that brushes their teeth three times a day?
Meg: No, I do twice a day also. Do you do morning and night?
Todd: Yeah. And actually, my dentist told me don't do it three times a day because if you do it too much, it could do damage to your gums. Plus, he said I was brushing my teeth too hard. So I was pushing my gums back.
Meg: Yeah. I actually had the exact same experience. Earlier this year, I went to the dentist because I felt like I maybe had some cavities because I had sensitivity in my teeth, and I was also brushing too hard because I was working, so I really want them to be so clean. And so my gums also were receding a little bit.
Todd: Yeah, and so painful when it happens. You realize you have to reverse it, you know.
Meg: Yeah.
Todd: So what about the tongue scraper? Do you do little tongue scraper thing?
Meg: I don't have like a tongue scraper. I just kind of use my toothbrush and just brush it a little bit I guess. Do you use a tongue scraper?
Todd: I have one. I use it sometimes.
Meg: Well how does it work? What does it do?
Todd: It's just you're raking leaves. You just put it in your mouth and you just scrape your tongue. And you do get some stuff that comes off of it and you're like, "Oh wow." But yeah.
Meg: That sounds kind of gross actually.
Todd: It is a little bit gross, yeah.
Meg: But good for your mouth.
Todd: Yes, definitely good. Definitely good. So then the other thing I guess we can talk about is a shaving now. So I'm the guy, so I have the facial hair.
Meg: Right.
Todd: But I'm pretty lucky. I only have to shave maybe twice a week.
Meg: Oh really?
Todd: I can get away with it, yeah.
Meg: Yeah.
Todd: Yeah. I don't have the full on manly beard thing that comes out, so.
Meg: Yeah, yeah. Some people have to shave like twice a day, so that seems like it would be inconvenient.
Todd: Yeah. So do you – I guess because you're a woman, do you have to do the legs thing?
Meg: Yes, yes. I do shave my legs pretty much every time I take a shower.
Todd: Really?
Meg: Yeah.
Todd: How annoying?
Meg: Yeah. Well yeah, it is annoying. I actually really don't like it. I wish I didn't have to do it. And I mean, I guess I could choose to stop, but I'd rather do it. So yeah.
Todd: Wow.
Meg: Usually every time I take a shower because then if you're wearing a skirt or shorts, it's visible. So yeah, I'm just trying to be careful.
Todd: Wow. Honestly from a guy's perspective, when I look and I think about women shaving basically their calves below their knees, it looks like it'd be very easy to cut yourself because your legs are kind of hard, do you know what I mean?
Meg: Yeah. Yeah. I think for the calves, it's not so bad because it's kind of a straight – it's more smooth, but the knee part, you have to be careful.
Todd: Right, yeah.
Meg: Because it's like a shape, and the ankles and feet.
Todd: Yeah. That's like for guys our problem is right under the chin and then the Adam's apple. The Adam's apple is brutal because you kind of have to go around it, so it's very easy to cut yourself.
Meg: Yeah. Do you use an electric razor?
Todd: No, I should. I'm very environmentally unfriendly. I use those plastic razors because they're just so easy.
Meg: Yeah.
Todd: And actually, I kind of get away with it because of the gym I go to. They offer it. They have free razors in the men's room. So I just do it there, save a few bucks.
Meg: Yeah, might as well.
Todd: Yeah, interesting. Well anyway, I guess we're somewhat healthy.
Meg: Yeah. We're clean at least.
Todd: Exactly.